
Chapter 1 Boss of Notting College

  Douluo Continent, southwest of the Tiandou Empire, Fasno Province!

  For the remote Notting City, Notting College is undoubtedly the best college in Notting City, although it is only a junior Soul Master College.

  In a small independent courtyard of Notting College, a child about five or six years old slowly retracted his posture and let out a sigh of breath.

  His name is Lu Yuan, a child picked up by the Dean of Notting College since he was a child. Since the Dean of Notting College has no children, he adopted him. It took six years.

  Lu Yuan has been different from ordinary people since he was a child. His soul comes from another place, a dazzling blue planet.

  At first he didn't know where he was, until a middle-aged man killed a five-hundred-year-old saber-toothed thunder tiger with four shining spirit rings, and a yellow halo floated from the saber-toothed thunder tiger's body. , He probably knew where he came, Douluo Continent!

  This is a magical world, where there are soul masters and soul beasts, with all kinds of magical spirits, the sacred purity of a seraph, the overbearing power of the Clear Sky Hammer, and the unparalleled assistance of the Qibao Glazed Glass Tower. There is a sharp attack from the Seven Kill Sword.

  And all this was remembered in his heart from the first time he opened his eyes when he was a baby.

  "I'm six years old this year, and it's time to awaken the spirit. I don't know what spirit I can awaken this time?" Lu Yuan muttered to himself.

  On the Douluo Continent, the innate conditions of martial arts basically determine the upper limit in the future. A soul master who is innately full of soul power can at least cultivate to the soul sage as long as he cultivates step by step. If you work hard enough, you can reach it. Title Douluo may not be impossible.

  And a soul master with the first level of innate soul power, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break the boundary of the soul sect.

  Not to mention it, it is said that the master he is very familiar with, Wuhun Luo Sanpao, has half-level innate soul power, and has been squandered for half a lifetime and has not been stuck on the threshold of the soul, if it were not for the help of the later ninth-rank Zizhi, For the rest of his life, I was afraid that he was just a twenty-ninth level great spirit master.

  Speaking of his martial arts spirit, Lu Yuan still feels a little unsure. He is not like people on the Douluo Continent. He has the inheritance of martial arts from his parents. He is from a different world. What kind of martial arts does he have? , No one knows.

  Lu Yuan only feels that he seems to be very different from ordinary people. His physical fitness is far beyond what a child of this age should have. Some students at Notting College who have already broken through the soul master are also far in physical fitness. Not as good as him.

  So in his heart he still had great expectations for his martial soul.

  Speaking of this, Lu Yuan is also a little annoyed in his heart. He is not simply crossing. Like the protagonists in many novels, he also has a system of his own, but his system seems to be a bit like pretending to be dead since the beginning. Outside of a novice spree, silence began.

  And this silence came to the present.

  "Let's go out and have a look!" After the regular exercises every day, Lu Yuan likes to stroll around Notting College. He has a tyrannical physical fitness and the rewards given by the novice spree. Although he has not yet enrolled, he is already a promise. A resounding character in Ding College.

  In Notting College, no matter the student sees him, he has to call the boss obediently!

  Taking a brisk pace, Lu Yuan walked out of his small courtyard.

  "Good boss!"

  Walking on the path of Notting College, the surrounding students all spontaneously called the boss, and Lu Yuan nodded coldly.

  "By the way, when did they start calling me the boss?" Lu Yuan tilted his head and thought.

  "It seems to have started when I taught Xiao Chenyu that guy!"

  Xiao Chenyu is the son of the city lord of Notting City. Relying on his father's power, he also acted nonsense in the academy. One time he provokes him on the head. What he didn't say was a violent beating on the spot. Since then, his head One more title of boss.

  Lu Yuan walked slowly towards a flat wooden house where the master lived.

  The master had friendship with his cheap daddy, the Dean of Notting College. Since the master settled here, Lu Yuan often came to ask the master about the common sense of Wuhun.

  The master is an old-fashioned scholar, and Lu Yuan is an eager student, especially Lu Yuan's recognition and support of his ten core competition theory of martial arts, also made the master very fond of this six-year-old child. Therefore, the two have always got along quite harmoniously.

  "Boom!" There was a sound of heavy objects falling from a distance, and the huge sound made Lu Yuan stop unconsciously.

  With a glance, at a corner not far away, Xiao Chenyu stepped on a student's head with his heels, looking at the patched clothes on him.

Should be a working student.

  Lu Yuan frowned. In Notting College, noble students looked down on working-study students and even bullied them. These things happened from time to time, and he naturally knew about it.

  There is a fight where there are people. This is normal. UU reading www.uukanshu.com has a long history of conflicts between nobles and common people, so he usually doesn't bother to manage these things. The teachers in the college are the same. Only eye.

  But like Xiao Chenyu stepping on someone's head with his foot today, this is a bit too much.

  After a pause, Lu Yuan stepped towards the corner.

  "Wang Sheng, you are not convinced!" Xiao Chenyu was fighting fiercely, with Liu Long and Ling Feng followed by two horses, full of air.

  "I'm not convinced!" Wang Sheng struggled on the ground, but the huge gap between soul power lies there. Even if Wang Sheng moves, Xiao Chenyu's feet will not move. After all, Wang Sheng was only an eighth-level soul master, but Xiao Chenyu was already an eleventh-level soul master.

  "Dissatisfied?" Xiao Chenyu grinned, and the soles of his shoes rubbed hard on Wang Sheng's face.


  When Xiao Chenyu was energized, he suddenly interrupted him with an angry shout.

  "Who dares to disturb my young master's good deeds?" Xiao Chenyu turned his head angrily, and when he saw Lu Yuan clearly, the anger was extinguished like water.

  With a flattering smile on his face, Xiao Chenyu hurriedly said, "It turns out that it is Boss Yuan, Xiao Chenyu is polite."

  It's no wonder that Xiao Chenyu was like this. Lu Yuan's violent beating made Xiao Chenyu lie in bed for half a month, complaining to his father, but his father, the city lord, took into account the reputation of Dean Notting, and not only did not help. On the contrary, he taught him severely, so as long as he sees Lu Yuan from then on, he is like a mouse seeing a cat.

  "Are you bullying a work-student again?" Lu Yuan's face was stern, his eyes fixed on Xiao Chenyu fiercely.

  Feeling the domineering gaze like sword aura, Xiao Chenyu shrank unconsciously, and the scene of being beaten came to mind...