
Chapter 08: My Sword Who Will Conquer The Sea (1)

I survive the harsh torture in this jail for a week I can still feel the pain I endured my muscles and bones are throbbing harshly until now I can smell my own blood from my skin full of severe wounds by looking at those wounds I can remember everything what happend to me that cursed ladies whipping me at my back those whips they hold have blades on it also coated in mana.....damn this pain! also my bruises especially at my belly after being thrust by a staff heated by fire I can see some flesh cooked already I want to puke but I can't cause I have nothing to puke at all.

I can tolerate these cruel tortures but what happend to my remaining crew members? I want to know if they're still alive or enduring this pain like me I want to know where are they right now I want to save them but how? My pirate crew full of ladies laughing at each other everyday traveling throughout the continent searching for treasure, rampaging at the ports and challenging other pirates at duel also robbing the marines of the empires our voyage was an absolute great story, some of the ladies are former slaves, some are exiles, some are from fallen nobility, some are criminals who escape, and some are former justice our pirate crew full of ladies who dominate piracy everywhere we go now meeting its end before we reach our own dreams, sigh I want to see my relatives if they're still alive somewhere at the north ot east of Easteria and I want to conquer the seas here but now I'm dying.

Is this the end of my life? Is this the end of my piracy? Is this the end of my story? I don't want too I still need more things to do I want to see the ocean I want to travel around the world I want to live and free my sisters If there's an salvation they said please I want it now..... I'm an idiot believing the Gods & Goddesses of Easteria will grace me with salvation I'm a pirate no one will show mer...If these one is not a God or a Goddess what is this person in my front wearing a dark silver dress adorned with pearls also the decorations...no..the entire design feels like a Salvation arise from the Abyss, who are you?


Cap. Myera Islorth was caught a week ago along with her crew members she survive the torture without screaming at all they said she endure all the pain and always ask about her members I can't believe if they're telling the truth but, a woman with muscular long-limbed body and a buxom front for her dark skin full of wounds can see the trace of torture a harsh one along with her albino hair also her eyes staring at me a blurry ocean blue color her entire body or clothes are drenched on blood some are dark already and some are still fresh its not only her all prisoners around her are on her same phase.

She is my answer to piracy but i don't know if she's going to agree with me yet I will still force her if she reject my request she is a strong-persistent one I give it to her and she quite attractive in another way I should use her now before Acun fall to piracy.

" Cap. Myera Islorth, I have an requested to offer." I said with my confident tone I focused my eyes to her face I can see she grin at me.

" Empress Amaris Herean, I'm glad to meet you but I'm Myera but not a Islorth, for centuries house of Islorth disappeared and they're no more find." Cap. Myera said I know she will hide her identity but your tricks won't work on me I'm a Herean.

" Oh I see your not an Islorth, then Sir. Mylon bring me her swords." I ordered Sir. Mylon to be bring the evidence she is an Islorth.

" Two sabers made of Ancient Northeria Steel that only great Northerians can hold, also these sabers have the language of Isleans Empire all over from the edge to the handle." I said to her looking & touching her sabers.

" I raided many Northerians mines and searched many lost treasure at the Isleans Empire that's my answer your Empress." Cap. Myera respond.

" ' May the Sea guides us, and our friends the Hereans '( he was speaking Islandic ) what a wonderful bond that the Hereans and Islorths build for centuries." I smiled at her she was a bit shock the I can read Islandic so I continue.

" ' If you're not an Islorth I should just melt these sabers and make a now one as a decorations on my throne stab on your skull or your sisters skulls.' " I can see her expression changing her narrow eyes are staring at me biting her lower lip.

" What do you want! you Imperial bitch if you're going to kill me then fine take your time but not my sisters! I'm Cap. Myera Islorth and don't melt my only memory to my house, Your Empress Amaris Herean." she yelled so loud that my ears feel hurt a little bit I can see Sir. Mylon ready to swung his sword.

" I want Cap. Myera to help against piracy and that's all for now." I stated her expression change again then burst the laughing.

" You want me a pirate helping you against the other pirates, a criminal who steal and kill, may I ask did the sun rise at the west?"

" The sun didn't rise in the west, but the seas of the east are waiting for its conqueror Cap. Myera and you may be a pirate but House of Islorth is nor crime neither justice they were a merchant or a pirate or a marine or a adventurer, House of Islorth are the conqueror of the sea." I said to her and she listen to me seriously.

" I will help you find your family members according to a certain information they're living at the Northern Continent and a noble at their, for the seas to conquer I will support you with ships, crew members, weapons, golds, and foods." I added and I commanded Sir. Mylon to release her I casted an spell to her entire self.

