
Chapter Seventeen: Heightened Security

 SooYun did not hear from the Director. Jae-Ho went in search of her to let her know what was happening. When he did not find SooYun in her office, he went downstairs. SooYun was with Min-Seo and her brother. She was working hard to become more proficient with the Korean language. The children were also learning English from a native speaker. 

 He joined SooYun, "I have heard from LiYul. He is in a protective mode right now. He's trying his best to keep the Chairman away from you."

 "I don't understand," SooYun replied. "Why am I a threat?" 

 "It is not so much that you are a threat," Jae-Ho replied, "You are important to LiYul, so the Chairman is using that to keep LiYul isolated from you so he can get what he wants from LiYul."

 "What's that?"

 "Even I don't know all the details," Jae-Ho answered, "But LiYul is protecting not only you but his father's reputation and legacy."

 "Should I not even try to communicate?" SooYun asked.

 "Do not abandon him," Jae-Ho said, "Continue to communicate regarding your writing. This is a necessary part of your job."

 SooYun nodded. The sporadic communication had returned. It was the norm for there to be communication gaps, so when she did not receive any responses to her messages, she tried not to be too overly concerned. She returned to her office, and before she returned to her writing, she kept true to her word not to abandon LiYul. She opened the text app and composed a message.

 SooYun: I understand some of what is happening to you. I will not abandon you. She cannot stop me from being concerned about you. I want you to know that I will be here no matter what – so if you need someone to talk to or text, I'm here. Be safe and take care of yourself.

 When LiYul read the text message from SooYun, he decided to root out all of the security personnel hired by the Chu Corporation. He wanted to ensure that SooYun was protected as well as all the Aquila employees and facilities. Lastly, he made certain that only security guards hand-picked by Mr. Hung or himself remained at the estate and the townhouse.

 He contacted Jae-Ho. "I want to raise the security levels in all the facilities. Can you meet with everyone in the Eagle's Nest and let them know of the extra precautions? I do not want to alarm anyone, but I need to make sure everyone is protected. It is my fault SooYun has come to the attention of Chairman Chu – I want to make certain she is safe!"

 "I will take care of it right away, LiYul." He then sent a group text to the writers on the first floor. He would be meeting with them at 9:00 a.m. He sent a group text to the second floor that he was calling a meeting at 11:00 am in their small meeting room. He was also bringing lunch! SooYun already knew it was about the level of security in and around the facility. She felt certain it had to do with Chu Min-Ji, but why go to an extreme – could she be that dangerous? Perhaps it was someone else threatening Aquila Studios and the Director?

 "What's up, Reb?" Warren asked as he fell in step next to her on the way to the facility. He strolled along with her along the footpath. The pain in her ankle was just about gone, but it still twinged when she turned a certain way. The cuts and scrapes were scabbed over and itched at the edges – all a good sign of healing.

 "I'm not sure," she said. "The Director brought my ID tag to me last night and said he was having to raise security here and at our flats. Other than that, I don't what it's about." 

 Warren shrugged. "Wonder if we'll still get to attend the wrap party tonight?" He wondered, "You still not going?"

 "I'm working on my episodes," SooYun replied. "I have lots of notes to process."

 "I gotcha," Warren responded. He switched his shoes and slid his socked feet into the felt slippers as they entered the side entrance. SooYun did the same. They headed upstairs to the meeting room. 

 Brittany and Gustav had their heads down studying their phones. "I can't find anything on social media!" Brittany said by way of greeting. "Gus is checking the news feeds but hasn't picked up on anything either."

 "What about those gossip feeds everyone is always looking at?" Warren suggested. "Maybe somebody sent a death threat?"

 Lim arrived from downstairs carrying carryout bags and another sack of bottled water. He passed lunch boxes around and bottles of water. "Sorry to get you out on your day off," he replied as he sat down at the head of the table where they had assembled. "The security in the facility and your flats have been raised and we need you to reset your flat passcodes. For the time being, you can keep your codes to yourselves and when the levels go back to normal, then we can log them in the server."

 "What's happened?" Warren asked. "Someone not happy with us being here?"

 Lim looked around the table at them. His gaze rested longest on SooYun before he answered Warren's question. "There's been a breach in the security detail. We have identified the individual and he has been fired. But until we're certain we've eliminated the leaks, the Director feels the security levels need to be raised."

