
The flame Monarch

" Power is all I strive for. Power is the only path I see. For in power am I to achieve my vengeance " Those were Cole's thoughts through most of his life. All he sought was vengeance. That was until ' she ' came along . Will he let go of his anger and use his powers for good or will he become someone akin to his predecessor Diabo?

Kinshu_War · 奇幻
91 Chs

You are my special

A castle stood tall and firm with a surrounding area of death.

The forests had decayed , skulls were decorated on the road and there were dead people at the stake.

Despite the exterior and the surrounding area being gloomy, the interior was quite the opposite.

Currently there were people on the throne room.

On the throne sat a 2 metres tall male. He had dragon wings, tail and horns. His eyes were golden dragon eyes and he had long red hair.

He stared down at the people in front of him like insignificant specks which to him they were.

The pressure he let out was suffocating not only to the people in the throne room but to the whole castle.

This was Gravis, the dragon king and one of the members of the seven Crowns.

He was currently staring down on four people who knelt down not daring to look at him straight in the eyes.

All of them wore black assassins attire and had oni masks to hide their faces. However one could easily notice three were females.

" Is your Guild so weak as to not fulfill my simple wish ?" Gravis boomed making the assassins and guards shake in fear.

" N-No it's that we didn't fully assess the threat of this Dark Seer. You gave us wrong d... "

Suddenly a deep slash suddenly appeared on the floor next to the side of the male assassin who spoke .

He stopped midway giving an audible gulp.

" You dare pin this on me " Pressure descended on the male assassin.

The ground that he kneeled down on cracked. Sweat trickled down his face yet he maintained his position.

The pressure stopped as the king gazed to the four assassin with a stoic face.

" You have 24 hours to bring me the head Mia Feybourne, Daughter of the current king of the beasts. " He pronounced his judgement.

This made the four kneeling assassins shiver in fear. Why?

Because whatever action they took will only result in their death. Mia Feybourne might seem like an ordinary child but no child destined to bring down the 7 Crowns is normal.

They had already heard the reports of the true capabilities of the child.

" However I do not fully trust in your capabilities so my son will accompany you."

Suddenly the halls opened and a man walked in . He was in his early twenties and had golden dragon eyes. He had no wings nor horns. However he inherited his father's long red hair and absurd magic levels.

He was lean and looked much more of a philosopher than a fighter however appearances in this world were always deceiving.


The adventurers had set up a tent near the lake.

The camp was in the open as Lockley successfully tried to make the group take turns in being watchmen rather than his wife use magic and further hurt herself.

Currently it was Cole's turn.

He sat down looking towards the crystal clear lake that currently reflected the starry sky. The bonfire flickered brightly illuminating the area.

His thoughts were lost and a melancholic air sorrounded him .

Just then he heard someone tap his shoulder. He looked to see Lovette with a small smile.

" Are you okay?" She asked.

A small frown appeared on his face as he looked at her , specifically her hair.

" Your hair is.... disturbing, come on let me fix it . " Cole said as he took Lovette's hand making her sit Infront of him.

" Eeh ?" She was surprised by the sudden action of Cole.

" Aren't you supposed to be all , ' I'll kill you if you get in my way of revenge ' ?" She asked trying to imitate him .

Through Lovette's senses she saw Cole stoic as ever as he started plaiting her hair.

" Come on if you're gonna use my hair talk to me , what's up " She asked.

" Am repaying you for what you taught me" Cole said.

" Bullshit. You aren't the type to repay kindness, something is wrong..... Are you perhaps reenacting something you remember ?" Lovette asked.

She felt a momentarily twitch on his lips.

" ..... Who hurt you ?" Lovette asked.

Cole gave an audible sigh.

" Of course the person who killed my parents, that's why I seek revenge " He said as if tired with Lovette's bullshit.

Lovette kept quiet as if thinking about something.

" Someone died " She said conclusively.

" Of course someone died, my family " He said in slight anger .

Lovette suddenly turned her body to face Cole making Cole stop plaiting her hair.

She then removed her blindfolds revealing eyes completely covered in silver. This momentarily shocked Cole. They were quite enchanting however he easily recovered.

" Who hurt you this much ?" She asked.

Cole felt slightly angry. However when he answered his voice was calm.

" The one who killed my parents "

Lovette gave a small smile.

" You're a good actor, I'll give you that " Lovette said.

" And what's that supposed to mean?" He asked with a snort.

" You're good at convincing people that you seek revenge yet that isn't the case "

Cole smiled in amusement.

" So what's the case?" He asked.

" You act angry and reclusive because you fear loving someone then that someone is brutally taken away from you.

This comes with it's own downsides like being lonely so to fill that gap you seek revenge for someone originally you wouldn't have put much effort to. "

Lovette watched Cole's smirk grow larger .

" You're wrong. "

" Hmm ? Am pretty sure you didn't think of revenge until a girl around Mia's age died right? Or even if you thought about it it was just a thought. "

Cole's smirk transformed into a grown however another smile appeared.

" Sometimes I marvel at your observation skills. Me giving special attention to Mia played the part in your deductions right. Anyway the sky is quite beautiful today isn't it?" Cole said.

Lovette looked at Cole who still gave a smile. A fake one no doubt.

She approached Cole and hugged him. She laid his head on her perky breasts

" What the hell are you doing, let go of me " Cole said as he tried to get away from her.

All actions however proved futile and to Lovette's happiness he slowly stopped resisting.

In time the only thing that could be heard was the splintering of wood .

Lovette felt tears drip on to her Bossom as she comforted Cole.

Finally Cole let go he looked at Lovette with his usual stoic face however it couldn't hide the tear stained eye.

" Thanks Lovette, I needed that..... You're a nice girl. The man who'll marry will be the luckiest person on the planet" he said.

Lovette gave a happy smile.

" Of course, you'll really be the luckiest person in the world. " Lovette said with some slight air of narcissism.

Cole smiled a genuine one.

" I guess I'll be looking forward to that " He said jokingly.

Lovette knew he was joking but beamed nonetheless as Cole was coming slightly out of his shell.

" Why not now?" She said jokingly.

" Sure , I Cole Kaari take Lovette Wolfborn as my wife..... For the minute" Cole said.

" And I Lovette Wolfborn take Cole Kaari as my husband for as long as I live " Lovette said in a joking manner.

" And you may now kiss the bride ~ " Lovette said in a sing song voice before kissing Cole's cheek making him surprised.

" Huh? "

" Come on aren't I your wife ~ Can't I give you even a k....."


Blood spattered on Cole's face. The happy face Lovette portrayed was frozen in slight horror as she fell to the ground.

Thud !

( You are my special 🎶)

Spare a stones my lovely ni... readers

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