
The Earth is Online

⚠️ I don't own this work, I only translate it. Author: Mo Chen Huan Six months ago, tens of thousands of black ghost towers appeared all over the world, floating above cities. Chemists, physicists, clerics... there was nothing they could do. Six months later, people got usedės to the towers and no longer paid them any attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of through it. The next day, a clear, high-pitched child's voice issued an announcement for all humans. "Ding dong November 15, 2017. Earth is online." The three golden rules of the black tower: - 1. everything is explained by the black tower. - 2. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. is game time. - 3. all players are invited to strive to attack the tower.

245 Chs

Chapter 71 - Fu Wenduo's aesthetic is very strange

As soon as Tang Mo knew that he and Fu Wenduo would be facing 21 players, he started to wonder if he could work with other players. Hiding his identity and pretending to work together was impossible, and with the large letters staring above his and Fu Wenduo's heads, it was hard to ignore.

Any player who sees the letters on their head will know they are Mr. A, Mr. B, and they cannot hide their identity.

Originally Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo had agreed to deal with the players in batches over a seven-day period. Just as they had done with Wang Yinggui and the old bird, they had taken the men and put them in a cage, right under their noses, thus nullifying their ability to fight and reducing their opponents. After seven days, they will probably have less than ten enemies, and then they can use the earthworm's ability to burrow to dig a path through the ground and send the earthworm to the circus (the earthworm is stupid and won't know what hole it is digging).

But The black tower caught them off guard.

After sending Lin Yi back, Tang Mo returned to the hut. When he brought Lin Yi in and took him out, he knocked him out to prevent him from seeing their current stronghold. But after sending Lin Yi away, Fu Wenduo said, "Change places."


Tang Mo nods and leaves the tailor's shop with Fu Wenduo.

They had to change locations, just in case Lin Yi guessed where the tailor's shop was located. As expected, three hours later, five players entered the tailor's shop in a hurry. Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo hid behind a distant stone wall and watched as the five men entered the tailor's shop and emerged shortly afterwards with an empty sack in their hands.

A low male voice rang out, "Surely you guessed it."

Tang Mo nodded: "The female player seems to be a scout, sensitive to her surroundings, so it's possible she could have guessed. The reason we chose to catch her in the first place was because her powers were not very aggressive, so she was probably sent to follow other teams and left alone." After seeing Lin Yi leave the tailor's shop, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo left together.

Fu Wenduo said, "They seem to be sure they want to cooperate. Instead of arranging for people to hide in the shadows, five of them went in directly together, this is to negotiate, not to try to ambush."

Tang Mo: "Seeing the miserable deaths of those three players, they should have understood that it was not Mr. A and Mr. B who were most likely to kill them in this game, but those four stowaways." After a pause, Tang Mo said, "It's just a pity that I didn't expect those four stowaways to be so strong that I almost didn't escape from them."

The two men made a half-circle around the capital of the kingdom and came to the other end of the city. It was a long-abandoned, dilapidated house surrounded by what looked like a concentration camp for the poor, each room in shambles, with a piece missing from the east and a large hole in the roof. Sunlight leaked through this hole onto the floor, illuminating a large cage in the middle of the room.

Black cloth covers this cage and hides the large earthworm inside. The thumping against the cage never stops and is accompanied by a fake cry of whimpering. Tang Mo doesn't have to lift the black cloth to know that the worm is stupidly trying to break out of the cage again, and it's definitely faking crying, without a single tear in its eyes.

Ignore it. Tang Mo finally relaxed after entering the ramshackle house.

"The day sort of went well, without any serious injuries or them stealing the earthworm." The exchange of information with Fu Wenduo had been so hurried that both of them had only given the general idea, not the details. Tang Mo asked carefully, "The players you met, what kind of powers did they have roughly?"

Fu Wenduo said, "That five-man squad, apart from the female player you followed, there were four other male players. One of them was led by a man wearing glasses. He should be the captain that woman was talking about. His psychic ability was a black playing card, the effect of which I didn't see for a while, and we had a relatively short encounter. There were four of them and only one of me. It was very difficult for me to defeat them, and it was 50/50 between the two sides, so it was not in my interest to drag it out. So in the end we only fought for four minutes, I escaped first and they saved the two players and left."

Tang Mo already knew about the rescue of Wang Yinggui and the old bird, otherwise he would not have deliberately told Lin Yi that he and Fu Wenduo had just eaten two players a few days before. This was to make up for the difference in the number of players and to conceal his and Fu Wenduo's identities as players.

Fu Wenduo continued, "Of those four, the man with glasses aside, one had a crossbow as a special ability. He can shoot four rockets at once, each arrow is extremely fast, close to the speed of a bullet, and has a high killing power. There was another man whose psychic ability was of the medical type."

Tang Mo's eyes lit up: "A medical class?"

Tang Mo currently has over a dozen powers, none of which are related to healing. He also has only one Tears of the Earthworm prop that can heal wounds. If he is really seriously injured and on the verge of death, once the earthworm's tears are used up, he will be in a crisis.

