
The Dungeon Master System

'My entire body felt like it was being cooked. Suddenly my body exploded in flames, but they didn't injure me. It was like everything around me was suddenly lit on fire. After the fire spread to all parts of my body, I felt my bones and muscles shift in size. The process wasn't painful, but it was extremely uncomfortable. My body grew heavier as it changed shape, abandoning the usual weight a human would find comfortable.' - Excerpt from The Dungeon Master System. In the world of Woroch, only the strong survive. For thousands of years, the world was enveloped in a state of war and strife. Races such as Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and even Demons fought for territory and supremacy. When the war ended, Humans found themselves on top. The Humans' rule brought a new era of suffering for the other races. Some bowed down, some were enslaved, while a few others were wiped from the history books. Demons, Fairies, and Dragons all went extinct, but now it's time for them to make a comeback. Please keep in mind the MC is not an absolute genius. He will make mistakes. Words per chapter will be at least 2K. Total Wordcount (As of Part 74): 131,407 I don't have a consistent release rate thanks to college, but I'll try to do at least one chapter a day Reach me on Discord, Kenneth#5732, if you're interested in speaking with me. If you're interested in the discord server, copy this link: https://discord.gg/QRajKdQZ (DM me if it's invalid)

Done_With_It · 奇幻
78 Chs

Part 9

"A salamander? No, a salamander is too big," I sighed as I ignored one of the three options. I read the other two options, unfamiliar with both of them.

"Dragon Wyrmling or Earth Wyrm?" I muttered, unfamiliar with both options. I looked to the first option, and Earth Wyrm, and was about to appraise it. I saw the information for the beast appear in my vision, but I heard a loud noise near me that interrupted my concentration.

"Dragon Wyrmling?" Aros gasped. I turned to Aros, confused and startled, "You can summon a Dragon Wyrmling? My lord, I urge you to choose that summon! An Earth Wyrm cannot compare to a Dragon Wyrmling!"

"Wait, explain why," I told him, raising my voice to prevent him from interrupting me again. Then, after Aros took a moment to calm down, he stared right into my eyes and began to speak.

"A Dragon Wyrmling is the earliest form of a pure Dragon," Aros told me, "All dragons are born as one, excluding yourself. Considering how you were 'created' and not 'born', you're the only exception. Dragon Wyrmlings are about as weak as goblins, but they have the potential to become as strong as their parent! Unfortunately, because they start out with weak bodies, they won't see the boost of stats that other dragons get until they're at least level ten, the level of their first evolution."

"Parent?" I echoed. Then I sighed and looked to Aros, "Does it look like there's a full bred dragon here? I look human, don't I? Won't that make things difficult for it?"

"Dragon Wyrmlings consider whichever thing they see first as their parent," Aros shrugged, "Even if it was a bear, a Dragon Wyrmling will follow it for life. There won't be any problems, even if you choose to never change into your dragon form. However, there may be one problem if you intend to mature it to it's highest potential."

"What is that?" I asked. Aros sighed, deep in thought. He turned to me, then asked,

"Is there any way to summon a specific type of Dragon Wyrmling?" He asked, "Specifically, by its scale color?"

I looked back to the dungeon panel and clicked on the Dragon Wyrmling option. Then a second panel showed up, asking me what sort of Dragon Wyrmling I wanted to summon. There were six options: Red, Black, White, Blue, Green, and Yellow.

"Yeah, six. Which one should I choose?" I asked.

"It depends. What sort of color are you?" He asked, "Why don't you use your『 Morph 』 skill and find out? You still haven't even attempted turning into your true form yet."

I chuckled as I realized the truth behind Aros's words. I had been in this world for almost two weeks now, and I hadn't yet tried to use my『 Morph 』skill. I was almost level three, sitting well at 180 experience points, yet I hadn't even done anything for『 Morph 』.

I walked to the center of the boss room, then quickly activated the『 Morph 』 skill. I felt most of my MP suddenly disappear, taken as the cost to activate the spell. Then, after the last of the mana required left my body, I felt my skin burn.

My entire body felt like it was being cooked. Suddenly my body exploded in flames, but they didn't injure me. It was like everything around me was suddenly lit on fire. After the fire spread to all parts of my body, I felt my bones and muscles shift in size. The process wasn't painful, but it was extremely uncomfortable. My body grew heavier as it changed shape, abandoning the usual weight a human would find comfortable.

I felt a tail emerge from my back, quickly extending out a few feet until coming to a stop. My legs and Arms twisted to strange angles and claws began to grow from my toes and fingers. My knuckles grew larger and my fingers grew shorter. My body grew more slim but taller and my neck elongated as my head grew narrow and my teeth grew sharper.

Then I felt two large nubs grow near my shoulders, which were now much more thicker and muscular than my human shoulders. The nubs grew in size for a moment longer before erupting in a spout of flames as a pair of giant red wings suddenly appeared atop my back.

As the transformation completed, the fire around me disappeared, revealing my dragon form. The entire process only took a few seconds, but it left me feeling exhausted. I looked down at my own body, surprised by the change.

