
The Female Ex-Prisoner's Retaliation

Xia Weiming is dead; Shen XiuJin personally had Jian Tong sent to women's prison. After three years behind bars, Jian Tong was tormented by Shen XiuJin's orders to "take good care of her" until she was unrecognizable, she was even "agreed" to donate a kidney while incarcerated. Before going to prison, Jian Tong said: I didn't kill her. Shen XiuJin was unmoved. After being released, Jian Tong said: I killed Xia Weiming, I am guilty. Shen XiuJin's face turned ashen: Shut up! Don't let me hear that again! Jian Tong laughed: Really, I killed Xia Weiming, I've served three years. Jian Tong escaped; Shen XiuJin went mad issuing a worldwide manhunt for her. Shen XiuJin said: Jian Tong, give me your heart in exchange for my kidney. Jian Tong looked up at Shen XiuJin and said...

zhou_zhou_2424 · 现代言情
331 Chs

Chapter 283 This is not the person you want to hate

Between the cooperation of France's Demen Mifar and taking care of Shen Xiujin, she chose the latter.

 After Vivian learned about this, she called Jane Tong in anger, "Are you crazy, Little Tong, you know know what kind of situation Jane is in now.


 Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if it's the Jane Clan in its heyday, being able to befriend Mifaer is definitely something that can only be beneficial and not detrimental to Jane Clan."

 Jane Tong did not immediately give an answer, she froze for a moment, "How do you know about Mifar."

 Vivian sneered, "Little Tong, I know what you are thinking.

 Unfortunately, this time you thought wrong.

 Kane B. Ferocchi personally came to the company to look for you before.

 Naturally, I wouldn't just give your contact information to anyone.

 When he came to look for you, I saw that he was in a bit of a hurry, and after inquiring, I realized that the reason why he was in such a hurry to look for you was because of Mifaer's business.

 Mifaer's whereabouts have always been uncertain, and waiting for him to show up was originally a rare opportunity.

 As a result, when I inquired again, I found out from Kane Fellows that you are not a member. Fellocchi to find out that you don't want to go anymore."

 Vivian said impatiently, "Little Tong, if you were sick, then even if you wanted to go, I wouldn't let you go.

 But you're better now that you're sick.


 Vivian asked with a hint of forcefulness.

 Jane Tong pursed her lips, "Nothing, just don't want to go."

 "What the hell were you thinking!" Vivian yelled and hung up.

 Twenty minutes later, in front of Jane Tong's house, a sharp doorbell rang.

 She thought that the takeout she ordered had arrived, so she went to the door to open it, and as soon as she opened the door, it was Vivian who rushed in hot and bothered.

 "Little Tong, I don't believe you made such an irrational choice without a cause." She was so angry that her mouth was on fire, she picked up the teacup on the table and poured it into her mouth.

 Before she could take a sip, the teacup was snatched away.

 Vivian looked at the visitor and froze slightly, "Mr. Shen?"

 The matter of Shen Xiu Jin being shot and seriously injured in Rome, Italy, the moment Jane Tong knew about it, she knew about it, and then Jane Tong came back, then, naturally, Shen Xiu Jin was out of danger and returned to S City.

 She was just surprised that she would see this person in Jane Tong's temporary home.

 "Hello, Mr. Shen ...," she immediately extended her hand in a business-like manner.

 "This is Tong Tong's water cup, you're not allowed to drink it." The man glared at her detachedly, the teacup in his hand, defensively clutched tightly to keep her from getting it.

 Looking at such Shen Xiujin, Vivian heart suddenly surfaced a trace of grotesque, strangely looked at the man one more time, Jane Tong without trace blocked Vivian's line of sight: "You go back first, there are things until the company, we will talk."

 Vivian eyes a flash of surprise, looking at Jane Tong ... she is driving herself away?

 "Little Tong! I can't endure that long.

 Today you have to tell me the reason why, why did you let go of such a great opportunity? This is not the usual you." Jane Tong was able to work overtime for several days and nights for the sake of her work, she would never let go of such a great opportunity, a great opportunity for Jane's to turn around and just give up and ignore it.

 There must be some reason that one does not know.

 "Tong Tong, Ah Xiu cold." The man's childish voice interrupted Vivian's thoughts.

 Listening to this childish pampering, her jaw almost didn't fall to the ground.

 Jane Tong had already grabbed Shen Xiujin, "You go back to your room first." Pressing her voice, she secretly drank.

