
The Final Dragon

An ice dragon knight traveling through a large and fantastical world searching for the group responsible for wiping out his family, a monastery of dragon themed mages. Driven by revenge will he find his rivals or will he be done in by one of the many problems he finds on his way.

TheCuteGamer · 奇幻
4 Chs

Chapter 1: The End of an Era

The sound of a roar echoed through the air past a figure in a brown cloak a sheath slung over their shoulder. Birds flew from the pine trees that surrounded the figure, into the warm summer sky. Pulling back the hood of the cloak revealed snow white hair, short barely passing the figure's ears. His face was narrow, a bit of grey stubble covered his lower face, his green eyes stared into the sky.

"Another of the Dragons has fallen this day." The cloaked figure said solemnly. His voice was crisp, sincere and yet held a note of longing with each word. "May you find peace wherever you end up. And pass on a heartfelt greeting to our teacher for me." The air around him dropped in temperature, as he spoke. Ice grew on the tree closest to him as his control of his emotions waned. As if to punctuate the sentiment a frozen twig broke off its branch and hit the ground. Its relatively soft crunch snapped the figure out of his moment, pulling his hood back up as he began to once again start up on his journey. "I wonder what I will find in Starfall," he whispered below his visible breath, reaching the edge of a large crater surrounded by trees.

The creator was enormous, easily sixty thousand meters across with a depth of almost two thousand meters. Sitting in the center of this crater was a quaint little town, a few hundred buildings, most made of wood, a few made from stone but, and a rare few were made of metal. The figure began to walk down the steps carved from the stone, many crumbled out becoming little more than slopes but they still got the job done.

"The earth mages here really did cut more than a few corners," complained the figure as he rolled his eyes. Giving up on the stairs he gave it a running start before jumping off toward the town. As he began to gain momentum he reached out, a green glowed from around him growing brighter. "Glide" he muttered, the glow cutting out as the quick plummet changed into gentle descent toward the town. With a simple spell cast he quickly made it to the town, tumbling to his feet for a landing as he made it to the outskirts.

The town was bustling, goods being taken here and there. Carts hauling them rattled as the road over the hard stone ground, uneven and worn from use. Every building seemed to have some action, even if just a person working on their house with an open window. It all seemed so lively for midday, all except for a tavern at the far end of town, "The Stars Cup".

Entering into the building it was unexpectedly dead, a bartender behind the counter with a few bar flies sleeping at the edge. Overall it was a dump, most of the tables had some dust on them, if they were even standing, most knocked onto their side with broken chairs around them. "Hey you can't come in here with a weapon, either you leave it outside or leave yourself." The wandered simply responded by pulling the hilt from the sheath, revealing it was little more than a stick poking out of the sheath.

"It is for intimidation. Scares off your average bandit pretty well." The wandered said before taking a seat in the middle of the bar. Looking down at his right palm he saw the ouroboros tattoo on it, the symbol of his former association, Dragons Keep. "One glass of whatever you suggest"

The bartender walked over setting a tall mug in front of him, pouring it full of a golden drink. "The mead it is then. So, what brings you to the rundown tavern of an old man?" The bartender asked as he scratched his mustache as he looked down at his visitor. "Not many people come out to this small town, not much stuff out here to see, and it's kinda hard to get into town with the tall slopes around." He said while leaning back, curiosity in every word he said.

The wanderer looked up at the bartender and answered him with a soft tone, "One, I am here for a nice drink and meal I can't get on my travels. Two, a nice bed for a night. Finally," he raised his right palm for the bartender to see, "I am looking for any information for the people that took out my… My family." His final words hung in the air like snow in a breeze.

The moment of stillness was broken by the slam of a door being kicked in. Three men walking in, wearing leather jackets with small gashes in them. The men were rugged and bulky, one more portly than anything. "HEY DONOVAHN we haven't gotten this months 'compensation'. We don't want to have to rough up your little bar any more!" The rotund man said as he walked up to the bar, stopping half way as a chill spread out over the bar.

