
The Forgotten Immortal

In the beginning, the world was a place of immense joy and happiness. The people lived in harmony, and the gods bestowed the gifts of magic and knowledge upon them. With these blessings, the world thrived, and its inhabitants flourished. However, this state of bliss was not destined to last forever. One fateful day, demons from the depths of darkness invaded the world. Chaos and pain spread like wildfire, engulfing the once peaceful lands. The gods, witnessing the suffering of their people, made a decision that would change everything – they abandoned their creation, disappearing without a trace. With the departure of the gods, magic began to fade from existence. Once mighty sorcerers found themselves unable to wield their powers, and the world was left with only remnants of what once was. However, knowledge remained as a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. After 1,000 years, something happened. A forgotten Immortal rises from its grave. Will she bring chaos or become the hope that people yearned for?

Archemilya · 奇幻言情
24 Chs

He's Not That Bad

She was trying to swallow as Echeron gripped her neck. 

"Let me go. I'm not something that can be owned!!!" Iris shouted while struggling to break free from his grip 

Echeron chuckled at her for a while and released her from his grip. 



"Welcome, Miss Iris," Echeron said in a calm voice. 

Iris looked up and stared into Echeron's eyes. She saw him looking back at her, and under his gaze, she couldn't help but look down. 

"I apologize on behalf of my servant for what they did to you this morning", he stated as he snicked on her appearance. 

Iris was confused about why he was laughing at her, which worried her. She wanted to ask what was wrong with her looks, but she was nervous that she might say something nonsense. 

Echeron saw she was somewhat worried, so she waved his hand, signaling the attendants on his side; they immediately brought her a mirror. 

Iris was hesitant, but she accepted the mirror. Iris looked at herself, and then she saw her face looking like a clown, a very thick pink eye shadow, pink cheeks and pink lipstick. She was so embarrassed she fell down on her knees. 

"why didn't you tell me?" Iris asked while covering her face 

"I did just now" " Echeron said, grinning. "Nevermind that, I have a proposal for you", he continued as he walked down his throne and came closer to Iris 

He looks into iris eyes, those deep ruby eyes staring into her rainbow eyes, making her forget all the embarrassment she felt. 

Echeron touches her face with his fingers down to her chin and tilts it up so he can see more of her face. 

"those eyes are amazing", Echeron told her, astonishing her eyes, but Iris slapped his hands away from his chin.


  "fisty one, I like that", he said as he turned his back to her. "That proposal I want you to pretend to my lover this upcoming ball", Echeron commanded Iris. 

"and why would I?" Iris asked; she could not believe what she had just heard 

Echeron came closer to her and whispered into her ears, "Because I own you." 

Iris was stunned by what Echeron told her; that made her speechless. She never wanted to be in this mess. All she wanted was to be free. 

With small courage, she tried to make up some words "w-what if I don't want to?" 

Echeron's eyes darkened like a grim reaper. "you have no choice," he said, grabbing her neck and choking her to death. 


"Let me go, I'm not something that can be owned!!!" Iris shouted while struggling to break free from his grip.

Echeron chuckled at her for a while and released her from his grip. He stands up, walks towards his throne, and sits down, crossing his legs. 

"on the contrary, I saved your life," he said 

Iris glared at him, but he just sneered. "I know what you're thinking", Echeron added, "but you think you would have survived if you stayed in with the bandits." 


"He saved me; he is not a bad person", Iris's voice trailed off. Echeron could tell from her tone that she wasn't sure what she was saying. 

Echeron laughed. "Did you think That bandit will spare you just because they are nice to you?" he asked. 

Iris hesitated to retort; he knew that somehow he was right. She doesn't know anything about the land and never met people from the outside. 

But Iris still wondered why she had to pretend to be his lover. 'it's suspicions, ' she thought. Iris wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. 

"y-you just as suspicious as him, that bandit, given how you are treating me now." 


Echeron crossed his arms from his chest, looking at her. "Okay. You have a fair point," he said, "but what will you do if I let you go? Without knowing anything?" Echeron added 


"umm," that's all she can say. Iris knows nothing about the outside world. Without relying on somebody, she might stay in the forest again. 

"that right", Echeron said like he had just read her mind 

Iris stood up and looked at him, trying to be brave. "I have a condition," she said, 

"that's more I like it." he grinned like a devil. "come, let us have some tea." 


Echeron stands up from his throne, walking towards the door. He faced Iris and tilted his head like he was saying to follow him. Without hesitation, she follows Echeron. 

The walk feels like forever; that's what Iris feels right now. No one has spoken since they got out of the throne room. Until they arrived in front of the door. As it opened, a dun light stuck into her eyes. 

Iris covered her eyes with his hands to control the sunlight. She slowly removed her hands and saw a beautiful flower garden. Full of different flowers, she looked around and around, smelling each of the flowers she encountered. 


Iris stopped in this one particular flower. It has some odd structure and appearance. The petals resemble a lily but differ, with some petals rising while others cascading down. The centre petals stand upright, and the tall petals stand like signal flags.


Iris touched the unusual flower and smelled it.

"You like that?" Echeron asked. Iris looked at him and nodded.


"You know that flower is also named iris?" Echeron added


Iris was surprised by what he said; this was the first time she had seen this kind of flower with the same name as hers. 


" Did you also know your name means faith and courage? Maybe that's why you survived until now with that knowledge of yours," Echeron said, grinning. 


Iris ignored Echeron, who was now sitting on a chair in the garden. She plucked a piece of that flower and sat next to Echeron.


"Looks like you are not afraid of me now" " Echeron said


Iris has yet to respond to him. She just shrugged her shoulders. 


"I know how you feel", he said. "but this is how the world works now."


Iris looked at him, but she immediately turned her head away. As soon as she saw him looking at her, Echeron burst into laughter. 


"My lord, Someone is here to meet you," the butler said to the duke.


"Who is it? That came here without an appointment," he asked angrily.


"The Second Prince, My lord."

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