
One Shouldn’t Underestimate The Enemy

"I'm sure by now they are already looking for the best lawyer they could find to bail her out," Stacy said, lifting the corners of her lip in a mocking smirk.

"Bail?" sneered Kathleen, "who will grant her bail without my approval?"

"She had better cherish the few days she has to spend in the beautiful cell at the police station because by the time she goes to jail, she would wish to be dead than spend a minute more there."

"I've spoken to my good friend the judge and he has promised that the hearing will begin in a week's time," Director Wyatt announced.

"I'm more interested in this part," beamed Cheryl.

After she returned from her trip, nothing interesting had come up and she was really getting bored. Although this could be hardly considered as a case by her standards, it was better than being idle all day.

"I think they might want to approach you to help out," Director Robin Wyatt hinted