"Can't this wait, I was having a nice conversation with… Donovahn here. I would appreciate it if you could wait till after we are done." The cloaked man said before taking a long swig of his drink. A low growl came from the plump man as he stomped over, his left fist glowed brown before it faded and his fist covered in brown rock. Lifting it up for a punch, he reached for the cloaked shoulder of the wanderer. His mouth opened to shout something but the moment he grabbed the shoulder there was a flash of white and he body was covered in white frost, locking him in place. Slamming the empty mug down the wanderer sighed, "I didn't really want to do this, but we can if you really want."

As the wanderer stood up and turned to the other two. Spreading his feet he began to glow white, grabbing the edge of his cloak and throwing it onto the frozen man, revealing a leather vest over a white shirt. "You might want to get your bar flies from this building." A updraft of air began to grow around him, white as the temperature dropped further and further. "Dragon Plate" he muttered as the glow cut off, a white circle filled with sigils appeared below his feet. As the updraft sped up the sound of ice cracking rang through the air as a suit of armor seemed to manifest out of thin air.

Sharp edges protruded from the gauntlets, knee guards and the shoulder pads of the armor, all a deep blue of thick ice. The gloves and boots of the armor having razor sharp dragon claws, not extending far past his fingers. As the plate armor of ice finished being made a dragon's maw collapsed around his head, biting down and becoming a dragon helmet. Finishing the creation with a roar that sent shock waves throughout the bar. "Come at me if you dare," the wanderer said, his foggy breath pouring from the helmet almost like heavy smoke.

Scrambling through the entrance of the bar flies, startled by the roar, the slamming of the door behind them hanging in the air. A moment of hesitation crept over the pair as they took a singular step toward the door. As the moment passed the bigger one squeezed his hand tight, "I will not be intimidated by some flashy trick." He glowed before letting out his own roar, though significantly more muted. The glow cut out, "Bear, Aspect strength!" He yelled as a phantasmal bear seemed to rise from him before charging forward toward the armor clad man. As the magic took hold his muscles grew, straining his clothes as he grew in size.

Throwing a heavy punch at him, colliding caused shockwaves to once again sweep out, the sound of cracking ice ringing out with the force. A smirk crossed the bear man's face, being cut off quickly by shock as he felt a grip around his fist. It grew tighter causing pain to shoot up his arm. "Specialized magic? What is this Animal? No this seems to specific, there are stronger animals than a bear. Maybe your power is Bear?" The dragon knight said coldly and confidently as he held the fist thrown at him, "well either way it is impressive that you managed to crack my ice."

Pushing the man back he lifted his arm up to reveal the crack that ran from the wrist of his gauntlet to its elbow. It was distinct but almost like it never happened it faded from top to bottom till it looked as pristine as the first moment he had made it. In a flash a set of 5 bolts of fire curved from the man at the door, all converging on the knight. A soft scoff from him as two wings of ice quickly grew from his back and with one flap, ice cold wind blew out each bolt. As the gust hit the fire mage he too found his body covered in frost.

The rotund man glowed brown, catching the knight's attention just before the frost shattered. Jumping up at the right of the knight. "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME," He yelled out as he raised his arms above his head, once again covering them in stone as he drove them down toward the knight. In an instant the knight got on his left, deflecting his attack off his gauntlet while reaching for his sword. When he gripped the hilt a dragon head appeared around the cross-guard biting down on it. Drawing it revealed a dull blade of ice, which he used to quickly slam into the head of the rotund man knocking him to the ground as his consciousness faded in an instant.

"If you were trying to catch me off guard you shouldn't have made so much noise." The knight said before kicking the unconscious body over to the bear mage. "This is your last chance to leave before I go all out," the knight hissed out as the fog once again rolled out. A shiver shot up the bear mage's spine before he picked up the round man and ran, ripping the fire mage out from the frost as he fled.

As the door closed behind the fleeing aggressors, the knight took a deep breath, his armor and blade turning to water falling to the floor in a puddle before disappearing after a few moments. Returning the hilt to the sheath before taking his seat again. "That was incredible, I owe you one, um… What is your name? I like to keep track of who I owe favors," Donovhan said as he pulled out a small pad and began to write on it.

"Glice, that should be more than enough. And if you keep that mead coming we can call it even," the knight said holding up the mug and giving it a gentle shake. "How often do those…" grimacing as he looked back at the door, "individuals come here anyway?"

