
The Fae Queen's Pet

Sierra Chelsi is alone in the world, on the run for a murder she freely admits to. And no matter how badly her abusive father deserved what he got, the local sheriff is determined to make her pay. As deputies close in, Sierra flees into an unfamiliar patch of woods and comes face-to-face with a faerie queen who offers sanctuary for a price. The young werewolf is still days away from the full moon and minutes away from a jail cell, so she accepts her first fae bargain to become the Raven Queen’s new pet. Time will tell if placing herself under the magical power of a fae queen was a more merciful choice than being hauled off in the back of a squad car. Either way, the Raven Queen has plans for her new pet, and Sierra will discover the full weight of the price she paid to substitute a mortal jail cell for a room in the royal palace full of immortal tricksters eager to wind her into their own games.

AutumnWolff · 奇幻言情
16 Chs

Chapter Twelve

It started slow, a few fingers trailing down the side of my cheek. I leaned into her touch. The air around us was warm and dry, and I took shelter in the coolness of her offerings.

"I have you," she said, pausing her touch and staring deep inside of me. Her gaze penetrated every ounce of my being and went to a core I didn't think I could reach alone. I leaned further into her touch, and with a single hand on the side of my face, my mistress held me up.

"You have me," I said, unsure of what would follow. But I was sure that I would follow. Wherever she went, whatever she did, I would follow. For I was her pet, and this much had been made clear to me in our days together thus far. This was the bargain I struck in exchange for sanctuary. And it was one I gladly upheld day after day at the side of a dark queen of Faerie.

The marking on the side of my neck announcing to the world I belonged only to Varella carried a renewed chill at her presence, her graze upon my skin.

"I'm going to do things to you, my pet. Things that will make your body shiver, that will make you moan my name," my mistress said with all the confidence of a queen who foresaw the future. "My touch alone will make you curse in ecstasy. You'll say things. You'll hiss in the goodness of my grasp. And as you sink into the blissful sleep of a content pet when all is said and done, you'll have no doubt who brought you to the middle of a city called Satisfaction."

My heart was starting to beat faster, her words and promises pulling me closer and closer until a negative space was all that remained between us.

With one hand still on the side of my face, Varella leaned down and met my lips. She'd kissed me on the forehead and blew on my neck before. But this was the first true union of our lips, an introduction long promised and now given.

I could taste her now, the flavor of blackberries, a brisk night wind, and whispers of more to come. She pulled away for just a moment, and I almost burst into tears right there. It was cruel to deliver such a kiss and then leave me!

But then she moved her other hand to the side of my face and held me with her full grasp. Before I could register her movement, Varella's lips were back on mine, but this kiss carried so much more power.

A raw animalistic urge built from within, hungering for all she offered. There was pleasure front and center, and I wanted it all. I had no doubts she would deliver. A faerie did not make a promise they'd fail to keep.

The Raven Queen followed her own tempo to our kissing, and I followed her. She was in full control. The song, the volume, the march, it was all my mistress'.

Another moment and her tongue was in my mouth, first lightly teasing mine, an introduction of its own. Then, her tongue explored the cavern of my mouth, claiming every piece of me in the name of the Raven Queen.

Her magic danced onto my tongue like candy, and I felt my head begin to sway. I returned her kiss with more passion, pleading with her to continue the promise.

No thoughts. No apprehension. No doubts. This was what I wanted, and my mistress sensed that. A small giggle of hers echoed into my mouth. It wasn't just about the kissing for Varella. She was finding pleasure in the knowledge of her absolute dominance over me. Hey, more power to her. I found pleasure in everything she did to me. Seemed like a win-win situation from every angle I considered in two seconds.

It was all the time I had before she moved her hands down to my shoulders and started to nibble on my neck. Goddamn, if I wasn't truly shivering before, I was now.

Leaning forward to bite her back, I felt Varella's fingers fall over my lips.

"No, no, my pet. Tonight is about what I'm doing to you. Understand?" she asked.

So this truly was about control.

Varella grabbed my chin with those same fingers.

"Acknowledge that you understand," she said in a sultry, yet firm voice. I felt my throat struggle to make words. So I just nodded.

"Good girl," she said and resumed biting my neck, harder this time, right up to the line of pain without crossing that threshold. I gasped.

"That's what you get for being naughty," she whispered in my ear.

Fuck, maybe I could stand to be a little more naughty, I thought before she kissed me again and pushed any remaining thoughts out of my head.

"Now for the really fun part," Varella said with a cruel smile. "Drop the cloak on the ground behind you.

I did as I was commanded by my mistress. The feathered cloak fell quietly to the ground behind me. Then the queen pulled her best magic trick yet, snapping her fingers, and causing every ounce of her armor and clothing to dissolve into black feathers that fell around her.

That's when I saw the Raven Queen in totality, her nude body standing before me, the very definition of beauty chiseled by a goddess one perfect moment at a time. My mistress towered over me, and I found my eyes going to her breasts, which weren't much bigger than my own.

I slowly ran my fingers over her abs and down her toned hips. Did the Raven Queen have a secret gym where she worked out for several hours a day? She had enough muscle to fight an ogre and come away with an easy victory. And I wanted her to use all of that power.

"Step on me," I said.

"In good time, my pet. But tonight I intend to take you a different way," she said. I was left wondering what she meant, but I didn't have to wait long.

Somehow she found another little bit of space to squeeze out between us, her flesh meeting mine, dark hair falling around our faces like a curtain. After another kiss, she held her face over mine until our eyes were just inches away from one another.

"Prepare yourself, darling. I'm going to roll your mind," she said.

