
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · 现代言情
331 Chs

Chapter 304 Duke Kane


 Banyan Tree

 "Relax." The man in the light-colored suit ambiguously approached the woman's ear and said softly.

 The woman slightly backed up half a step, spare this small unintentional action, still was seen in the eyes of the man.

 Between the slight turn of his eyes, he had already taken two steps back as a gentleman, and smiled softly, "Little Tong, you're too nervous."

 She curled up her palm and felt a sticky feeling in her palm, of course she would be nervous ... the person she is going to see ...

 "In fact, there is no need to be in such a hurry, he has the habit of taking a summer vacation at the Banyan Tree Sanya every year, usually staying for a month." The man's Mandarin with a slightly exotic flavor is as low and dark as a cello at this moment:

 "So Little Tong, there's really no need for you to see that person's face immediately after you just got off the plane and had a tiring trip."

 She shook her head, until this moment, her heart was still in turmoil.

 Without speaking to anyone, she fled.

 As for what she was running away from, only she knew.

 The silence was followed by a long silence.

 "Kane, go inside." But in the end, it was Jane Tong who was the first to break the silence.

 What the woman didn't see was that during this long silence, the tall and handsome man beside her had been staring at her with a burning gaze, and in his deep eyes that were different from those of the Orient, the only reflection of this woman was in his eyes.

 "Good." Low as a cello like voice, at the moment unexpectedly submissive, the man gentlemanly stretched out an arm, no need to say more, the woman obediently reached out and took the hand, but it is just a kind of etiquette.

 But the man in the wrist was held the moment, the corners of the lips raised a light smile, to both sides of the waiter signaled, the latter had the will to each pull open the side of the doorway half beside them.

 The door opens.

 The melodious music, gentle but eye-catching light, pouring out, all at once, sprinkled on this pair of men and women who arrived in the middle of the day.

 Perhaps it was the sudden arrival of this pair of guests that drew the attention of the other people in the banquet.

 Jane Tong wore a smile on her face, but she felt that perhaps the greater likelihood was that this man beside her was too dazzling.

 No matter how hot the sideways glances were, this was a moment to remember for Kane Fellowski.

 Dropping eyes, gently swept beside the woman, from his angle, but can see the woman's soft top of the head, from the moment she took his wrist, that moment, he felt, empty silence for a long time the room of the heart, seems to be stuffed solid, there is no longer a gap.

 If ... if it can be always like this.

 The man did not continue to think about it.

 Eyes along the top of the woman's head, has been down, fell on her long and waist long black hair.

 Suddenly remembered the recent popular words on the network - to wait for her long hair and waist teenager to marry me can be good.

 Who does she ... want to wait for?

 Abruptly, this strange question, all of a sudden popped out of the mind.

 "You today, really good looking ... this hair, also good looking."

 "Don't joke, Kane, I say I'm nervous, do you believe me."

 The man just laughed, adding faintly in his mind, I'm not kidding.

 Around the corner ahead, there was a commotion.

 "Come on, let's go over there." Kane led the woman beside him, heading towards the surge.

 "Wait, wait." She was still nervous, and in her palms, another thin layer of sweat broke out, "Is that ... Mr. Mifar?"

 "No, Mifar is always mysterious, that's his secretary general."

 She was surprised for a moment, purposely looked toward the surge again, her heart was even more shocked ... Mifar has always been mysterious, anyone knows.

 It made sense that Mifaer would not attend such a banquet.

 However, the surprise is that that person, just a secretary general beside Mifaer, a secretary general appeared, will be able to cause so many political and business celebrities attention.

 The woman hung her head and raised her head in the middle of the day, "Kane, thank you."

 The latter said idly:

 "Don't be in a hurry to thank me.

 I'm just an introducer.

 Whether or not you end up getting one of Mifar's chances, that's up to you."

 At those words, she breathed a sigh of relief, then raised her lips in a smile, "Kane, thank you."

 "Come on, I'll take you to Mifar."

 He pulled her towards the crowd, everyone making way wherever he passed.

 "Hello, Duke Kane." Their people had just reached Mifar's secretary general, and the suited secretary general saw Kane at a glance, got out of the way of the crowd, came forward, and took the initiative to greet him.

 Jane Tong was slightly surprised ... Duke?

 She looked sideways, the latter gave her a reassuring smile: ''It's the 21st century, where are the dukes and nobles, they are all false names left by the previous generations of ancestors, unimportant.

 I'm still the Kane you know."

 "Sir is already upstairs in the parlor, waiting for you." The secretary-general took a half step back in courtesy, placing one hand in front of his body and bowing slightly sideways to make way.

 Jane Tong followed, a direct elevator, which she stepped into with Kane, turning around, and the moment the elevator doors closed, she saw that there were many foreigners at this banquet, in addition to some familiar faces.

 "Please wait, I'll go in and report back." The secretary general said politely.

 Not long after, he walked out and invited them in.

 It would be a lie to say that they weren't nervous.

 Come to think of it, this kind of nervousness in the industry was only present when she started out in the industry.

 The palm of her hand suddenly tightened, and she swept her eyes downward before she saw that the person beside her, at some point, had taken her hand, as if she had been burned, but the moment she wanted to withdraw her hand, reason overcame her mind.

 She tilted her head, smiled at him, "I can, don't worry." And then her eyes shifted down to land on the two palms clasped together.

 Kane thoughtfully then made to let go.

 A soft, enthusiastic voice in his ear, "OhGod, Kane, I can't believe whatisee.


 Jane Tong looked up at that moment, originally had been about to be loosened palms, abruptly, and was held tightly, the head came words gorgeous as a cello's low voice:


 The woman face gently, was about to introduce herself: "TongJane, andwearefri..."


 The smile on the woman's face froze momentarily, "Not funny." She whispered softly to the man beside her, who's thin lips revealed a light smile as he slowly explained to the astonished Mifar across the room:


 In one sentence, he put the fault on the opposite side of Mifaer, but the latter did not seem to be angry, Kane then introduced the two sides: "Jane Tong, chairman of Jane's Group. Mifaer, the founder of French Dermen, industry pioneer."

 "Hello. Jane Tong."

 "Hello beautiful lady, Mifar greets you."

 Kane let go of Jane Tong's hand, "You guys talk, I'm going to get a drink." Then he walked right around the inside corner to the bar and poured himself a drink before greeting the Secretary General again, "A drink?"

 "Yes, Duke."