After pouring a new cup of mead for Glice the bartender put the bottle and leaned back. "They come back about once a month, asking for 500 rennant a month. I barely make enough to keep this place standing let alone 500 extra to pay them off." Donovhan said solemnly, a smile creeping across his face. "Hey couldn't you teach me how to do that sort of thing, I mean with power like that there is no doubt I could defend this tavern. One of those roar thingies should get them to flee on the spot." He said excitedly, doing a few punches and poses.

Chugging down the mead and slamming down the mug. "I am sorry but I can't teach you. Only a true master of the dragon arts can properly teach someone. And I am no master, just a knight on a quest for revenge. Looking for the group that took out my… family." Glice said coldly, staring down back at the tattoo on his palm. "And sorry to break it to you, there is no master out there currently. If you wanna learn some self defense go learn some magic from one of those academies."

"What in this world could stand up to power like that. You took out three experienced mages without even breaking a sweat. Anyone that could hold a candle to you would be strong enough to… god I don't even know wipe a small town from the maps?" Donovhan exclaimed as he began to work on cleaning a few cups of the dust they had collected during the recent clash. "Though come to think of it, someone with a great strength is supposed to rule over the kingdom, Paradise. It is said he is the finest swordsman in the land that has proven his tactical prowess and own strength, not only in countless sparrings but even in a battle against one hundred mages," The bartender explained, looking for a reaction from the knight.

Standing up and dropping a bag onto the table, the sound of metallic coins rang from the inside of the bag. "Sounds like a great place to start. I have heard some outrageous stories about that place, like that it was an advanced structure that flies over the land. Or that the captain of the guards there is a hulking metal giant. I guess at the worst I can go see if the fables are true," Glice said walking toward the exit of the bar. "I hope you keep out of trouble till we next meet."

As he left the building he could see a group watching, clearly all curious as to the sound that had left the bar earlier. Glice did little more than smirk as he began to walk away, heading to the opposite end of the crater. The crowd followed him through the town, getting to the edge before stopping, watching him walk away toward the slope. As he got further away the crowd began to disperse, leaving the traveler alone as he left.

Approaching the rise of the crater he heard a sound all too familiar, turning around in time to make a spike of ice to deflect a boulder that was launched at him. "If you are trying to recover face from earlier you should have brought more people. How many are here? Twenty?" he says mocking as he watched a group rush out of what looked like wooden carriages, propelled and held aloft by wind. The last to step out being a large man, nearly two meters tall, with red line tattoos covering his body, from his feet up his face.

He spoke out loud and confidently, "heard you gave my boys a bit of trouble with their simple collection job. Scared them pretty good, and gave one of my trusted friends a pretty big bump on the head. Hope you realize we intend to pay you back for this 10 fold." The apparent boss said as he began to crack his knuckles. "Let him have a nice volley," he said holding up a pair of fingers before flicking them forward.

In an instant seven of the mages began to glow different colors before releasing spells toward Glice, a cavalcade of stones, flaming spheres, water streams and a bolt electricity. As the first of the barrage, a streak of lightning got close; it was cut off by a column of air that encircled Glice, a circle appearing at the knights feet. As Dragon Plate was cast again a new circle appeared over it, "Storm's Fury" he softly muttered. The column of air turned into a sphere and began to expand from there knocking the other projectiles from the air.

As the air expanded outward, losing force, the gang braced for the impact. As the attack passed them many began to brandish weapons, most bats and knives and a few even with knuckles. Charging down Glice he simply grew the draconic wings from his back and began to walk toward them. The first to reach him jumped in the air swinging a bat down toward the dragon, only for it to be blocked by the right wing. Glice quickly reached up and grabbed the man by the collar, slapping the bat from his hand. As the next approached the knight he was met by his friend's body slamming into his chest, both falling to the ground. As they gathered themselves they found a pair of blunt ice shards hitting them in the head, quickly passing out.

