
Cosmic Tyrant Framework's Fourth Level (I)

"I will stay for the following week in the Hyperion Continent, so if you have any inquiries or doubts, you can summon me. After that, I will march to Kronos to ensure everything is in order with the Atrox Immortus Empire. I expect the armies to be ready to march through the Bridge of Hope toward Gaia in a month."

Cian paused at this point, his eyes growing cold.

"Be sure that no matter how many of your forces march into Atlas, none of the Sacred Races will use that as a chance to attack your domain. I will slaughter any force or organization attacking a race fighting Dark Sky."

Eon and the Patriarchs smiled when they heard that, as it meant that they could freely march into Atlas without concern for the Atrox Immortus Race planning something in Hyperion while they were away. Of course, Cain's word also meant that if any of them were to try to move into Kronos, he would kill them.