
Complementary brothers

"Oh, by the way, Eden, you need to be careful of the boss of the first floor. It's an archer and it can shoot you even when you're still busy fighting the lower monster." Gil said to inform Eden. He had searched for information before coming here to not be surprised. And Eden was actually thankful for that because he once again forgot to search. He was just once again going without a plan.

"Okay, then do we need something like a shield?"

"It would be good if we have something that can protect our back, but I still can't create something like that with my nanobots," Gil said before clicking on the confirming button to be teleported inside the dungeon.

"Oh, let me do it then. Do you have specific protection that you want? I would need the blueprint though." Eden said after the teleportation process.

"Wait, you can do that?"

"Yeah, but as I said, I need the details, so a blueprint will be good if you want something specific."