
Chapter 10

After discovering the truth about who the king is Yoon Yeong discusses something with her father and then heads back to her room. Everyone there seems asleep except the king who is sitting on his bed while reading a book, as he sees her he gets up and asks,

"Where did you run off too? What were you doing out this late? Is it an exception for you to follow the rules?"

"No. I will sleep now." replies Hwang Yoon Yeong and starts walking towards her bed.

The king catches her by the wrist and pulls her towards him and says,

"Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Ah! Sorry for earlier and thank you. Now you can let go of my hand." replies Yoon Yeong as she tries to escape from the king's hands.

The king lets go of her hand, coughs and says,

"That was quite easy for you to admit and say. It's okay now let's just go to sleep."

"Okay." replies Yoon Yeong.

"What is the matter with me? Why did I get flustered and become awkward? Ah, I don't know I will just sleep." says the king to himself and goes to sleep.

The next morning before the time for the ringing of bell Yoon Yeong gets up from her bed as quietly as possible. She takes another pair of her uniform and quietly walks out of the door without making any noises. She silently walks past the hallway and reaches at the backside of the quarters near the stream.

"Ah! Really! I have to do this before the others wake up. First I will take a bath and then wash my clothes." Yoon Yeong murmurs this to herself in a very low voice and starts getting undressed.

"What are you doing?" asks the king in a low voice, standing exactly behind her as if he was spying on her.

Yoon Yeong gets surprised and tries to move away which makes her trip, as she is about to fall the king catches her by her waist and the other hand covering her mouth as she doesn't scream and wake everyone up.

"Hey! It's me Oh Ye Jun. Don't shout." whispers the king to her in a low voice.

Yoon Yeong tries to get out of his arms hurriedly but fails and the both fall into the water together.

"Hey! You! You!-" says the king while looking at her.

Yoon Yeong tries to cover herself as the king might find out her true identity.

"Why? What is it? Speak clearly." says Yoon Yeong.

Then the king stutters but responds in a low voice,

"Are you by any chance-"

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Rose_Park_0515creators' thoughts