
The Enigma of Eternal Wisdom and Temporal Dominion

In a universe where cosmic forces and temporal mastery collide, an ancient prophecy speaks in cryptic verse of a force unknown, a destiny untold. “When realms collide and souls traverse, In cycles of life, through realms diverse, A dragon's essence, a timeless grace, Shall awaken to a cosmic embrace. But as cosmic tides and aeons entwine, The hero must heed the cosmic sign, For at the edge where universes blend, A final stand against time’s grasp shall rend.” Only by unlocking the secrets of their cosmic destiny can they confront the enigma of time itself. *** Planet---Earth In a room there lay a young boy on bed open his eyes which were like pure silver after looking left and right he say only two words "f**k seriously"

_KaNETO · 奇幻
9 Chs

Chapter-01 The Fragile Promise And Dream

In the quiet town of Stanford, where life moved at its own leisurely pace. Nestled amidst rolling hills and quaint cottages, the town seemed untouched by the cosmic mysteries that haunted Alex's dreams.

Alex Thorn prepared for a day that held the promise of both excitement and uncertainty. Today marked his first day at college, a moment he had long anticipated.

As he was coming down stairs he can't help but think about the voice he heard in dream and about the prophecy that how different was it then his dream. He can't help but somewhat remember that somewhere he knows about three heroes and the dragon as he was lost in his thoughts he heard a voice.

"Morning, my young man. Are you going to meet your childhood sweetheart in this mood?"

Alex smiled at the question. "You know, Mom, it's been years since we last saw each other. But today, I'll finally see her again." That voice belong to his mother Linda Thorn

The memory of his childhood friend, Serena Alvin, flooded his mind. They had made a promise as children—to meet again in the most influential college in their state, to study together, and for her to become his wife after their studies. It was a promise born out of childhood innocence and the unbreakable bond they shared.


Yet, he also remembered why they had been separated in the first place. His father's infidelity had shattered their family. The affair had resulted in another woman's pregnancy, leading to his parents' divorce.

They had left their neighborhood, moving to the other end of the state.

  Serena had cried inconsolably when they had parted ways, but she had made him promise that they would meet again someday.

Alex had carried that promise with him through the years, a beacon of hope that had guided him to this moment.

At breakfast, as they shared a meal, Linda studied her son with a knowing gaze. "Sweetie, we all have our dreams and aspirations. But don't let them distract you from the present. College is a time for growth and learning."

Alex glanced at his mother, sensing a deeper understanding in her words. Linda Thorn, a woman who bore the grace of maturity with elegance, smiled gently.

Her chestnut hair, lightly streaked with silver, fell in soft waves around her shoulders. Her hazel eyes held a warmth that had seen both joy and tribulations, and they sparkled with maternal wisdom.

She had a slender figure, and her attire, while simple, exuded a timeless charm that complemented her graceful demeanour.

"I know, Mom. You've always supported my dreams, especially the one about Serena and me."


Linda smiled gently, her eyes filled with a mix of pride and concern. "Your dreams are precious, Alex. Just remember that sometimes, life has its own plans, and dreams can take unexpected turns."


As Alex finished his breakfast and grabbed his bag, ready to leave for college, his mother's expression shifted from warmth to a look of worry. She mumbled softly, almost to herself, "Son, you have to hang in there for what's about to come."

With those cryptic words echoing in his mind, Alex left for college, determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

When Alex finally reached college, he headed straight for the department head's office to collect the list of students in his batch.

He had been named the representative due to his outstanding performance in the entrance exams, breaking all previous records.

The college authorities had triple-checked his score, marveling at his ability to memorize anything effortlessly.

With the list in hand, he scanned it for Serena's name. It didn't take long for him to find it—Serena Alvin. A surge of excitement coursed through him as he thought about reuniting with his childhood friend.


The opening ceremony was a grand affair, with speeches from the college staff and faculty. As the fresher representative, Alex was called upon to deliver his speech. His heart raced with anticipation as he stepped up to the podium.


"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty, and my fellow students," he began, his voice clear and confident. "Today, we embark on a new journey, one that holds the promise of growth, learning, and discovery. As we stand on the threshold of our college life, I am reminded of a dream—one that has guided me here.

"He looked out at the audience, his gaze filled with determination. "From a young age, I dreamed of attending this college, not only because of its academic excellence but because it represents a place where dreams become reality. Each one of us carries a dream within our hearts, a dream that has brought us here today."

Alex continued to speak eloquently about the importance of dreams, aspirations, and the journey ahead. He shared his belief in the power of dreams to shape the future and encouraged his fellow students to pursue their passions relentlessly.


As his speech came to a close, he couldn't help but think of the dream that had guided him—his promise to Serena and the hope of rekindling their friendship.


Once the speeches concluded, students dispersed to their respective classes. As Alex made his way to his class, his gaze fell upon a girl whose beauty transcended mortal comprehension.

She exuded an air of nobility that seemed otherworldly.And guess who is was and yes you guess it correctly.

It was Serena. Suddenly he stop in his place and asking to him self who the hell was I talking to but after Looking at Serena he forgot all about it and His heart to raced, as he approached her with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.


But as he was about to say hello, his voice caught in his throat. He overheard a conversation between Serena and a boy who stood beside her. The words struck him like a thunderbolt, shattering the anticipation of their reunion.

The boy, with a sly grin, leaned closer to Serena. "Babe, your body looked perfect last night. What are you worrying about gaining extra mass for? If you do, we can burn it during our nightly activities."


Serena, her cheeks flushed, as she chuckled softly. "You're incorrigible, Ethan."


Ethan, the boy identified as, wrapped an arm around Serena's waist possessively. "Well, what can I say? I can't resist your charms, and I know you can't resist mine."

Alex felt a mix of emotions—shock, betrayal, and a sinking feeling in his chest. The promise he had held onto for years now seemed like a distant, unattainable dream.

The world had changed, and so had Serena. It was a painful revelation that marked the beginning of Alex's college journey—one filled with unexpected challenges, heartache, and the realization that dreams could be as fragile as they were powerful.





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Ok so here the was the 1st chapter for my book Webnovel or whatever you like to call please forgive me if there is any spelling or grammar mistake cuz English is not my first language. and I know most of you will feel at it was boring and slow as hell chapter where it was going while the tag of book was something else but jus believe me I know how much this chapter importants will be in the future.and get ready for the ride

And I know this is not at the point to leave a comment but please give a like and have a good day or night whatever it was at your place

_KaNETOcreators' thoughts