
Chapter 244

"You said we were not going to the palace," Rose said, puzzled as to why they were arriving at the palace.

"We are not. This is my home, Rose. How could this be the palace?"

Rose waited for Zayne to laugh. The palace back at home was larger than what she saw now but still, the home before her was too large for one person so she could only assume that it was the palace.

Rose gave it another look but still couldn't find what one person needed with such a large home. Was it because he was still a prince? Was it that he needed to continue to live as he once did?

"I told you before that sometimes my soldiers come here to do training. I was granted the land that you are on now and that behind the estate. It belonged to my grandfather as his escape from the palace and when I declared I was leaving the palace, it was given to me. Something my brother didn't like," Zayne explained.