From what I could see, I seemed to be a much more dangerous version of the salamanders. I wasn't nearly as slender as them, but I was almost three times as muscular. My hide wasn't smooth like theirs, but instead bumpy and covered in razor sharp scales. I looked to my tail, which was covered in the same scales but ended in a large glaive like blade. After I lifted my leg to inspect it for a moment longer I turned to my wings, which were almost as large as the rest of my body. Even the spine of the wing, which was the thinnest part of the wing, was muscular and strong. The body of each wing was made out of a strange leather, but it was thicker than Aros's plate armor.

"A red dragon, huh?" Aros mumbled to himself, "I guess that makes sense, considering your power. Good news! Now we know what type of magic you'll use!"

"Huh?" I tried to say. However, when I opened my mouth I was met with a growl. I wasn't able to speak.

"Don't worry," Aros said, "By your size, you're a young dragon. Only adult dragons and older can speak, but you'll eventually be able to change back once you get your mana back. For now, let me explain the difference between the different dragon types."

I sat down and carefully listened as Aros began to speak. He talked about the six different dragon types and their colors. Supposedly, every type of dragon had a different form of magic that they were limited to.

Red Dragons used Fire magic, the most aggressive of all of the types. Black Dragons used Curse magic, which was similar to what necromancers used. White Dragons used ice magic, but they were the weakest type of dragon. Blue Dragons used lightning magic and were the fastest dragons out of them all. Green Dragons used poison magic, though they had a high physical offense they could utilize as well. Lastly, Yellow Dragons, which used Earth magic and had the strongest defense of all the dragon types.

Although every dragon type was limited to only one type of magic, the same wasn't true for when dragons had changed into their human form. However, because they traded power for versatility, Dragons were always weaker when in human form.

Ordinarily, only Ancient Dragons would be able to change into human form, but I seemed to be an exception once again. By the time Aros was finished explaining the different types of Dragons, my mana had returned to the point required to change back.

I quickly changed back into my human form, only to be surprised when my clothes were still intact. In fact, they seemed even cleaner than before, like they were brand new.

"Dragon Magic," Aros explained, "Convenient, isn't it? Now, if you're ready, I suggest summoning a Red Dragon Wyrmling. It'll make training it much easier if you have experience with using it's magic type."

"Understood," I nodded as I reopened my Status. I turned to the Dungeon Panel and looked back at the Dragon Wrymling option in the shop. I quickly pushed on it, then pushed on the Red Dragon option. Soon after selecting the second button, a confirmation screen came up, which I quickly ran passed.

Not long after I confirmed my purchase, my DP dropped to zero. At the same time, a small tornado appeared in front of me. I quickly recognized it as a similar event for when I summoned Aros. The same thing didn't happen to any of the ordinary mobs, so I knew this Dragon Wyrmling was special.

Aros quickly moved away from the tornado, hoping to not be the first seen by the Dragon. I moved closer and sat in front of the small red tornado. Then, after a few seconds, the tornado touched ground and began to disappear.

After it disappeared, it revealed a small creature that was hidden within. The creature was about the size of a golden retriever. It's shape was shockingly similar to my own dragon shape. Everything about it's body was the same as my transformation, except for it's wings. It's wings seemed to be smaller in proportion to my own wings, but I was confident that they would grow.

It's head was much more menacing than I thought, but it still had a feel of youthfulness on it, like one would find on a toddler. On it's head were two horns, each pointed in the away from it's nose, that grew from above it's eyes and followed alongside the shape of it's skull until coming to a stop near the start of it's neck. On the dragon's mane and jaws were tiny flaps similar to the wings on his back, though they were sharper and were thinner.

"Hello," I smiled as the Dragon Wyrmling turned to me. The dragon stared at me for a moment, then gave a satisfied grumble as it inched it's way toward me. The dragon nudged my arm with it's nose for a moment before curling into a ball around my waist as it leaned it's head against my lap to relax. I let my hand fall to it's neck as I slowly ran my fingers across it's scaly hide. The Dragon Wyrmling purred in response to my touch, "Your name will be Icarus."


Race: Dragon

Form: Dragon Wyrmling

Level: 1

HP: 10

MP: 15

AC: 5

Rank: C

Titles: Son of the Dungeon Master

Skills: Flight (LOCKED), Dragon Fire, Fire Breath, Respawn


『 Titles- Son of the Dungeon Master: As a result of imprinting on The Dungeon Master, Icarus will gain the exact amount of XP the dungeon master gains while they are together. Also, while Icarus is in any of the dungeons belonging to the dungeon master, he will gain a 30% boost to all stats 』


『 Flight (LVL 1): While in dragon form, Icarus will be able to send mana into his wings to rise into the air and take flight. While in the air, gain a 150% boost to speed. However, because Icarus is still a Wyrmling, this skill has been locked 』


『 Dragon Fire (LVL 1): While in dragon form, Icarus will gain a deeper understanding of flame. All fire magic weaker than his own will be unable to hurt him. Icarus will also be able to freely control any fire magic he has generated without a cost of MP or a cooldown 』


『 Fire Breath (LVL 1): While in dragon form, Icarus will be able to use his MP to create a large cone of fire that originates from his breathe. This fire will be considered Dragon Fire, the hottest form of fire on the planet, and cannot be extinguished. This fire can be manipulated through the『 Dragon Fire 』skill 』


『 Respawn ( Core Level 2 ): Dungeon Monsters do not know death. After being defeated, all monsters will resurrect to full health to protect the dungeon once again. Dungeon Bosses will only respawn a full eight days after being defeated. Only activated inside a dungeon 』