
The Emerald Boy

John Davidson, a man born in poverty wins 9 million in a lottery, he invested his money to make more and more money. how does John adjust into the life of wealthy and create more influence in the society of ultrawealthy? find out in this novel.

Ebony136 · 都市
2 Chs


John Davidson was a poor university student; he had no money. He is good-looking but his lack of skin care and overgrown hair made him way less charming. he had only one wish to get rich and give his parents a better life. He liked a girl at his school he had a huge crush on her, and it felt like feelings were mutual but when he finally gathered up the courage to propose to her, she rejected him. He was devastated but soon he heard a news from his parents, his mother was sick.

The next day he took a train to his parents' house draining his entire saving just for a train ticket. This made him realize how bad his money situation was. He was determined to get rich and get his mother to the best hospital he could, ever since his father's death his mother had taken care of his every need working 110 hours a week. his mother has done so much for him, now it was his turn to repay his mother.

When he visited his mother, he saw his once smiling mother now bedridden and not able to even walk. His heart breaks seeing that sight. the doctor came to room and introduced herself as Lisa Smith. John shocked ask "Lisa, do you remember me, John Davidson." Lisa is shocked and hugs her old friend. John and Lisa were best friends since kindergarten. They separated when John got a PHD scholarship. John askes for her mother's health. Lisa answered too much stress. she just needs to rest for a few days, and she will be fine. Thank God She`s ok john thought. Lisa asked him about his studies. John replied he dropped out to take care of his family, now he will live here close to his family.

He has already arranged for everything. I got a job as a Trucker and a part time job as a video game tester. "But wasn`t it your dream to become scientist." Lisa asked. "Nothing is more important than my family" John replied. John started doing his regular job as a Trucker. He soon started enjoying his job.

One day he was putting gas in his truck he suddenly entered the store and saw some lottery tickets 10$ each he bought five of them. first prize was 10 million$ which he knew he couldn`t win but he had seen some people make 100$ to 1000$ from lottery tickets and he bought them thinking that some extra money would allow him to get some decent clothes. Soon the lottery result started airing. He was a little nervous. First three tickets didn't earn a single penny. forth ticket won him 1000$. Which made him extremely happy but then number for 10 million aired on screen he couldn't believe his eyes he had won the lottery.

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