
Chapter 095: Trideca-County & Empress (1)

A week had already passed since I woken up from my 7 months slumber here at my chamber and I can't believe it all or completely many or over ten or even hundred millions citizens of Acun Empire they, offer their time to me the time I wake up one by one letters continues piling up from the children to the elders I already read millions of their letters and I am, relief or relieved that all of those hard works I did for everyone's sake was worthy I thought they will just ignore me or even forgotten me the time something wrong happen.

I'm glad that I saw many faces coming in from my room with smiles, tears, and mixed emotions there are some angry to me in a way ' Empress Amaris why had you fallen to such riskful situation.' I thought they will not be afraid if I die or something wrong happen to me cause Armaros is here together with others, but many too many of them are afraid or scared of losing me I know their might or there are some different reasons why they're scared of losing me still I'm...kind of glad that I am noticed even without doing for the past months and just sleeping, for all scenarios that I had in my mind I never imagine or created such scenarios of me being loved by the entire Acun Empire I know its hard and seems impossible but I felt being loved right now by the empire I serve.

" Amaris, how are you my son?" A familiar voice coming from my father who was standing right there on the door together with my mother who had a face with a warm smiles and she runs towards me then embracing me.

" I miss you my child, my Amaris, don't ever scare your mother and father again, okay my Amaris we miss you." Mother embracing me and caressing my face with a soft kiss on cheek I miss my family, a rest my head to my mother's shoulder I miss this spot where I always rest when I was a child together with mother patting my head and whispering to my ear, ' I love you my Amaris my child.'

" Don't make me jealous here, I miss the two of you Amaris & my love Jare." I look to my father and he was chuckling at us together with moving closer along with his hand stroking my hair then gives me a warm smile that both my parents had.

" I miss you too my Love, my Lucian but I miss our child more." My mother she was giggling and embrace me more as she can I notice a tear on her right eye fell together with her warm smile kissing me at my cheeks.

" Mom, Dad, I love the both of you." I cried while looking at their faces and mother keep caressing my face with her lovely kiss along with father's hand stroking my hair together with a hug to me & my mother and finally with his kiss to my forehead.

" We miss you too, our child." My parents who was far away from me for long and came back embracing me I love this time, I had my parents together with me again.

After half hour of talking to each other in my chamber I found out that many Hereans had already died once again from the entire Easteria, you might get confused but House of Herean may be stationed at Acun Empire yet we're all over the Easteria from the Delvean & Jin de Dragon Empire hundreds of Hereans are positioned their every crisis like the Eclorthian Invasion happen, along with thousands Hereans from Northeria, Dusk, and Akira Empire who just hiding peacefully until a risk from the people's lives come, also hundreds to thousands of Hereans can be find or counted at the territories of Easoon, Easun, and Soun Empire finally there are some or dozens of Hereans traveling from Harwinds, Isleans, and Abyell Empire.

Even though they're not blood-related to me only the name Herean is what we share its still...painful that thousands or almost ten thousands Hereans had already died with this Eclorthian Invasion they're my family I don't of blood relation I care for our bond together even if its short or long time it is still important to me to us Hereans, and when are we so-called Heroes of People House of Herean where received the salvation that we need too if a Hero saves the victims from the Villain who would save the Heroes from their problems?

A duty of Herean was to be a Hero for the sake of the people who live in Easteria or those lives here in Easteria but how about us Heroes, who will have the duty to be our Hero too or our companion with our lives fulfilling our duties endlessly I can't think or remember anything from the books or even at the Globe of Herean that a Herean had become the one being save by the people, no one had try to save us cause every time we're the Hereans who save and not be save.

" Amaris I like to or we like to stay long with you here but, we have a duty to fulfill my child sorry your parents can't be long again with you." My father patting my back and hugs me as tight as he can then been smacked by my mother at the butt, hehehe I can't stop laughing when my father glared at my mother then she just smile like a sly fox but my father return a kiss on my mother's lips and hahaha she was like red tomato.

" Y-your father is r-right my child and stop laughing at your mother, I love you Amaris we will try to find another time to visit you our child." My mother blushing from the neck to her ears and pinch my cheeks as hard as she can it hurts but I just laugh more when my father smack her at the butt what a revenge then my mother kiss him at the lips this love birds my parents.

" My mother & my father I love both of you always and, as Sir.Lucian Herean & Priestess Jare Herean you should go now and fulfill our duties as Heroes of the People also dont worry I'm fine now and father, are you awakening again?" I asked my father and both of them just look at each other then grin at me, I believe father is awakening again for the fourth time I see...

After my parents took their leave I check myself again which I am awaken three times now I keep doubting it for a week but I am truly a warlord now or at the third stage of awakening and my father is awakening at the fourth stage maybe its in our genes, but only father the only Herean Head that become a Warlord along with the Four Founders of House of Herean with their unknown stages of Awakening so its not on our genes, maybe this have a connection to why I near the magic of the God of New called 'Nova Magic'.

The Eclorthian Invasion would finally end in just less than a week and I'm okay now I can fight again I still have a duty as the Empress of Acun and as a Herean, I already resting 7 months and its time for me to fulfill my duties once again I called a knight and a mages to inform the Trideca-County to gather and prepare an army that I will lead stsrting today until the last battle of this Invaion, I wore a black dress shirt & a black pants accompanied by white garments attached from my collar as a tie, a gloves, and a vest along with a coat both crimson & azure proportionally ad I step out of my room a black shoes with white markings on it.

A couple of meters distance from walking out from my chamber I was immediately greeted by Count Wirxy, Count Zel, Countless Reah, and Countess Pyre they accompanied me and Countess Vyws, Countess Ymex, then Count Mixell joined us the 8 of us walking towards the exit of the palace and finally arrive at one of the gates of the Novun Palace.

Count Qien & Count Xeho coming from the east with thousands of their soldiers and at the center where the soldiers of those who walk together with me along with Count Neo waiting with them more than ten thousand soldiers had already gathered here, after we are gathered here we took our leave from the Novun Place the time we passed the gate Countess Leax, Countess Therye, and Count Sheallx are waiting outside organizing the crowd so our will not be block when all the soldiers from the Trideca-County that gathered in my call march outside the Capital I can hear the cheers of the people I hust glance back they're waving our flags as proud as they can.

I raise my hand to the air as 15,000 soldiers coming from the Trideca-County stop from marching and focus their eyes on me it may be a long night but no one can be blind when my hand glowing four colors representing the heirlooms as I shot it at the sky, bringing a color sight to Everyone I may be just a simple signal but I'm different.

" The Eclorthian Invasion shall end!" I shouted and together with the soldiers battle cry the colorful sky that was gathering only above me spread like a wave then been felt by the others.

I am Empress Amaris, and I am back to end this Invasion.