
Romina's Quest

~At zero hour~

Shadow got nearly blown to bits when the Cabal's attack began. She saw a Bomb Flame approach the town's outer limits and was about to throw a kunai at it when it exploded. The blast's shockwave sent her flying, and as she fell, she broke two ribs. When she was getting up, she saw Merlin. She realized that he was the one commanding the monsters. But then she also saw Zeldrys and was even more worried. She concealed her presence, trying to protect the village from the shadows... But there wasn't much she could do. She sent her shadow to warn Romina of the incoming force that was about to hit the village hard.

~ Now~

Shadow: Leader! Are you alright? - Shadow had one hand on Kathryn, the giant spider, and the other holding her busted ribs. Romina was utterly enraged. 

Romina: I'm fine! But the children... I think they suffocated...

Shadow turned to look at the bodies of the children lying motionless on the ground amid the smoke and the flames. She was heartbroken at the sight, but quickly diverted her focus at Romina.

Shadow: Leader... You must live. Live to avenge the Shadow Clan... While I distract them, use the opportunity to escape! Fly out of the forest with Nimrod!

Romina: I've lost way too much today to consider running like a coward! We end this here and now! These two monsters must pay for what they've done... No matter the cost... No matter the consequences... I swear I'll make you pay!

Nimrod: You're an idiot, you know that?! They were leaving! Why the hell did you have to provoke them?! Now we're all gonna die!

Romina: Nimrod. There's no need for you to be here any longer. If you decide to leave, I will not hold it against you – Romina said with frightening serenity. The old Nimrod would have been gone without giving it a thought. But it just didn't feel right for him to do that at this moment…

Nimrod: Not a chance in hell. I'm not abandoning you. I guess I'm an idiot myself, huh...

Romina: Nimrod... - Romina was surprised at Nimrod's resolve to stay and help her.

Shadow used a skill called Hidden Nightmare  on Merlin and Zeldrys, which made her targets re-live the most traumatic experience they've ever had in their lives. The pain and trauma hidden in their souls would emerge as a weapon against them.

Merlin was hit and began to experience the effect... He was now in front of Relm, who used Capture to suck him into the orb he had with him. He felt his strength drained from him and looked like he had fallen prey to despair...

Shadow: {Good... It looks like he's under the effects of Hidden Nightmare. Let's hope this is enough to stop him...}

Zeldrys, on the other hand, was unaffected. He stepped forward and unsheathed the Masamune blade. Kathryn jumped at him to attack, while Shadow was suddenly out of sight. But Zeldrys quickly shouted, "SEIGEN!" paralyzing both Romina and Kathryn. Shadow threw a barrage of kunai from an unseen location, and most of them hit Zeldrys in his vital points... yet he continued moving unfazed as if it were all nothing.

Nimrod had a head injury. A Bomb Flame had exploded close to him, burning part of his face and launching a stake at him that cut the side of his head. He tried picking up a paralyzed Romina and flying away, but he didn't have perfect motor coordination because of his recent run-ins with the Mimics and Bombs.

Zeldrys then shouted something else while in a peculiar stance with the Masamune blade: "HIREKI TSURU!"… A bright light shone upon the area, way more luminous than the flames. Shadow was no longer concealed (whatever it was that Zeldrys did, made her visible again). She was about three meters away from Kathryn, and behind her was Nimrod carrying Romina away from the site. Zeldrys put the Masamune back in its sheath and unsheathed another sword. A double-edged sword. He pointed it at Kathryn. A light was beginning to concentrate on the tip of the blade. Shadow was panicking. Her fighting style relied a lot on confusing and ambushing her enemies. If that didn't work, she would overpower them with coordinated attacks that involved the other ninjas from the Big Three, but given the circumstances, that was not an option.

Zeldrys: You were all worthy opponents. Honorable warriors. Despite being outclassed. Outmatched. Outnumbered. None of you backed down. I respect that. I shall now honor you by granting you a warrior's death.


