
Chapter 729 Shameless to Death (2)_1

So, with some vegetables, a bag of eggs, two fish, and two packs of uneaten pastries left over from the fifteenth, Li Hualing, carrying her grandson Feng Xiaolang, came from the town to visit relatives.

At that moment, Pei Qin was idling at home. However, Pei Qian, along with Sun Chao and a few older and younger boys, and Sun Tiezhu, had gone up to the mountains to catch bamboo rats.

By blocking the holes and smoking them out, with many hands, they quite accurately captured one each time. Sun Tiezhu was incidentally out looking for tree roots and also lent a hand to Pei Qian.

The Sun Chao Family had a pancake stall, selling in town on market days, and if not, they'd prepare the sesame pancakes at home, which Sun Zhuang would carry to the county town to sell. The reception was quite good in the county town, earning a decent sum each day. Thus, their gratitude towards Sister Peiqin and her brothers deepened even further.