
The flashes op twin brother.

SUPREME GODDESS :What do you desire? Money and wealth? Glory? Honour and pride? Authority and power? Revenge? Or something that transcends all of them? Whatever you desire I CAN GIVE. Now mortal what do you wish for. Mc:can you give me a drill. SUPREME GODDESS :???????,IM SORRY I DONT THINK YOU HEARD CORECTLY LET ME REAPEAT MY SLE.... mc:I heard you the first time and I said I want a my drill. SUPRRME GODDESS :'what's wrong with this stupid mortal.'"wh,why do you want a drill." mc looks at the supreme being and then at his transparent self.The mc was looking at something that the supreme being couldn't.In the middle of his chest there was the tiniest of swirls tho negliable to some it wasent to the him. The mc smiles And looks to the supreme godess with a smile so genuine even the supreme godess can't help but be mesmerized. Mc:ah ha ha hehe hahahaha,why I chose a drill over all others things I could have. well it's pretty simple really, it's because...it's because...I believe ... ........................MY DRILL IS MY SOUL..................... (AN"will anyone get the reference to what sort of powers he will have.")

Etiger789 · 漫画同人
37 Chs

New life...(re-edited)

Ezikiel" Clang,bang,swosh,pow,wacha."

amora" Shut up, stop making those stupid noises while were sparing.Sigh you truly are a monster, being able to get past training mother herself made just for you and still be sain after it."

As amora spoke she threw the spear that she was using at Ezikiel,and while he's trying go grab the spear bare handed ,she sneaks up on him at an inhuman probably godlike speed with a dager pointed at his neck.

ezikiel"Tch,sigh I give up it's your win again.But I won't lose next time,just you wait.hey are you even listening."Seeing as how she had already disappeared he wasent really to suprised as she had been doing that continuously after 5000 years.

Taking out a note book from my pocket I add another tally to amora and add a big fat zero to my self. Its disapointing that even after 5000 years of training and studying I had only ever beaten her once and that's when well,cough,cough well, I'll say later.

But from that point on she hadn't taken it easy on me since even after 300,000 spars the score ended up being 299,999 amora to 1 being me.It was basically non stop day after day of hard work and study.And my god did I want to rip the books I read thousands of times over sadly they weren't real.

Tho I did like our sparing sessions that was my favourite part out of everything.well actually maybe second the first thing would probably be having my special time with my kitty.

Who is kitty you might ask well kitty is the nick name I gave amora my girlfriend.Hey don't look at me like that,I think kitty is an adorable nickname.well your probably wondering how we even got together in the first place right.

well one if you spend 5000 years with a girl ,even someone who's never fallen in love in his past life will be atracted to a girl if you spend a year or two with her,never mind 5000.

But anyway it all started when we had out first ever duel,she was teaching me on how to control my luck and how it can increase my chances of wining while using the smallest amount of physical power neded.

Buuut long story short I couldn't control my poweres and ended up slipping on nothing and grabbed the closest thing to me witch were amoras chest.The next thing I know I was already on top of her grabbing her danny davitos while our lips were connecting.safe to say that there were an awkwardness between us for a good 10 years until I couldn't take it anymore and asked her to be my girlfriend.

she was surprised at first and out right rejected me but after hundreds of years of trying to get her to be mine her soul soofened and she agreed after seeing that I never gave up.After that we did what most couples do.kiss,snuggle in bed,wacht movies,star gaze.

The only thing we hadent of done is the sanction between man and woman. I wanted it to be when I was able to create a real body for her as I was going to use gold experience to make it.But amora said I didn't have to worry about that.And that when it's time I be in for a surprise.so I trusted her and let the subject go.And now it's time for me to be born into the new world.Tho I'm not thrilled to live a life as a baby,I'll try.

Coming out of my thoughts from over the years I put the book back in my pocket and teleport to the mansion amora made for both of us to live in because even tho I don't need to rest in my soul scape,Its good to divulge and relax after a hard day of work.

Teleporting into the bedroom I see my kitty resting on the bed back facing the bed. I smile and take advantage of this opening and spin her up and over so I was the one lying on the bed and she was sitting on my lap.she dident resist as she new I was there and what I was going to do.

Thats also a reason why I never defeated her ever again after that lucky bout.It was becouse she new what I was going to do even before I did it.No matter the powers I used, I just couldn't beat her.Anyway Grabing her hips I pull her chest closer to mine so our faces were only a few center meteres away from eachother.

looking at one another we dident need to say anything and started to give eachother cute pecks on eachotheres lips.That continued for 2 minets until it got a bit more intense as we started using abit of tongue.I moved my hands down from her hips onto her amazing ass as if shaped by the universe to fit in my hands perfectly.

This continued another 20 minets before our lips seperated from eachother,might I add unwillingly as both of us new we wanted to continue longer but dident have much time leaft with eachother, as I was just about to be born.

amora" Your going to start your new jorney and life in 5 minets tiger.Make sure you enjoy every minute,second,hour and day.Enjoy your new family life and live like you want because there's nothing holding you back.And before you say anything I want to tell you that mother has clalled me and I will be gone for about 15 to 20 years as mother has called me for something important.You may have thought that it was fast coming to this new world but it took 5 years travel from mother dimension to here because of how for it is.But don't worry tiger we will be together again before you know it so have fun go,make friends maybe look for those dc girls you were interested in.

Ezikiel" whistle,whistle whistle,whistle I,have no clue what your talking about I'm only interested in you MY ki"before he could even complete his sentence he was pinched on his side by amora while she was giving him a glare.

amora"Its time tiger I'll miss."

Ezikiel"Yes ill miss you too kitty."And they both gave eachother one long and pasinote kiss and before they knew it,Ezikiel had already disapeared in particles,and amora was staring at the now empty spot for afew seconds before looking behind her to see the person who created her existence the supreme godess.

supreme godess"Are you ready,my little angel."

amora"yes, I'm ready mom."saying so she grabbed the hand of her mother and disappeared,but not before loocking at the spot Ezikiel had disapeared one last time.All that was leaft on the scene was a mansion in the middle of a star filled world,while on the mc side


Baby 1 "waaaaahhhhhhhh"

baby 2 "waaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh"

nurse"congratulations Mr and misses allen you,ve given birth to two healthy and beautiful baby boys.what would you like to name them?."

nora"hic,the youngest his name will be Barry,Barry Allen and the oldest his name,his name will be....

hopefully after the re-edit its easier to read.If not, oh well I tried MY best.

Etiger789creators' thoughts