
The Eternity

The Last Heavenly Demon Awakening..... A tale of six youths from four different clans of heavenly palace eventually ended up together in a school of cultivation. Together they go through many things, find their soulmates and weapons. After that, a series of mysteries started to reveal as well as people, which tore them apart and they go through their ambitious punishments of life. After waiting for a long, when they finally meet again, they team up to find a demonic ARC and their lost hearts. The ARC that can lead the world in chaos, led them in chaos instead. But the biggest mystery is yet to be revealed. A thousands of years old mystery, a Heavenly demon awakening!!! Now can these youths will be able to fall in love and save the world from this awakening or they will again fall apart!!.....

ayexun · 奇幻言情
29 Chs

11- We Are Friends!

What are you doing here? Wait…

Wait for what? For you….

But why? Didn't you say wait for me in the hall and I am coming but you didn't come, so I came to you.


Didn't you sleep last night? No


Ok, ok fine. Let go for breakfast.

(Yu Zhiyuan not moving)

Come, aren't you waiting to dine with me, why aren't you moving now? Then first tell me where were you, you didn't come back last night, did something happen? Tell me now….

(what can I tell him about last night? I sneak off? Fell in bushes? Ate too much? And finally, run without paying? No, I can't tell him, it is so embarrassing that I didn't have money to buy food for myself. No)

I did nothing just eat some food and take a walk in town…

Did you take a walk the whole night?

No, I met some friends of mine and I played with them. So, I didn't notice the time. (awkward smile)

Ok. I am believing you this time but I doubt if you are telling truth?

I am telling a hundred percent truth. I swear!!!

Swear whom? Ahhh, I swear you.


I can just hope you won't want me dead. And they two went straight to the dining hall.

She didn't even get changed nor did she wash her face and go to the dining hall, still don't wear school uniforms. Her previous table was still empty and she also liked that place so she went straight to that table and that table was set in its previous four-chair table form. She took a food plate and sit on her previous seat. He came after her with his plate and didn't sit on the remaining three chairs but again pull a chair from another table and set it beside hers.

Why didn't you sit here? Because I don't want to occupy other places. My place is mine and I don't allow others to occupy it either.

But we are just two here!!

She was just saying this and here comes Han Wuji with his plate and went straight to his seat beside her. She was seeing him sitting and here comes Ze Deshi and after some time Han Weiyan also come and all of them were getting arranged in their previous manner.

She was staring at them as all of them already started eating.

Why are you staring at us? Eat! Ze Deshi said to her.


She asked after a while; Hey classmates; yesterday was our first day so I invited you, no, not all of you but him (pointed at Han Wuji), but today? Yesterday is already gone, we can now return to our routines, you all can eat with your previous partners or go on your previous seats, whatever it is!!

They all continue to eat and Yu Zhiyuan said wherever you go, I'll follow you (with a cute smile), Ze Deshi said I only sit with people who are eligible to sit with me, Han Weiyan said wherever my brother eats. I always eat with him, he doesn't have any friends so I always dine with him and because of dining with him, now I don't have any dining partner either and I can't eat alone!!!!

Now everyone was staring at Han Wuji waiting for his answer….

Han Wuji; because we are friends????


After hearing him nobody said anything and just ate their food in silence.

(when did we become friends? Am I supposed to eat with these four for two whole years, and become the center of attention as well as the central enemy? All girls here had a crush on them, some even claim openly to be their fiancé, now what am I supposed to do???)

After eating they all went on their way because the class is going to begin in a few minutes. They all went to the classroom, since she didn't know the way to class she just follows them. They all entered class and Masha was, at last, going to enter, suddenly Lady Song Yirong and Su Jingmei came and blocked her way (it wasn't much obvious).

So, you already completed your punishment Ghost lady (mocking name), no; "the only Ghost lady". Hahaha….

I think only Ghost lady don't have other clothes or uniform, that's why she is still wearing old clothes.

