
The First Prince

Some tried to kill him and some accused him of killing. Whatever it was, he led a very sad life. He, who was only two years old struggle to survive. He prayed for just a glimpse of happiness, but all he got was just a dark, false hope. This is the story before the original story, "The Lady with a Purpose" begins. To those who seek a happy ending story, you would not find it here. If you wish to know whether he gains happiness, please read the original story.

BashfulBird · 奇幻
5 Chs

Chapter 3: The First Day

His eyes slowly fluttered opened as he started wriggling within the blanket. His views were a bit blurry, so he brought himself up and slowly rubbing his eyes. Then gradually he could see clearly the scene surrounds him. It was unfamiliar to him. Everything surrounds him was nothing like he used to see before. He was anxious and scared at the same time. Therefore, he decided to get out from there and look for his mother. As he tried to get down from the bed, he accidentally tripped. It was not because his foot was caught by the blanket, but because of his carelessness. He jumped down without considering the height of the bed and as well as the leg that he hasn't used for a few days due to his being bedridden. He falls flat on the floor. It was painful, but he stops himself from making loud noises but only tears came down from his glitter red eyes.

The sound of footsteps could be heard as it was running towards him. He stood up and hides on the foot of the bed. As the door opened, he could hear the voice of someone familiar to him. The sound of someone called for him with worried, as he was no longer on the bed. He came out from hiding and started crying as a sign of relief.

"Your highness, what happened to your nose? Let's get you clean up and then I can apply medicine for you," she said.

He followed Melina silently with a sniff. He recognizes her as he constantly saw her with her mother, so he knew he could trust her.

"Melina, where are we?" he asked as Melina washing his hair.

"This is my house. We are going to stay here for a while," she replied. She was anxious as she knew he would ask questions, the questions she was afraid to answer but have to.

"Where's my mother?" he asked while he played with the bubble.

"Your mother is busy right now," she decided to lie. As at that time she believed a lie was more noble than a truth.

"When is she coming?"

"After a hundred days passed," she lied.

"But I still couldn't count up to a hundred yet," he said with a low voice.

"So you have to learn my prince. When the hundred days come, she will be here," Melina said.

"Alright Melina," he felt a bit relieved though he didn't know what lies ahead of him.

After washing up, she applied some medicine for him. Then both of them went towards the kitchen to have their breakfast. There he was introduced to Melina's parents. Her father looks like an evil man from his books, or maybe because he had a scar on his face that makes him look frightening. While her mother was petite and gentle, just like her.

"Your highness, how was the food?" she asked.

"It was delicious. Thank you," he felt like this was the first time he actually ate something delicious.

"I am delighted you like it. There's some more if you want," her mother said merrily.

"Your highness, I have something to say to you," she said as she put down the spoon inside her bowl.

"There has been some bad guy looking for you, so you should never tell anyone you were a prince. From today onwards, I will call you by your name," she told him half of the truth.

"Okay. Since you were my mother's friend, so you will be my… aunt. Right?"

To her surprised, he didn't think much of it. Maybe it was all because of the way he has lived his life. As death always came knocking on his door. Anyone who saw him wouldn't believe that he was three years old. It was not because of his size but because of his mentality, the way he acts like he was not a three years old child.

After he had finished eating, Melina brought him out to see her village. Children were playing and adults were chatting and working. Everyone looks so happy. It was a different sight of a scene for him. He never felt as warm and happy before as he saw their smile of joy. At that time, he felt it will be nice if he could live there with his mother happily forever.

As they were walking happily, a few of the villagers came towards them.

"Melina, is that you? It has been a really long time,"

"Yeah, you grew quite a lot. Even taller than your mother.

"Yes," she said with a shy laugh.

He grasped Melina's hand tightly as he saw both of them were looking at him.

"What a cute child, is he yours?" One of the villagers stroked his head.

"Yes," she said with a smile.

He was surprised to hear her answer, but he recalled what she said beforehand and started putting on a show for them. So from now on, he thought he would act as the son of Melina.

"Good morning. I am Lex," he said with a bashful smile.

"Look how cute he is," the villagers pinched his cheeks as she couldn't help but adore him.

Then, others started to gather and Melina's seemed happy. It was like her lie was foolproof and the acceptance of the villagers was undeniable.

As the sky turns dark with only the glimmering shine of stars and the moon could be seen, he was laid in bed ready to sleep. He was glad he came to this village as the villagers were all nice to him. He couldn't help but feel loved.

