
The noises

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone saying my name. I got up trying not to wake up Zoey. I looked around the room and no one was their. And that's when I heard it again someone saying Larissa it sounded like it was coming from the kitchen . I went to investigate their was nothing in the kitchen . That's when I decided to go to the bathroom. I turned on the light and looked in the mirror i looked fine at first I splashed water on my face and looked up at the mirror and that's when i saw my face was slowly going in opsite directions my face was so ugly it looked like a plastic surgery gone wrong. I screamed and that's when Zoey came running to me she said what's wrong mom!? I looked in the mirror and my face was fine I said it's nothing. We walked back to the living room and went to bed again. After about 30 minutes she was passed out and I couildnt quit thinking about what I saw. I made my self think that I was just imagining it and then I closed my eyes and went to bed.