
Chapter 100

"Get unpacked and prepare for dinner!" Zayne yelled to his soldiers. He offered his hands to Rose to help her get down from the horse so she wouldn't make the same mistake of almost falling again. 

Rose jumped down to Zayne to be caught by him. Falling before a large crowd only needed to happen once. 

Rose surveyed the large house which would be home to the soldiers for the time they were here. It was far larger than the house they used before the one that Zayne had to himself. "This must be what they call a mansion."

Rose wondered now what counted as an estate or manor since the homes that she saw now were already quite large. She could hardly wait to see the palace even though it would be from afar.

"Rose, come for your bags," she heard Zayne.

Rose had been so lost in thought that she had not noticed Zayne pass his horse over to someone and went to start unpacking. "Excuse me," she said, going around a man she almost bumped into.