
The flower of yours

A girl who was fall down from the sky into a dark forest. She look around the darkness and thought how did she got here she was just now sleeping on her room then suddenly a man with an historical armor came out of no where to kill her and said that she was a witch just as she was about to be killed as other man came on an horse.

Azi_beypi · 历史言情
12 Chs

The witch

I woke up by the cold wind and when i open my eyes i was in dark forest. "How did i get here and i was suppose to be at my room how did i get here ". There were no lights only the moonlight was giving a little light to my eyes , i can hear the insects cries but then i suddenly heard foot steps coming towards me." is someone's here in this dark forest wait if they are kidnapper ".

After thinking this i run as fast as i could to not get got, as i run faster the foot steps got louder and louder. Then i reach an open field there was a river a its most be a lower course of the lake so it will be easy to cross it and get to the other side i though to myself. I look behind me and there far close to the forest darkness an man with an historical armor. As i saw this i ran and cross the lake.

Suddenly he grap my hair and pull me back to face him i couldn't see his face because of the armor and i don't want to see his face because his eyes which i can see were filled with violence.

" why are you doing this and what you want from me " i ask " if thats your last wish i would tell you , my lord as order to kill you because your a witch and witches are a bad luck for a kingdom". said the armor man. "Why is it happening to me why am i here why are they calling me a witch" i said to myself closing my eyes so many questions came on my head but there was no one to answers those.

As the armor man aim for my neck with his sword and as he was about swing his sword through my neck , then suddenly someone stopped him with it sword, it was a man on the horse. " Why are you trying to kill her " said the man on the horse " lord of Dark Sword my lord the Sword of Knight have order me to kill her because she is a witch and i can't let her go " said the armor man.

" do you know that your in my territory and if i order you to let this girl go then you have to obey " said the man with a rough and loud vioce which was enough to make me shiver more then i was shivering.

" then I'll leave this girl to you my lord then i will take my leave "said the man as he release me and left after he was gone the man on the horse just took a look at me and left too , i breath on relive as the process everything and control my fear as i wash my face with the lake water.

As i got relax i got up thinking were to go if i go back the road were i came from then that armor man may come back and kill this time with no regrets.And if i go on the road were that man on the horse when then it would be save i guess , so at the end the took the road where the man with a horse when. As i follow the track i found myself in a big kingdow and there was no one it must be because it was very late hours now. As i was looking around i found a sun clock which was used in the ancient period by this i know i have travel back in the pass. As i was staring at the sun clock i heard a woman voice behind me so i look back and there was a woman holding a heavy sets of wood on her hand " Why are you here did you lost your way here lady " said the woman with some ancient language but i seems to understand her language and can speak the language to " I..i am lost can you help me " i replie and she nodes on me and told me to live on her house for a while if i want. I happily agree to her.