Before Glice could put his hand down the sound of crackling lightning caused him to duck as a fist covered in lightning passed over head. The new assailant continued the assault with rapid punches that Glice dodged, while on the retreat. An over extended punch dodged quickly left the man stumbling. Taking quick advantage of this Glice lifted his arms above his and slammed into the boxers back, knocking him to the floor. Looking up he saw a pair charging him down, yelling their battle cries as they approached. With great speed Glice brought his wings up to shield him, hearing the cracking of ice as they took the attacks. Spreading his wings again he let out a cry back, this time fueled with magic as wind pushed them away.

A loud stomping caught his attention as the bear mage from the bar rushed at him. Looming taller than the Ice dragon, arms outstretched he reached down to grasp his target. Meeting his attack Glice reached up and grabbed his hands to stop him. As the might of the two mages collided a shockwave exploded outward. The bear mage smirked as he gripped as hard as he could around the knights hands. "Come get your licks in!" The bear yelled as he used his monstrous strength to lift up Glice and swing him into the air, holding him above his head.

Glice took a deep breath before his wings spread out wide, a white glow spreading over his body before a circle formed in front. "Icicle Barrage," Shouted the free falling mage. As he did air began to gather along his wings growing, forming into long spikes. A new glow covered him as a spring green circle formed at his back, "Gust," he shouted, causing the ice wings to glow a like green. As the spells finished the attack was launched, a strong front of wind just before the shards as they spread out toward the seven mages that were preparing their attacks.

The mages each created circles of their own sending a return attack at the ice dragon. As their attacks met with the wall of high pressure in the air they began to lose their strength and accuracy, missing the spikes they were aimed at and falling far short of the knight. As the ice attack struck its mark a cloud of dust arose, obscuring the area. Glice took a hold of the moment of silence, turning his attention down to his captor. Quickly taking a grip of the bear's hands, he quickly pulled himself down planting his knee directly into his forehead causing blood to spurt from his nose. Dropping to the floor out cold.

As the dust cleared from the area the range team was mostly done in. A few took the hit head on and found themselves frozen solid, the rest tried to dodge but were still struck. Some got off with just a limb caught in the ice, but most of them found most of their bodies stuck in the prison. The rest of the mob froze up at the sight. In under a minute one man had incapacitated most of their force without a single blow landing on him. This caused the remaining fighters to flee, all but one. Standing tall with a sour look on his face. One of the loosely stuck ranged unit members got free and began to run only to find their face grabbed and slammed into the ground.

"Looks like you missed one, here let me help." The boss standing up as the lines running along his body began to glimmer and shine a deep blood red. "I am gonna guess that you're an elemental wizard. Such power and skill in ice. I am guessing that means you can only use it and the base ones to make it, water and wind. Is that right?" The boss postulated while walking forward. Glice glared at him while getting into a stance ready for a fight. As the glow began to fade from the tattoos the boss smiled. "Well whether or not I am correct, I guess it is only fair to tell you my magic. I am a specialized magic user, just like Bear there was. I am assuming you know what that means, but just to make sure we are on the same page, you know, in case you're slow. That means my ability is based on a word, and is then related to that word in how it functions."

Approaching Glice as he spoke condescendingly to him he smiled. Being a large man he towered over the ice mage while practically grinning menacingly. "My magic is Giant," and the last words freed themselves of his lips, the tattoos went completely inert as. In an instant he went from a nearly two meter brick of a man to over two and a half meters tall. Raising an arm back he quickly went for a punch, not giving any time for the new size to register in his opponents mind. Glice quickly brought his wings together in front of him colliding with the punch. A wave of pressure pushed out, shattering the ice crystals that held the ranged combatants and sending them all flying.

In the center of the new massive shockwave was the large fist, shaking while pressed into a thick ice shield, on the front face were two crossed scale covered wings that confidently stopped the attack dead in its tracks. The shield itself seemed to float there in the air, just a few centimeters out from Glice's outstretched hand. With a grit of his teeth Glice's shield pushed back the hulking man, causing him to stumble a bit before catching his footing. The red glow began to return to the large man as he began to smile.

"Oh there was one small detail I forgot to mention about my power. There really isn't some upper limit to it. I can keep getting bigger so long as I have the magic and space," The boss said confidently as the red got stronger, shimmering as it flowed along the lines of his body, almost like magma through a tube. Not liking the direction this was going knight rushed forward toward the man, drawing his blade from its sheath. Swinging it with an attempt at his opponent's head, he quickly ducked under it.