I didn't know what that meant, but we were marching to the beat of her drum last I checked, so I just nodded.

"Just keep looking deep into my eyes, my pet. Don't. Stop," she said.

Her violet eyes captured mine. And I don't mean their striking beauty gave me pause. I mean, my consciousness felt wholly captured in her gaze, as though her mind had reached into my own to hold it steady.

"Don't resist, my pet," she said as I felt my surroundings fade away. My peripheral vision was swallowed next. Her eyes were all that I knew for the longest time as I felt her glamour seep into every crevice of my mind, a warm bath I sunk more into with each moment.

My head jerked a little bit because none of this felt natural. I imagined this is what getting high felt like, and as I felt more light-headed with each moment, I twitched a little more.

But I didn't fight too much because the truth was this felt too damn good.

"Surrender, my pet," she said, and that was all the fight she was going to get out of my subconscious.

A true understanding of just how deeply I was under the influence of her glamour hit when I heard her voice in my ears and my being.

"I have you now. Your entire mind and body are within the grasp of a dark queen of Faerie. You surrendered it all to me willingly. Why, darling?"

"Because. . .I wanted you to have it," I said from somewhere. Did I even have a mouth anymore? Ope. She kissed me again, her tongue exploring my own. I guess I did still have a mouth.

Varella picked me up, and I instinctively wrapped my legs around her. She whispered things into my ears and kissed the dip in my shoulder as I moaned.

"That's it," she said.

She kissed me there again, and I moaned louder.

My mistress laid me back onto the cloak of feathers I'd dropped earlier. She ran a finger down from the bottom of my neck to my bosom, where she traced the outline of both my breasts before returning to the center of my chest.

"Tease," I hissed.

She grinned.

"Our entire dance for the last few days has been nothing but a giant tease, Sierra. I can tease you as much as I want because you're all mine. I own you," she said.

And she did.

Placing her palm on the center of my chest, I felt Varella call forth her magic from within me, and it felt like she was pulling something to the surface, a hand hovering over the ocean, calling for a submerged ship to appear. And it did.

I growled as a more animalistic desire enveloped me. There were things I wanted from my mistress, craved.

With her magic summoned within me and without, and me in the throws of her glamour, it seemed like Varella finally had the tools she wanted to work with.

There was no warning as a wave of pleasure washed over me, and my hips buckled, rising and falling, my breath caught in my throat.

"Ah, there it is. Had to find the right frequency you'd respond to," she smiled.

My mistress put her full weight on me then, placing her hips on mine.

"Wh-what was that?" I asked.

"You mean this?" she asked, as another tide of pleasure washed over me, sending echoes through every damn inch of my body.

"Fuck!" I screamed, quaking beneath the touch of my mistress.

I was a boat trapped in a storm out to sea. But with feelings like this, nobody would hear a complaint from me.

My mistress ran her nails down my sides, digging lightly into my skin, and I took breaths where I could. Next, she mixed her nails with that magic wave, and I moaned. I said her name three or four times and cursed like a sailor.

All this pleasure while my head danced in a high of its own. It was almost overwhelming, and Varella had barely touched me. But then she decided to really start, running her hand from my belly down between my legs where the heat had been building for a while now.

I was startled, and another moan escaped my lips. But I really started making noise when she slipped two fingers into the wetness between my legs.

"Oh god, Varella. Fuck. I can't. . .," I said. "I can't. . . don't. . .stop."

The teasing didn't stop there. She circled my clit a few times, and all the while I continued to tremble at her full command.

My mistress finally picked up the tempo, and I said words that would make the gods grin their wicked grins as they thought wicked thoughts.

"Say my name," the Raven Queen said.

But words didn't come. They wanted to, but one final shred of self-restraint held them back, and it frayed more with each passing second, with every last thrust.

"My name, darling. What is it?"

"I. . .I," I said, gasping for breath.

The Raven Queen leaned closer, our breasts touching, electricity building enough to short-circuit my wandering mind.

"Varella!" I screamed, and that's when she proved the race still had a final lap to go.

She wasn't just rubbing now, but bringing her magic to bear, focussing it all on the middle of my body. There were no words for the explosion I felt inside, a neuron star spreading a new galaxy to every inch of my body, head to toe I felt this orgasm. I dug my nails into her shoulders and renewed my oath to the goddess of sex I found myself suddenly acquainted with.

My back arched as Varella pressed harder against me.

Heat built until I could no longer contain the feeling, and with one last muffled cry, I came against the queen's hand.

I could do nothing for the longest time after that, but lay there, basking in two things, the weight of my mistress atop me, and the glorious afterglow that lingered for the better part of an hour.

When I finally could move, at least a little, my mistress rolled onto her back, and we reversed positions so that I rested my cheek against her bosom while she stroked my hair.

Surprisingly, I spoke first.


"Yes, my pet?"

"You know I'd give you anything, right? Anything you asked for?" I said.

Varella thought for a moment as I yawned.

"You already have," she said, grinning.

Before I nodded off completely, I had one final question.

"I thought you said you wouldn't fuck me until I begged," I said. "What changed?"

The Raven Queen giggled and folded her giant cloak around us like a blanket, which only served to make me sleepier.

"That was more of a metaphysical fuck, more magic than anything," Varella said. "Trust me, my pet. When I've truly fucked you, you'll know it."

I didn't understand the full implications of what her words meant, but sleep had finally found me.

The queen and I stayed in the clearing for several hours resting. When we awoke, the sun was high in the sky. We washed up, and Varella flew us back to Featherstone, where I'm sure more surprises awaited.