 She was also only able to coax Shen Xiujin back to his bedroom first. The less people knew about this person's dementia, the better, she had never expected that Vivian would suddenly run to her home.

 It's not that she doesn't trust Vivian, but this thing, the less people know, naturally the safer.

 "Little Tong, is he ... Shen always not?" Vivian is very shrewd, has found that something is not right, she reached out and pulled Jane Tong's arm, the other hand in the position of the temple made a "brain out of the question" movement.

 "No ..."

 "Tong Tong, it's cold, Ah fix the cold."

 Jane Tong almost wanted to throw the guy, who was tearing her down, out of the room.

 "No way, he's really here ..."

 "That's enough, Vivian." Jane Tong sank down.

 She didn't like it when people said the guy was out of his mind, somehow.

 But seeing that it was already impossible to hide it from Vivian, to explain it redundantly would be superfluous, the more it was described, the darker it became.

 Pursing her lips tightly, she went to the kitchen to pour a cup of water for that person, and went into the bedroom to bring a thick coat: "If you are sick, just lie down and rest, who told you to come out?"

 Vivian had a look of living hell. Jane Tong signaled her, "Sit down."

 Only then did she look at Shen Xiujin, who was quietly drinking water on the side, while she sat down in the sofa, how shrewd she was, she immediately understood one thing:

 "Little Tong, you wouldn't be giving up the chance to get close to Mifaer just because of him, right?"

 Jane Tong didn't say anything.

 Vivian was anxious, "Jane Tong, you're doing this just for him? You're crazy!"

 Jane Tong first turned her head to Shen Xiujin, "You go back to the bedroom first, good boy." The man reluctantly let out an "oh" and left.

 Only then did she say:

 "He's sick with a high fever. I can't go away."

 "He's sick and you're giving up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?" Vivian laughed back in exasperation:

 "He just has a fever!"

 Vivian's chest fell as she grew angrier and angrier with each word:

 "If he's sick, you can find someone to take care of him.

 He can be sent back to the Shen family.

 There could have been so many ways, yet you stayed for him.

 Do you know that what you gave up was not just a chance to get close to Mifaer.

 What you gave up was a chance for all of Jane's employees!

 You let all the staff of Jane's accompany you to give up a light and fast way, and choose another difficult and risky road.

 Little Tong, you this time, are too disappointing."

 If she didn't know Jane's real problem, then she wouldn't be as anxious as she was now.

 Seeing the emergence of a shortcut to the end of the world, but so easily said not to go, not to go.

 Jane Tong was silent, Vivian stood up violently:

 "Little Tong, you are possessed! Out of your mind! Don't you forget what he has done to you before!" Vivian looked at Jane Tong's face abruptly miserable, self-conscious that she said the wrong thing, but at the moment, more than anything else, she was angry at Jane Tong:

 "The things he did to you, which one of them is not too numerous to list. Which one is worth giving up the opportunity to see Mifaer for him. Did he ever tell you he was sorry?

 Did he tell you he loved you?

 Who knows when he'll be back to normal in this condition?

 Do you want to take care of a child for the rest of your life?!"

 The words were like knives, and the knives hit the vitals!

 Jane Tong's figure swayed slightly and unnoticeably, her palms immediately gripped the sofa tightly before she could not support herself ... After he was like this, the words she hid in her heart, the facts that she could have avoided, were just laid out unceremoniously in front of her by Vivian.

 Hanging her head, her whole person seemed to be soulless.

 Slowly, raising her head, ''Vivian, if he regains his sobriety, I can instead treat him with indifference.

 The sober Shen Xiujin, I hate and have never been able to forgive. I only wish that when I see this person again in this life, I will be in the netherworld."

 If this person is awake that Shen Xiujin, enmity and hatred, is the matter of two people, she hated her resentment, he had to suffer.

 But this person is not sober, enmity and hatred, he forgot, but only became her a person's thing, she hated her resentment, he did not understand. Clueless asked her why she hates him, but she can not put the past those sordid and dirty repressed things, spread out in front of a child with a mind of only eight years old ... again, she can not do so.

 "He is not sober, not sober Shen Xiu Jin, not the past that Shen Xiu Jin, not sober Shen Xiu Jin, with all the ways he can think of to be good to me, although it is very childish. Yet, he was kind to me, Jane Tong, as a person, nothing else.

 I admit, I got greedy.

 Greedy for the warmth from an eight year old child. Vivian ... What do you want me to do? Push away the few 'warmths' with my own hands?"

 "I'm just going to hate and resent, and that's resenting the one who's awake, not an eight year old."