One beam of energy blasted from his double-edged sword went through Kathryn, Shadow, Nimrod, and Romina (despite these two being farther away from the action). Shadow and Kathryn died instantly. The effects of Hidden Nightmare stopped the moment Shadow died. Merlin woke up in a semi-weakened state.

Zeldrys: These people were nothing like Relm. The fact that they caused you trouble only means that you are careless. Next time I will not intervene in your favor.

Merlin: Shut up, and let's get out of here.

The Cabal left the area in flames. They thought they had killed everyone. But most importantly, they obtained the Akuma-Kodachi, one of three weapons needed to break the dimensional barrier so Adramellech could enter the Arkana.

Rachel and the others were close. They were headed towards the fire, believing they'd find Nimrod.

Meg: This way! Hurry!

Richard: I still do not understand how he does it... A good thing he does, nonetheless. - Richard was referring to the way how Meg was able to know where people were.

Meg guided them to where Nimrod and Romina were lying on the ground, pierced through the chest (Nimrod) and the abdomen (Romina).

Meg: Rachel! They still have vital signs! Hurry!

Rachel: Refreshing breeze from the heavens... Come forth with the power to soothe pain and close open wounds!


Rachel's Cure spell worked. Its effect was even more potent than before. Her time in the Giant World gave a boost to her magical powers. Their wounds closed up. Nimrod and Romina regained consciousness.

Romina: Who are you?

Nimrod: Rachel! – Nimrod got up to hug her and immediately winced in pain... – Are you alright?

Rachel: I am... What about you?!

Nimrod: This is nothing! Tis' but a scratch! Heh, heh <ouch! >

Romina: These are your friends, Nimrod? I don't understand... How did they find us?

Rachel: Meg guided us here. Honestly, the fire is relatively easy to see, even from afar...

Richard: What happened here? - Richard inquired, feeling wholly baffled by the scene in front of him. There were bodies everywhere... most of them burnt to a crisp, others hacked to pieces... Zeldrys killed those that died with blade wounds without a doubt. The mimic's tentacles had strangled others. A raging fire was still blazing and consuming everything around them... smoke impairing their vision and making it hard to breathe... but overall... that particular and terrifying scent of death... 

Nimrod: It was that Dark wizard, Merlin. He and another freak brought a horde of monsters to steal a weapon... it was pretty important by the looks of things. They- - they slaughtered everyone in the village...

The village was no more. The Shadow clan was gone. With over five centuries of tradition and peace-loving people. They only fought to protect their way of life and to defend themselves from those who would do them harm. But they all perished because of the ambitions of a few. All but one…

Nimrod: This here is Romina. She was the Shadow Ninja clan Leader...

Rachel: I'm so sorry... – Rachel held Romina's hands and shed a tear - All those warriors… innocent men, women, and children… I'm sorry we didn't make it here sooner... Maybe we could have---

Romina stood up and let go of Rachel's hands.

Romina: I thank you, White wizard. I assume my surviving was your doing.

Rachel: You should be thanking Meg... The only reason I was able to help you was because of him. He knew exactly where we could find you. It would have been a different story had he not been with us...

Romina: A pigeon? No matter – She bowed in respect – Thank you, pigeon.

Meg: My pleasure - he said with an annoyed look.

Romina: It talks!?

Meg: {It??!!} I'll let it slide because I know you nearly died...

Romina was devastated. After interacting with the party of heroes, she looked like the embodiment of rage. She made a fist with her right hand and held it in front of her face. The fist was shaking as she looked at it intensely. 

Romina: They took everything from me. Everyone. All the ones whom I had sworn to protect... And the last heirloom of my family... They robbed me of my reason for living... How dare they? Those monsters... That man wasn't even human... I was sure I had cut deep into his flesh, and his wound regenerated right in front of me! It doesn't matter... Because today, I, at this moment, make a pact with you all as witnesses before the skies; this burning forest, and the flames that devour it... I will avenge the Shadow Clan... and get back what's rightfully mine!!!

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See you in the next chapter!

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