
Language, Baby, The Kids Are Still Here

"What do you want to know?" Her husband asked.

"Every darn thing, of course. The fact that he's told you doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't know. Just step aside let me hear from my darling brother," Candace pushed her husband aside.

"Darling brother, over to you," Lauren mimicked Candace and everyone burst out laughing.

It was such a heartwarming moment for everyone. The very first they'd had in weeks.

Steffan didn't want the moment to be interrupted, it was a huge contrast between the atmosphere at Dolly's… the difference was as much as night is from day. 

When the laughter eventually subsided, he took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

"On that fateful day, I had just proposed to Lauren and we were on our way back when…"

"Lauren already told us that part," his mother, Sarah cut in impatiently, "skip to how you didn't end up dead like we were made to believe."