The glow began to fade, Glice's attacks getting more frequent but the large man dodged them effortlessly, even at his large size he was surprisingly agile on his feet. "I guess I should let you know the name of your killer. It's Vasco Delano, you'd do best to remember that," Vasco remarked as he threw a right hook. Glice raised his left hand calling the shield to block the attack. Making it just in time to block the attack, a familiar scene. The glow fully faded now, as Vasco stepped into the punch, his arm rapidly growing as he followed through sending Glice flying. The rest of The mobster's body began to grow to match the new size of his arm. Now Standing a whopping seven meters tall the giant leaned forward, making a crushing step toward the prone knight.

Raising his shield up he blocked the crushing force but barely. Glice began to sweat and struggle, holding the foot at bay. The shield began to creak, crack and wane under the force. The cracks repaired slowly but with the intense pressure above it only managed to slow the inevitable. "Damn I completely underestimated this guy, this is some massive strength," Glice managed to mutter out of grit teeth. The red glow returned above him and began to fade, not quite as striking as the second time it had happened. Taking a deep breath Glice knew what was coming, "I guess I have to use that, better make it brief," he remarked while beginning to glow a black himself.

As the titan's tattoos became mundane again he grew another meter bigger, the increase in force shattering the shield. The shards raining down toward Glice as he closed his eyes. The black light faded from his body, the foot rushing down toward his body. A deep breath leaving his mouth then…

Then in a split second he quickly lifted the foot up with one hand, quickly getting to his feet and launching the leg into the air. The air around him was colder, practically mist and snow, his armor shattered with the blinding speed. Opening his eyes something had changed, His right eye had become a black dragon coiled around itself in a spiral from the center, the same size as his other iris, black mist radiating from it. Glice spoke clearly and calmly, "Form of The Founder." The armor began to fall down around him from out of the sky shattering on impact. As the last piece struck the ground the form ended, his eye returned to normal and the extreme cold began to fade.

Glice raised his left hand, now shining green, then his right, a light blue. "Agility of wind, vitality of water, enhance," he said before crossing his arms and extending them again, the glimmer from each one disappearing.

Vasco grimaced, catching his balance and once again bringing his foot down. Glice didn't flinch as he charged toward the destination. It was above him, closing in, Glice had to begin to crouch to avoid the incoming strike. Only halfway through the impending strike he ran faster, as if being sped up by the rushing wind. Making it to the other side with a quick slide he quickly planted his hands and spun around. The foot not quite at the ground yet, he struck at his heel with a fast sweep kick, striking it hard. It was almost as if time paused, the two forces once again locked in a stalemate. A fast mist left Glice's mouth as exhaled, tightening his body and finally kicking the foot out, high into the sky.

Not wasting a moment he used his other foot to push off the ground and gained a bit of distance from the falling mountain of a man. Flipping and bounding to about two meters back. Vasco landed into the ground, letting a gasp out as the breath was knocked out of him. Glice began to glow white as he raised his hands up and air began to grow in the palms of each of his hands. "I am finishing this here, Glacial Impact," he yelled as a white rune circle appeared above his hands. The ice began to form, first in a small chunk, then a pillar, a boulder, finally a large iceberg above his hands had formed.

Grabbing hold of it, digging his hands right through the solid ice to make hand holds, he regrew his draconic wings before jumping into the air. Flying toward his downed adversary, driving the front of it into his chest. Pushing harder, the ground below Vasco began to crack as did the iceberg. With one moment of pause it shattered, the ground below him beginning to rise before a cloud of dust, mist and ice shards billowed everywhere.

A strong flap of the ice wings blew it away to reveal in the crater Vasco, back at his normal size, bleeding out and unresponsive. Landing a bit away from the sight Glice chuckled before walking away, picking up the hilt of his blade and returning it to his sheath. "Vasco Delano, I will remember this name as the man who made me go all out with pure strength," Glice remarked, smiling as he headed to the ridge of the crater. Onto his next stop, the floating city of Paradise.