However, Fu Wenduo's next words quickly dashed Tang Mo's hopes: "It's a very strange medical-type ability. The player himself was very strong and very fast, but he never used his powers. I looked back as I was running away and he put his hand on the heads of the two players we had caught. Soon the two players were asleep, their expressions peaceful and their breathing calmed down." After a pause, Fu Wenduo added, "Those two players were not in very good spirits while they were locked in the cage because they had been kicked like balls by the monsters."

Tang Mo knew that, of course, but he was more concerned: "Did the wounds on those two players heal? They weren't badly wounded, almost all of them were contusions."

Fu Wenduo: "No."

Tang Mo purses his lips.

I'm afraid the man's medical-type powers had something to do with spiritual healing, as he hadn't even healed a minor physical injury. This is not the kind of psychic ability Tang Mo wants.

After explaining the powers of the five players, Tang Mo began to explain to Fu Wenduo the powers of the four stowaways he had met. He described the powers of the bald man who transformed into a brown bear, the pretty teenager who played with bugs and the middle-aged man who turned into numerous flying swords. Finally his voice paused and his gaze calmly looked towards Fu Wenduo, saying, " Fu Wenduo, I have met an acquaintance."

Instead of Donji, Fu Wenduo was shouted.

Tang Mo is very serious this time, and inside his helmet, Fu Wenduo narrows his eyes, realising that what Tang Mo is about to say is very important.

Tang Mo's tone is calm: "You know him too. In Pinocchio's honest card game, there was a woman on your team. After we decided to work together, she represented the knights and I represented the queens. I eliminated her into the Tower Attack game. She's in that stowaway squad now."

Fu Wenduo's mind immediately goes to a short-haired woman. His memory was so good that he could remember the faces of all the drug dealers at the border, and even the faces of their families, before Earth went online. He quickly remembered what the woman looked like and said, "Sure it's her?"

Tang Mo: "Checkmate. her psychic ability to track the target's bullets." Tang Mo flipped her hand over and took out the large match and gouged out the silver bullet that was embedded in the match head.

Fu Wenduo looks at the bullet and says indifferently, "She's a stowaway." This is an affirmative, " In the Pinocchio game, Pinocchio says there are two stowaways on the field. That would be me and her."

Without dwelling on the subject, Fu Wenduo asked directly, "Did she recognise you?"

Tang Mo was a little hesitant: "I was wearing a mask and she was late in striking. She didn't seem to be there when I started the battle with her three teammates, and I fled as soon as she arrived. I just don't know exactly when she arrived and whether she saw my little parasol. I gave that parasol to someone else later, but it wasn't long before she came. Maybe she saw it, or maybe she didn't."

Fu Wenduo went straight to the worst: "Since she saw it, she has guessed that you are a player. By inference, they guessed that I was a player too." This is the worst-case scenario, and Fu Wenduo looks across his helmet at Tang Mo, who looks unhappy.

It was unplanned that they would be recognised as players, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo never intended to reveal their identity as players, but who would have thought that there would be an old acquaintance in a 23-player game.

Tang Mo's plans are likely to be completely derailed by this woman, and he is rightly upset. Even with his mask on, Tang Mo's brow was furrowed, his eyes full of remorse (and regret that he hadn't thought it through enough), and he had a very unhappy air about him.

Such a Tang Mo is rarely seen, and Fu Wenduo looks on with interest for a moment: "Do you want to wear my mask?"

Tang Mo stared, "Wearing your mask?"

Fu Wenduo thought for a moment, "There were two masks in the shop where we changed at the beginning, one of mine and a slightly smaller one. You don't have a big head, so you should be able to wear it, except that it has some patterns on it, and it looks as if it's a female version."

Tang Mo: "..."

Although he did regret a little why he didn't just cover his whole face like Fu Wenduo did, and maybe muddle through. But he was just thinking about it and didn't want to be an armoured freak at all.

Fu Wenduo's aesthetics are completely beyond Tang Mo's comprehension, and he doesn't want to understand them at all. After all, when Lin Yi was there, the way she looked at the odd man out told Tang Mo that there was nothing wrong with either of them, but only with Fu Wenduo himself (in fact, the way Lin Yi looked at Tang Mo was the same way she looked at a snake).

Tang Mo calmed down after Fu Wenduo's back-and-forth banter: "It doesn't help that the four stowaways know we're players now. I can beat one of them, two of them are hard to beat. With three I can only act on the opportunity. With four of them together, I could only rush to escape. And I caught them off guard that time. They were so arrogant that even though I was Mr B, they didn't put me in their sights and didn't use their full strength. Apparently, they had killed similar game bosses before. only next time they wouldn't be so careless."

Fu Wenduo: "Who is the strongest of them all?"

Tang Mo doesn't hesitate: "The bald man who can transform into a brown bear and who has more physical strength than you."

Fu Wenduo: "The brown bear is one of the most powerful animals on land."