 "And the wrap party?" Brittany asked.

 "That isn't canceled," Lim replied. "So, if you were planning on attending, a transport will pick you up and bring you back to your flats." He glanced over at SooYun, "I'd recommend that you stay in your flat and work, you don't need to overstress your ankle."

 "I'd planned on staying in," SooYun replied. "It'll be a quiet night for me."

 Lim nodded to the others, "Make sure you all continue to wear your watches, if you run into any problems, notify me right away." He angled another worried look at SooYun but did not say anything more. "I think that's all – I don't want any of you to feel uncomfortable, it's just a precautionary measure."

 Everyone seemed to be assured, only SooYun wondered what the guard had done to breach security. Lim seemed to be following her thoughts. "There was a theft at the Director's townhouse and certain items were taken from his office. It was specific enough to alert the Director."

 "Reb, did you steal all the pens while you were there?" Warren teased.

 SooYun rolled her eyes at Warren, and he grinned good-naturedly at her. "Don't be silly!" she told him, "It was the candlesticks!" 

 Warren snorted with laughter, and they all began to relax. They opened their lunch boxes and began to eat. They chatted and caught up on what they were working on. SooYun passed her phone around with the pictures she had taken. Lim was especially pleased with the shots. "You've got a good eye, SooYun. Would you share these on the server? I think the production crews would enjoy looking at these."

 "Sure, I'll upload all that I took," SooYun replied. "I took tons, except for the sanctuary. I have drawings of those."

 "She's really good," Warren said. "I saw what she was working on last night. They're really good. Especially the kick-ass portrait of Master Kang!"

 Lim chuckled at that. "I can't wait to see them!"

 SooYun was silently glad she had deleted the images of the Director's portrait before passing her phone around to everyone. 

 They broke up and went back to their flats. SooYun settled down to work. The afternoon passed quickly. She had taken a break to stretch her legs and drink a cup of tea to take the chill off her body. Her phone buzzed with a text message, and she moved carefully and picked up her phone. It was Warren, he wanted to know if she wanted to split a pizza for dinner. She texted back a happy emoji and a YES! 

 "Sweep the kitchen?" he texted. 

 "Sounds good – no anchovies on my half!" 

 He texted back a sick emoji.

 She worked on the finishing touches of Master Kang's portrait and added it to her portfolio. The door chimes sounded, and she got up from her cushion and headed to the door. She looked out the peephole and saw Warren bouncing on his feet. "Open up – it's freezing!"

 She pulled the door open, and he came in kicking his shoes off. "I'm wondering if it'll ever warm up. They say it could still snow!"

 They sat at the small kitchen table with the pizza box between them. They didn't talk about the security breach or their projects but instead talked about movies and actors. Finally, Warren did get to the theft. "What do you suppose the guard took from the Director's office?"

 "I have no idea," SooYun replied candidly. "Maybe some kind of contract or some priceless letter opener?"

 "Does anyone still use letter openers?" Warren asked. "You're so Miss Marple!"

 "Which version!" With a wicked grin, she demanded, "I won't play unless it's Margaret Rutherford!"

 Warren laughed in utter delight, hugging his sides. "Right!" he cheered. "Dame Rutherford!"

 They fell into the movie game. Warren finally waved her off. "We're too evenly matched, Reb!" 

 It felt good to relax, the last 24 hours had been intense! She sighed and closed the empty pizza box. "Well, it's back to my project! You need to start getting ready for the evening!"

 He glanced at his watch and nodded. "Yeah, you sure you won't change your mind and come?"

 "I'm sure," SooYun said. "When I'm able to walk and dance, I'll go."

 "You like to dance?" Warren asked her, angling a curious look at her from under his bangs. 

 "Yeah, I can cut a rug with the best of them!" she proclaimed, trying to mimic Margaret Rutherford's accent.

 Warren sputtered with laughter and got to his feet. They walked over to the low table. "You finish kick-ass Kang?"

 She opened her portfolio and handed the portrait to him. He grinned in appreciation. "You are kick-ass talented, Reb! You truly are!" 

 She bowed and thanked him in Korean. He handed the drawing back and bowed back. "I'll see you later, Reb!"

 He let himself out, closing the door soundly behind him. He strolled off to his flat with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. He wished SooYun was going to the wrap party. Of all the people he had met, SooYun was the only one who understood him. He was completely infatuated!