[ Nova Oceanic Recovery ] I close my mouth after I cast cause I cough a mouthful blood again thank goodness no one seems to notice.

" Cap. Myera Islorth be my sword and serve me until the ocean stop to flow and help me to raise these Empire as the ' Pirate of the Empress ' let us continue the bond of our houses." I declared to her after I give her new clothes and wait for her outside jail I let Sir. Mylon escort her to me.

I left both of them at the jail and I will wait to them at the port where I gathered my citizens waiting for my announcement for the Acun.


Empress Amaris Herean free me from the cell and cast an Great spell to my entire self both physical and mental was perfectly healed I can't believe how powerful he is, but he covered her mouth when I came near to him u thought he feel disgusted to me then thanks to my great nose I smelled a mouthful amount of blood came out from him I see the Empress have his own limits but why does he sacrifice his self to me...no...to Acun.

Sir. Mylon gave me my new outfit, a poet shirt in black, a vest in brown adorned with magical items, a suit on a dark silver color designed with images of waves along with pants on a black made of cotton it was stretchable one, and last but not the least a coat on ocean blue embroidered with many images but what get my attention is on its back the sigils of Islorth & Hereans together, a Ship sailing on the ocean & a four weapons together.

At my waistline I put my precious sabers out there and now the I took a good look on them they're much beautiful, strong, and powerful than before I should thank Empress Amaris for these and these outfit also a piece of fabric was attach on my waistline it have the image or its a symbol of the Acun Empire, a sun encircle with crowns and two Sun Lions at the left and right side along with a person above on its palms a flow of fire or light goes to the sun.

After I left my cell I can see Sir. Mylon standing at my front and on his back I can see hundred of ladies with weapons and new attires like me, my dear sisters are still alive and well I can't see any wounds on them maybe the empress healed them too I should offer everything I have to him.

" Cap. Myera Islorth the empress was waiting for all of us at the port so come follow me immediately." Sir. Mylon said while holding on the handle of his swords I think he doesn't trust me but who cares I'm here for the Empress from the Great Hereans.

" What about them are they free too?" I asked him and he glanced back to me.

" Are you an idiot or just dumb-headed of course they're free how will you serve the empress by commanding the marines or prisoned pirates." he answered after giving a long exaggerating sigh I want to puncg these guy right now.

" I'm sorry Mr. Not Idiot or Mr. Not Dumb-headed now will you accept my duel.....I mean can you guide me and my crew to the empress I serve." I replied to him showing a exaggerating smile on my face.

" Of course I would accept an glorious victory, I mean I would escort you and your crew to the empress I serve." he show me a much exaggerating smile than I have fuck this guy.

" Then lead the way Oh my great ' self-proclaimed winner ' to the empress we serve." I'm not giving up easily you damn jerk.

" Then walk to every slabs I stepped on so you may gain some strength to at least defeat a bandit and follow me to the empress, Cap. Myera Islorth."

" Fuck! let us fight first right here right now you bull!" I want to kill this guy now.

" Fuck you too! let us fight next time so you can prepare for your funeral you black monkey!"

" Hey you're a bit racist you know that."

" I'm just a racist to you now follow me."

We put a hold to our arguments and starts moving along with my sisters a hundred of them full armed and seems no problems on their bodies along with dozens knights holding a shield & a sword wearing armor accompanied with long sleeve, coat, and a pants on a combination of scarlet and gild color.

" Cap. Myera are we going to serve the empress?" one of my sisters ask.

" Yes we will serve the empress until the ocean stop to flow." I answered.

" Captain the ocean will continue to flow for thousand of years or millions." another one of my sisters said.

" What if it someone stop the ocean think my sisters use your brains, may I ask you all seems to look perfectly fine how is the torture?" I asked to them and they stare at me with their absolute gaze like asking something didn't exist....wait don't tell me.

" What torture are you talking about Captain we were isolated to a room with extravagant things all around of us and eat foods made by the empress himself also took a bath with magical water, the empress treat us well even though see doesn't go personally we know the foods were made by himself." Fuck so they mean I'm the only one torture in hell and all of them goes to heaven I should ask the empress why me only! I regret giving a thought or worries to my sisters....nah.. I'm just kidding.

" Nothing at all I'm just asking." I smile at them like fuck you all bitches but I can see Sir. Mylon glancing at me laughing silently.....For the Ocean sake they trick me!!!!!!!

After walking for minutes or half hour we reach the port and I can see the Empress standing at a platform and thousands or maybe ten thousands people are gathered here, I and Sir. Mylon the others follow as behind and the Empress calls us to the platform and shout " Cap. Myera Islorth and her crew are the Pirate of the Empress and our victory to piracy is now higher than the sun!" everyone was shock but the people cheer for the empress declaration.