If you don't have any, you can ask me any time, I have many old clothes, especially for the needy and only people. Hahaha…


Someone came in a rush and told them master is coming, they all rush into the room leaving her behind.

And as expected teacher caught her before entering the class.

You, what are you doing outside? You are late for my class. And, how arrogant you are, you are still not wearing the uniform? Just because you are from the Ghost Core sect you think you can do whatever you want?

You arrogant little brat!! Copy rules for two thousand times more.

But Master.

Shut up and stay here to ponder over your mistakes.

... (he didn't let her speak, even a single word)

Again she become a hot topic in class, all students seemed to be amazed by this fun but Yu Zhiyuan seemed to be angry and also Han Wuji also seems to be uneasy.

And here outside she wasn't pondering over her mistakes but thinking just where did she put her uniform, she didn't seem to see her uniform as she never wears any white clothes.

(I must have put it under my bed because when I unpack my luggage I didn't notice any uniform but there was a white cloth. Yeah, I saw it. I think it is a rag, I throw it under my bedding. Oh, that was it. I should go and take it)

Inside master was delivering his lecture, everyone was attentive besides those two. As soon as the class ends, they two rush towards the door but the master stopped all the students for an announcement.

All the students paid attention to him and he said that; tomorrow will be the selection day.

Nobody had any idea about this. What selection??

Then he continues; we will next go to fight monsters and you can't fight a monster or ghost just on your own, you'll need partners. For practicing and for fighting you will be in need of the best partners. So, we decided to already train you in groups. Each group will have three members. As we don't want any injustice, so we will draw your names tomorrow and then we will make your groups and you will become a training trio. So, be prepared for tomorrow!!! Now you can go.

They two didn't mind the master and again rush towards the door and when they reach the door, they got a surprise seeing a sleeping beauty at door.

They took a relieving breath as they thought she may be crying for getting more punishment or she will be getting angry but there was an opposite scene, she was sleeping and not even sleeping, she was sleeping while standing.

Now everyone was present and saw her sleeping. They all start laughing at her style of pondering over her mistakes and those two ladies were actually standing in front of her and laughing. Yu Zhiyuan gave them an angry glance and they immediately stopped laughing. And then the master came out and saw her sleeping and got angrier and also increased her punishment from two to five thousand times copying rules. And then he left.

A voice came from behind; she is earning too much as well as too fast.

Everyone laughing hard...

Here Yu Zhiyuan got angrier and made all of them dismissed in one. When all of them left, he woke her up.

Did class already end? It was too fast.


Are you alright? How can you sleep like this here?

I am fine. I was getting bored, having nothing to do so I took a nap.

But how can you sleep outside while standing?

Was it too outrageous?

We should go; Han Wuji said.

Yeah, first we should go. But where are we going?


But why? To fulfill your punishment.


Can't you just forget it, didn't you say we are friends?

We are friends, that's why I didn't tell master about your sneaking off.


And I don't lie.


Fine, I'll go. But you have to wait, I should first get changed. You go to the library, I'll come later.

Ok. Come early.

I am also joining you two; Yu Zhiyuan said.

Then you have to copy rules for me?


No, he can't help you. You are being punished not him.

Oh, fine,

She went to her room, ruin all bedsheets, and finally found her uniform. Oh, this is my uniform. This looks ugly.


She wears her uniform and head for the library.

She entered the library. They two were sitting in front of the door while reading books and after seeing her wearing the uniform. Their eyes got wide open as it was the first time they saw her in a complete lady-like look. Han Wuji's face doesn't show any clear expressions but you can see the surprised look on Yu Zhiyuan's face clearly. As he got bewitched by her beauty.

She was already very beautiful but by wearing white-colored robes on her snowy white skin, green eyes, long lashes, rose petal-like lips, and wearing a white hooded cloak, which was like a snow cover on her beauty. As she was walking in, it feels like an angel is descending from heaven. It was a breathtaking view.

You are looking like an angel!!!!