
Chapter 142: The Hereans & The Trideca-County (2)

" Sir.Lucian Herean its an honor to meet you and the Army of Acun, I am a Jin de Dragon Prince, Zho Jīnzi Lóng I give you all a chance to surrender right now please kindly think before you all decide." A man riding a long & big Jin de dragon than the others here right now like a couple of meters than those at his sides there are a total of 13 Jin de Dragons here including the prince and the rest are knights & mages.

" Prince Zho Jīnzi Lóng, your offer is such a great thing for us to live and escape death but we're from Acun not traitors & cowards but, we offer you too of surrendering right now together with your entire army so we can decide who's the winner already." I said while riding my Black Pegasus and they've a total of 10 thousand soldiers tsk so his 5 thousand according to the report was 5 thousand Dragosaurs riders they're wearing golden armors with capes embroidered with a image of Jin de Dragons their helm covering their face along with a red feather on it holding Han jian swords with a staff on their back decorated with taoist seals.

" Sir.Lucian thank you for that and if you didn't either I will not don't worry if we catch you alive we won't kill you especially when you're the Head of House Herean, also I can't believe you just brought 10 thousand soldiers along with you and 7 Counts & Countess at the same time are you thinking so high of you all?" He asked and I brought twice of their number as our battlefield is near at the forest I will not fight you with numbers Bliex & Axah together with the hidden 10 thousand soldiers march around the forest their destination is a kilometer away from the back of the enemy's army.

" Let me be honest with you ¾ of our remaining soldiers are injured I just brought those who are capable of fighting and why should I brought all or more than this we don't wanna leave the town that we just conquered." I replied there are no machines or any siege weapons at their side something's wrong or they're just sticking their nose up that these 5,000 & 13 Jin de Dragons can defeat us they're already on battle formation when we arrived those Dragosaurs Riders they're at the back divided into four rectangular formation while those 13 Jin de dragons are at the center in line at the front are those who retreated 3 days ago spearmen at the front, at their back are archers, and swordmen using two swords they're at square positions dived into 20.

Prince Zho just smiled along with his army pointing their spears towards us, spells enhancement to their bodies, and swords coated on their qi energy, while at our side at the frontline I, Count Neo, and Countess Pyre along with soldiers riding on their beasts I ordered the Hereans to gather at my side a pair should ride together in a beast both close & range combatants, at the left wing Count Zel riding his Blizyvern together with other 4 of Blizyvern riders, at the right wing Countess Reah & Countess Vyws riding their or their beasts on their sides, for at the center Count Wirxy and Wearell soldiers on their Wearell Whirlpool formation lastly at the back on a line formation Count Mixell summoning Ents of Chaos and magic-users along with our own our martial artists.

" Lucian, everyone's ready 5,000 at the front line, a thousand each from left & right wing also at the center and then 2,000 at the backline." Ytir reported as she was riding a beast along with Dassha its a Charus a three headed horse with a muscular & long body along with white strips growing with scales and shining black skin then a tail of a scorpion-like.

" I still don't understand why didn't we bring any siege weapon or machines at all?" Dassha asked while holding the hairs as the leash of the Charus the battlefield is near at the forest with a sloppy ground here and rocky path at the back where we just came from.

" We can't afford any time to bring some of it." I replied and the battle is going to start now I hold my sword then raise it up to the air.

" Count Mixell!" I shouted as the Ents of Chaos creating a pair of balls made from woods in their hands and throws it towards the enemy side with great force as its fills of chaos magic inside yet the Jin de dragons mages casted spells and breathes golden fire towards at the sky and the Dragosaurs riders with the staffs in their back sending seals turning into ray blast of yin yang clashing above at the sky and only quarter of our attacks reached them just in the frontline.

" ' Jin de dragon Knights! attack! and frontline move!'( Golish )" Prince Zho commanded as 6 of them flying at the sky along with the army marching towards us while castings spells then shoots it at us.

