
The Enigma of the V

What would you do if a pigeon told you that you had to save the world? This is what happened to Legend, a ten year old kid that was originally a seventeen year old named Jonas. Now he's in another dimension called the Arkana, and after accepting his new reality he's become a wannabe adventurer. After meeting new friends along the way, they uncover an evil conspiracy to open a dimensional doorway allowing something unholy into the Arkana. Will Legend and his new friends be able to stop those that long to see the world burn?

Jonkohrr · 奇幻
141 Chs

The Nexus of Time and Space

Adramellech: I need to learn the truth about what happened during my confinement. I fear there has been foul play somewhere along the line… The Guardians are now as if they never existed, which is not possible… They are essential beings in maintaining order throughout all creation…

Zeldrys: My lord… what can we do to assist?

Adramellech: Worry not, Zeldrys. You will both prove to be quite valuable. I believe I know what I must do… and where I must go... to a place outside of time from which I can see everything that ever was, and all things that are, perhaps even the things that will come to pass…

Demona: And where might this place be, my lord?