
Chapter 109

Mary sat outside the room waiting for Rose to exit and explain what happened. She had never witnessed any of the women she travelled with being this way so it scared her. She was then concerned about Rose not coming out of the room for over three hours now.

Mary contemplated knocking on the door again to see if Rose would answer. Was Rose well or was she still shaken up? She would need to eat right now but what if she had fallen asleep and the knock disturbed her?

"This isn't what I signed up for," Mary sighed. She was not the best person when it came to comforting anyone. There was always the worry of saying the wrong thing and making the situation worse. "She needs to eat." 

Mary stood up to knock on the door. Just as she was about to, she heard Finn's voice.

"What are you doing? Why is she not at your side?" Finn asked, looking around for the little woman. 

Zayne wasn't far behind Finn so Rose had to come out now.