" Left & Ring wings! attack!" I ordered and Count Zel along with the others Blizywverns ridera fly straight to the enemies being follow by their soldiers running while shooting arrows & spells towards the enemies together with Countess Vyws ordering the Skypernts to attack while they're just following them behind and Countess Reah flying at the sky throwing dozens of spears made by her raging flames.

" Count Neo & Countess Pyre now!" I look at them as I give them the signal while the right & left wings meeting with the enemies both of them along with 3000 divided equally runs towards to the sides while Prince Zho notice it he ordered half of his dragosaurs riders follow them to the forest.

" Sir.Lucian you can leave the rest to us." I look back and Count Wirxy already commanded his unit to commence the moving Wearell Whirlpool which they're running towards in the enemy like a moving whirlpool while the soldiers pointing their weapons forward and shields connecting to each other also the others are preparing their weapons to shoot soon enough.

" Hereans to the forest!" I run towards to the right where Count Neo and his unit is then Dassha & Ytir runs towards to the left where Countess Pyre and her unit is.

As I and my unit leaving the battlefield and running towards the forest I saw the Wearell Whirlpool formation clash with the enemies in the mid they're circling and moving forward while attacking & defending each other at the same time then Count Wirxy together with water-attribute magic-users casted a great spell creating a flow of wave on the feet of every soldiers in their formation moving so easily at the battlefield like they just created a true whirlpool at the ground.

" ' Jin de dragon Mages attack!'( Golish )" Prince Zho ordered 6 of them to fly towards the mid or the center of the battlefield where the Wearells are and Count Zel & Blyzyverns riders exchanging blue flames breath and clashing their weapons to 3 Jin de dragon knights with their golden flames while below them their soldiers exchanging blows, slashes, spells, and etc rapidly.

Countess Reah ordered half of the Chagry riders to go down and strike the enies at the ground while the other half go distract and attack the remaining Jin de dragon knights while below them Countess Vyws ordered the Skypernts to run and jump towards to the enemies then fly to the sky as to attack the Jin de Dragon Mages also they clash with the enemies together with her casting poisons clouds towards the enemies mouths.

" Ents of Chaos! transform!" Count Mixell shouted as dozens of Ents of Chaos turned their limbs into wings and fly towards to the sky higher than the others while hundred of Mazon soldiers riding at their back then created shoots long arrows made from roots filled with chaos magic yet Prince Zho riding his Jin de dragon fly towards them.

[ Dance of Jin de Flames ] while riding his drsgon they spin around towards to the sky while breathing golden flames around them and flapping its wings & whipping its tail spreading wider and wider.

The Ents of Chaos shove themselves towards him while the people on their back hide inside their body and come out as they attack the Prince they're fighting their own battle at the middle of the sky higher than the others, then Count Mixell along with his unit join the battle with the others as he supported Count Wirxy breaking through the center of their defense and the rest attacking each other openly at the sides forgetting their defense yet keeps attacking without hesitant.

" Count Neo are you ready." I said as we're together at each other side and the remaining Dragosaurs riders was sent to follow us in the forest they're at the northern part of the forest and we're at the southern part of the forest a couple of minutes we gonna clash at the center while the trees here so long yet thin along with a meter gap at each other where we just pass by easily I look above and hehe what happen here is going to happen at the other side.

" Of course I am! and I can sense them now!" Count Neo shouted and I raise my hand while holding my sword at the other for every beast have a pair of soldiers in the their back both close & long range combatant as both army going to meet soon I clench my hand into a fist a signal for those close-range com ant to the jump & climb up to the trees as those left behind starts shooting towards the enemies with them jumping again in a way to surprise the enemies until both sides clashes.

The time those Close-range combatants climb up to the threes and jump towards to the enemies while holding their weapons and attack them along with the Long-range combatants shooting & casting spells before they jump and before both sides finally clash, I swung my sword while running, flying, and jumping place to place along with my hand enraging with my aura as I punch it and my black Pegasus flapping its wings towards the riders or the heads of the Dragosaurs.

