
The Favourability System in the Apocalypse

Genesis was like any other otaku who was ambitious when got transported to another world but his life in other world was also filled with the sorrow and suffering because at got transmigrating in the start to live like a common person under the fear of monsters with his father as family. But when he awakened his gold finger as Favourability, his luck turned even more grim because many other people who target his system turned his life worst than hell. But he activated the 'Outerversal explore' feature of system by some help and start visiting worlds of various terrible novels made by unknown novels. -------------------------------- Will Genesis be able to become to strong to survive and who is that person who is after him. For every gift there will be an additional chapter.

Fantasy_Bringer · 奇幻
33 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening Ceremony

"Hahaha, Loser have finally arrived." Weizer who is a bully said.

"But I think, he may be able to awaken at least lowest level subordinate Talent." A sensual girl named Rita with a melodic voice said.

"That's what you think, but I think He will definitely fail his energy level is not close enough to awaken subordinate talent." Weizer again said retorting. 

"Genesis, its last call before awakening ceremony will begin." Officer of awakening ceremony said.

A child with silver white hair and golden eyes started coming toward the awakening platform. His physical features may was mesmerizing but his body was like he has not received any kind of proper food for many years. 

This child was no normal child he was boy of age 19 who had reincarnated as this baby. At first his life was so happy because his parents in this life loved him but when he turned 5, his mother died. After which his life started going downhill, because his father married another woman to take care of him as mother but she stole all the money and left them with nothing making their life worst.

His father became drunker because he couldn't handle that someone he trusted betrayed him.

{ Genesis POV }

I may have come here but I have no hope that anything could change my life because only he knew that one person who he met in his this life was also transmigrator but at the awakening in the process he died due to mysterious reason. So, I was suspecting because this world does not allow people to awaken any talent and kill them who are from other world.

But I could not deny the awakening ceremony because everyone at the 15 have to go through this even though they may awaken low talent or no talent at all. But this ceremony can be hidden from.

"I am here Officer, You can begin with awakening ceremony." I said.

"Everyone place their hands on the glowing ball for subordination talent. First Captains will place their hands on higher ball and children would follow them with placing their hands on the subordinate balls." Officer said ignoring me.

Captains on the high place from us placed their hand on the glowing ball while talking among themselves.

Captain 1: Do you guys think that this batch of children will able to succeed in inheriting the subordinate talent of us?

Captain 2: The every child of this batch is said to be expert in some of skill or field and have good energy level except one there who is all skinny. So, they would be able to inherit our power but this elder is also trying his luck here to find subordinate talent inheritor. His talent is so strong that no one succeeded in inheriting it, no even the geniuses of the powerful academies. 

Elder: Hey, you captains, don't you dare jinx my this try, or I will destroy this city and galactic police would not even consider helping you. 

All captains hearing this from Elder shut their mouth due to fear of what just elder because they knew that elder would not have second thought if they said anything anymore against him.

Awakening ceremony from side of captains was completed.

"Alright, Now, children place your hands on the balls." Officer said.

I was a little afraid inside me but giving up my fear I decided to place my hands on the ball because death could never worst than what my life already is where parents who I lived with for 15 years.

Placing my hands, I felt some kind of energy entering my body. I thought that instead of being transmigrated here, I was reincarnated here so may be my soul has stableized in this world due to being as born as child instead of occupying the other persons's body which is called is called transmigrating.

But next moment soothing energy turned into ferocious monster like it wanted to destroy me from inside. Pain was too severe that even fighting back with all my strength and will but still could not stay as calm as others. I held for dome more seconds but got hazy and fell unconscious on the body.

[ Third Person POV ]

Just as genesis fell back on the ground, all people there wanted to throw this weak person to just die by itself, because even if common people was not able to get subordinate talent and gain supernatural powers, they still can survive the subordinate talent awakening ceremony easily. 

Everyone was despising this boy. But someone saw something different inside that boy, this something different was peculiar energy flowing and destroying body from inside.

Elder: Officer, I want this boy to stay in this building for one day and take care of him for that time.

Officer was confused as to what different thing did he saw in this boy that he who speak only when needed spoke in this topic. 

All people started awakening their subordinate talent except some of them who failed to awaken any kind of power.

Who failed to awaken was despising their own destiny for making them a common person.

Officer started to announce the subordinate talent that every person awakened who was successful in the awakening.

"Weizer inherited the subordinate talent of 'Dragon bloodline' captain named Dragon of the rage of Rank- A+.

Menza have inherited the subordinate talent of 'Speed of thought' captain named flashing steps Rank- B.

Pawan have inherited the subordinate talent of 'Fire knight' captain named fire fist Rank- C." Officer announced.

After announcing other low ranked subordinate talent awakeners. Now it was turn of that girl named Rita but Officer was now stuttering like something unexpected have happened.

Gaining the determination and not to let the captains and one specific person wait anymore, officer said stuttering, " Ritaaa have, Rita have, Rita have inherited the taleeeent of Lightening celestial Elder named lightening chains Rank- SS-."

All people were shocked especially the captains, and now they were envious of the this girl who can gain the guidance of the Elder. But, Elder only nodded in the satisfaction due to finally getting a subordinate talent awakener. 

But, officer did not announced the result of Genesis because he fainted in the process of awakening but did not awakened any talent.