ok well, i was just born yesterday i heard my momma say i was some how different from all the other baby's,i didn't want to tryto ask about it because as you know babys ony see a blur.for all i knoew i could be talking to a stranger.so anyways it's been two weeks since i was born my eyes are starting to clear up. i finally know what my mom looks like she's kind of perty.Oh im awake i just had the wirdest dream that i was on a planet called ziglar with wired creetures called apachas they sed i spell differently becaus i was one of them of corse i did not believe them whi would i belive them there just a figmant of my amaginashun. ok things started to get creeepy because yesterday my moms jacket opend some tipe of portal.a hand tried to grab me but i got away as fast as i could.