While on the other side Ytir transforming into her hybrid form where her hands and legs gets longer and she get taller also bigger with claws on her hands, three tails growing at her as it whip the enemy hardly, her face turning into a fox-like with another eye at the forehead a eye of a serpent-like and the rest of her body flowing with veno, and Dassha along with her hand seals creating & shooting symbol by symbol of constellations & animals like made by her aura & spiritual energy.

" Wow Hereans truly have many unique people on their house." Countess Pyre being surrounded by her Shadowasps as she go around the enemies and shoots paralyzing arrows towards their vital points.

" Damn! I never in this kind of rage before hahahahah!" Ytir rampaging all over the forest as she run and shove herself towards the Drsgosaurs also climb up to the tree as she jump along with slamming her tails to the ground or the enemies then she keeps biting & slicing them to pieces slowly until they die.

" Fuck what is that!" Dassha shouted while she punches a enemy bodies dozens to hundreds time and she pointed her hand towards to the sky as half of the Ents of Chaos falling together with dozens of people burning in flames.

While outside of the forest the Jin de dragon knights & mages clashing at the sky with the Blzyverns & Chagry riders along with Skypernts above some are slowly falling at the sky lifeless and the soldiers at the ground pulling someone as they stab it, slicing someone into half or their limbs, magical spells devouring other spells and their caster or magic collisions at the sides, front, and back, then the auras & qi energies colliding along with their users and the weapons they're holding.

" How the hell can be defeat a single prince?" Count Mixell who was gazing at the sky seeing the prince killing them one by one and him punches someone to its chest then slaps its face with palm as he created roots at the ground pulling it then break its back.

" Just focus in this battle for now!" Count Wirxy who ordered to divided their formation and turn it into two small Wearell Whirlpool formation as he created a huge trident made with water as it dark like the night [ Atlanyx Downfall ] he throw his trident along with the spell towards to a Jin de Dragon knight who was being corner and attack by hundred or more Skypernts & Chagry riders then it stabs to its heart as it roar so loud before falling down to the ground.

" Count Zel! go attack that fucking prince!" Countess Reah stabbing her spear engulfed totally with her raging flames at the tail of a jin de dragon as Count Zel took the chance to attack the prince at the sky and bump to him.

" Let us see who's strong a dragon or a wyvern!" Count Zel bumping against Prince Zho as they clash by their weapons and their dragons repelling each other attacks with their wings & tails then breathing golden & blue fire towards each other.

" Of course the Dragon win." Prince Zho being corner by the remaining Ents of Chaos and Count Zel continuously fight them.

" Acun! fight! and don't die!" Countess Vyws shouted as she was fighting two Jin de Dragon mages by her own while ordering her comrades and her beast to take care of the enemies soldiers she was creating a monster made by her venom magic holding them.

Half hour had already passed the battle is still going on but Sir.Lucian, Count Neo, Countess Pyre, Ytir & Dassha along with the remaining thousands of riders after fighting the dragosaurs at the forest defeating all of them had gather at the back of the enemy side.

" Its already been half hour, why they're still not here!?" Sir.Lucian looking around until thousands of injured soldiers running towards him they saw Axah holding Biel at his back both of them injured.

" Sir.Lucian run! retreat! Emperor Ghero is here!" Biel shouted and what...I didn't hesitate to order them to run towards the enemies at the center and inform the others.

" Army of Acun retreat after killing thousand or more of them! Go back to the town! Emperor Ghero is coming!" I shouted while we clash & meet with our allies and I swung my swords brutally I should kill lots of them before retreating Count Zel push Prince Zho far away as the prince fall to the ground and the rest Counts & Countess ordered the injureds to run away while the other fight along with retreating one by one.

Axah reported 100,000 enemies in the lead of Emperor Ghero along with dozens of Jin de dragons, thousands or more of Dragosaurs, dozens or more of Dragoship at the sky, and the true problem is that man fuck retreat! the battle lasted for 40 minutes.

We lost 10,000 soldiers half of them died from fighting the Emperor's army and 10,000 injured running back to the town shit ahh we didn't even killed Prince Zho only 8 of the Jin de dragona died still the enemies lose thousands especially all the Deagosaur riders.

This is the first retreat and the town would probably a second retreat.