However, as he started closing his eyes, he sees his mother smiling at him as he sat on his mother's lap. They were reading books together. Suddenly everything disappeared. He was left all alone, with nothing but darkness all around.


He woke up in shock and cried for his mother. He cried so hard like there was no tomorrow. He missed his mother dearly.

Laura who was just next door came running as he heard his shouting.

"Lex are you alright?" She walked towards him and stroked his back.

"I want my mother. She promised me, we would go boating by the pond. Where is she?" He sounded devastated.

"Everything will be alright. Don't cry."

She continued stroked him to console him. She knew how alone and sad when one missed someone dearly. As she was once when she just moved to the palace. She wanted to do everything for him, but with a person with no power whatsoever, this was all she could do for him. She clenched her jaw with frustration. That night she stayed with him till he falls asleep.

Inside the palace, on the same night, King Austen came towards Lady Claudia's chamber. He walked with confidence though he was restless. The hallway that leads him there felt longer than before him. He gathered his thought about what he was going to say to her. He loves her, though he knew she didn't. He wants to help her, though she consistently refused him. He gave her happiness, though she gave him bitterness. It was like she was kept there like a glass doll, just stayed there to be admired. He always wondered why she accepted his proposal of marriage if she was going to act like this. Although the thought kept on lingering inside his mind, he couldn't say a word, as he couldn't bear to be separated from her. The only one he ever loves.


He knocked on the door and called her name tenderly. The thought of seeing her face makes his heart beating loudly.

After he received her permission, he enters the room with love. He went straight to Lady Claudia who was seating on her sofa. Despite what he felt right now, he has to ask her about the incident that had happened.

"How are you feeling, my love?"

He said with a loving voice as he gently held her hands.

"I am fine your majesty. Thank you for asking," she said in a low tone.

"I will always be here my dear. Whatever happened," he said.

She didn't say a word but merely looked straight at the king. Then, she pulled her hands away and looked at different ways. She was angry at that time.

"My love," he continued as he held the tip of her luscious blue hair.

"You said you would always be here? Whatever happened?"

She said with a faint tone as she gave him a smirk. She finds what he said laughable.

"Where were you when all of this happened to Lex? He was only a child. How could you abandon him? Do you not love him? Tell me!" She shouted at him.

"He is my life and our child. Why didn't you do anything? Why?"

She was crying while grabbing the king's shirt, as she was broken and helpless. She wants her child as she missed him dearly. She didn't know whether he survived or not. If only she would know how Lex was, maybe she would felt slightly better.

"I'm sorry. I was wrong. Don't cry, my love. We will find him," he said as he pulled her to embrace.

"Let go of me. You think just by saying sorry I should forgive you," she struggled to get away from his embrace.

"If by saying sorry and everything will be resolved, you will already be dead."

She continued and cried in his arm as she lost her will to fight. He didn't utter a word but merely hold her and did not let her go. He felt guilty about what was happening, and everything that was happened was partly his fault.

King Austen Zeno Quirinus was a great king. However, his only shortcoming was, he always tried to please the nobles, though he was uncorrupted and will deduce every discussion with righteousness. He believed with their loyalty, the kingdom will grow stronger than ever. The most notable act was when he chose to marry the Queen. The second one was when they told him he shouldn't spend that much time with his son and Lady Claudia, as they will only dirty his name. But only be with the Queen. As they believed the kingdom will become stronger if they could satisfy the Queen. If the Queen bears a son, the good name of the kingdom won't be ruined. The so-called kingdom they loved so much. So they would seek any means to separate the king from both his son, the boy who has the blood of a commoner, and Lady Claudia who was nothing but a commoner.

A few minutes passed and Lady Claudia started to calm down. She breaks through the embrace of the king and sat there silently while looking down.

"Claudia, can you tell me what happened? I will help you, I promise," he asked with a gentle voice.

"I don't know. I don't know anything," she said. She refused to say a word. At that time, she didn't know if she could trust the king, or to be exact his people who only thought so little of them.

"I'm not feeling well your majesty. Can you leave me alone?" She said with a weak voice.

The king who couldn't do anything to help her love one left the room feeling useless and incompetent. He knew she hides something from him, but he didn't want to force him. So, he just let the time shape their future as he waits for her to open her heart for him.

Thank you for reading. If you have any comments or questions don't hesitate to let me know. Stay safe.

BashfulBirdcreators' thoughts