Even the most powerful techniques are no match for absolute strength suppression. When the physical strength is so strong that he will not react if you punch him - for example, Tang Mo used a big match to chop the bald man's neck and he actually didn't die, while he punched you, just one punch, to put a hole in your body.

After thinking for a while, Tang Mo but slowly curled his lips: "They guessed my identity, and they won't necessarily tell the other players about it. It's important news, they are stowaways, they've already killed six players, they won't easily tell others important information. More than likely, they'll let their guard down even more because I'm a player."

Like the man with the glasses said, how much stronger can a player be? Mr. B is a player, but he is a much better fighter than Mr. B is a The black tower monster. At least he can't have the strength of Granny Wolf or Father Christmas.

Fu Wenduo looked at Tang Mo's calm smile and said, "Even if they felt the situation was serious and wanted to find someone to work with, it would be very difficult. Of the twenty-one players, the four stowaways and the five-man team are the strongest. Four stowaways working with others is not enough to fear, if they work with that five-man squad, it is indeed very likely to steal the monster from us."

"There's no way they're going to cooperate." Tang Mo affirms.

Fu Wenduo let out a laugh, "After you hang those three bodies on the wall, there's no way they're going to cooperate again."

Tang Mo corrected, " Donji, in fact you hung it, I was just watching from the sidelines."

The two men looked at each other and wondered how Tang Mo could see Fu Wenduo through his helmet, and he couldn't help but let out a laugh too.

Yes. The next night Tang Mo found the three bodies. Unlike the other players, they were at a distinct disadvantage in this game, and they weren't going to waste a single second. Ever since The black tower gave them the "disdain from a famous detective" tip, Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo have been scouring the kingdom's capital day and night looking for any sign of the players.

They found no sign of the players, but instead found three player corpses.

These three players fell in the dark alley, dark blood splattered on the walls, the whole alley was full of blood, like a scene of slaughter, bloody and horrible. And indeed, these three players died a horrible death. The three died unconscious, their stomachs having been cut open while they were still alive, their guts seemingly gnawed on by some kind of worm as food.

It must have been killed by a player, because if it had been killed by an Underlander, the three players would not have left their bodies behind, they would have been eaten by the Underlander.

After finding the three bodies, Tang Mo had an idea. He and Fu Wenduo hung the three bodies on one of the busiest stone roads in the Kingdom of the Underlanders, and the next morning they ambushed the area to see if they could find the players.

Sure enough, they found the small group of five.

"Only the smarter teams would think to follow every stone path to my trail, and such a team would be worth working with. Because they were smart enough and cautious enough to see those three bodies, there was no way they would have worked with the stowaway players again." If the five-man team hadn't seen the three corpses, Tang Mo believed they would have caught wind of the three players killed by the stowaways in the Underlander Kingdom. Tang Mo said lightly, "Working with them is not about getting support, it's about keeping them from working with other teams. But now it seems that as long as the two most powerful teams of players don't cooperate, we have a 60% hope of winning."

Fu Wenduo: "Seventy percent."

Tang Mo looked at him curiously.

The geeky knight leaned against the wall, head slightly bowed, not sure if he was looking at Tang Mo or the ground. "Those two very ..." There was a pause as he considered what to say, "Those two very naive players were 'saved' by them. "

Wang Yinggui and the old bird, rescued by a five-man squad.

Tang Mo froze and laughed, "Yes, seventy percent."

As the days passed, the Kingdom of the Underlanders was quiet. As the surprise night of the Strange Circus drew near, more and more Underlanders came to the Kingdom Capital from different places. Mighty monsters also came by boat from the Monster World.

On the day of the surprise night, a ramshackle wooden boat came down the dock from Monster World. The boat docked and a lady in a bowler hat and a little pink dress slimly stepped off the boat. With a snap, she opened her little pink lace-trimmed parasol, which lifted slightly to reveal the wolf's grandmother's pale green eyes and bulging, pointed mouth.

The wolf grandmother covered her mouth, gave a haughty laugh and wiggled her buttocks onto the dock.

The monsters who dare to enter the kingdom of the underground people openly and honestly are powerful. As Granny Wolf walked along the road, ordinary Underlanders dared not approach her. She passed by a shoe shop where an iron cobbler was diligently repairing shoes. He poured black shoe polish on a smelly shoe and thumped the nails on it without looking at her. She passed by a candy house with a sign made of sweet lollipops, countless lollipops painted on the door with the words "Merry Christmas".

At twelve noon, fifteen green rays suddenly appeared in the middle of the sun hanging in the sky.

With small steps, Granny Wolf continued on her way. Granny Wolf paused in her steps for a moment as the fifteen green lights shot towards the three corners of the Capitol. But she ignored it and soon continued on with a twist of her hips and a small parasol.


What the author has to say.

Mr. Fu: Do I have an odd aesthetic? [asks with helmet on

Tangtang: If you don't believe me, ask the readers, you don't show a single piece of skin on your body and you're wearing a different set of armor! I'm asking you if you're a weirdo!