
Infamy and glory

There were not only people but also horses in the knights' defensive formation. In such a chaotic situation, it would be almost impossible for Ren Xiaosu to seek out the Norman family's patriarch by himself.

The Norman patriarch hiding in the crowd was just like having a massively destructive weapon in their midst. If the patriarch didn't make a move against them, great! But if he did, the 6th Field Division behind Ren Xiaosu would probably suffer heavy casualties.

Ren Xiaosu shouted in the crowd, "9 o'clock!"

After that, he made Old Xu charge left first. Meanwhile, the 22 T5 combatants, the Great Hoodwinker, Luo Lan, and the martyred spirits quickly arrived at Ren Xiaosu's flanks and charged forward in an arrowhead formation.

Wherever they moved, none of the knights could stop them.

Wang Yun was still surveying the battlefield with his binoculars as his gaze started wandering near the edge of the battlefield.