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Donniedrako15_ · 历史
57 Chs

Undead Unluck Every Negator Ranked Part 4

#7 Gina Chambers Unchange

We have Gina as the current second in command of the current Union. Given how she was the first Negator victim of the Undead Unluck combo, it's easy to forget how much of a powerhouse she is. Because it wasn't them that killed her, it was fucking Disc, an artifact so strong Billy thought he could pull a one-person Independence Day. And she still didn't get instantly eviscerated while knowing her barriers can't negate light. Think about that for a second.

Unchange does everything the restrainment abilities do (Unavoidable, Unmove, Undraw, and Unback) with no downsides from lack of offense. This ability is straight busted from looming invisible hands that can marinette your movements to weapons powerful enough to one-shot Autumn, a being that took the combined effort of 6 Negators to beat, to consistent barriers or ledges to maintain aerial superiority.

And, of course, if you're into that shit, Gina could also Unchange the air around you to suffocate you over a town-wide radius. It's a neat trick that could kill nearly anyone here. The only reason she's this low is simply her lack of mobility and the proven fact her barriers aren't, well Ishhin's ability if you apply enough force. Thus, she ends up being a tiny tank. Still, Uma Change better watch out for our girl.

#6 Nico Vorgeil Unforgettable (100th loop)

If you looked up the term "unsung hero" in the Loop 101st dictionary, you would find a picture of this depressed little scientist next to an incorporeal mangaka. Unfortunately, we must return to the future and pick on another nic. I don't particularly care if someone thinks I'm smoking too much of the Nico pack here when I say this. Still outside of Akira, our two titular characters, and our spoilers in the next entry, Nico is the most valuable person in the Union.

100th Loop and flashbacks of previous loops more than make that clear. Commanding a small armada of Psycho Pods at the ready, Nico can bisect, dissect, and (looks at thesaurus) intersect you with lasers, force fields, and straight blunt force trauma (Oh My). Nico also has braille on his brain, which means you will read his hands, especially when you remember his acquisition of Shen's martial arts skills.

Of course, if you think there needs to be more, a whole pack of DLC in the form of the UMA Ghost will leave you MIA. We have a mini army with them and his Astral Dolls, which can replicate, at the very least, Gina, Void, Juiz, and Chikara. That all ain't good enough for you? Fuck it then. Let's also mention that if all this shit doesn't work, Nico could get pressed by Uma Ghost and then immediately one-shot by carving out your soul like Thanksgiving Diner.

Something you won't be able to do back to him since, in this state, Nico can phase his physical and astral bodies to negate both methods of attack. Stir that into the eternally traumatized pot, and picking a fight with Nico is like waging war on half the Union and some of the series's most versatile and niche toolkits. He also may have killed a Master Rule if the current chapters are believed. There's a special reason why Fukko called upon this guy first.

#5th Juiz Unjustice (100th Loop Rebellion)

Keeping her top 5 seats warm, we have the Union's previous head honcho. With the previous statements from Fukko and her performance in Ragnarok, it's safe to put her here. Besides a future entry on the list, Juiz is the most experienced Negator in the series, commanding ridiculous physicality and skill with the sword skill to put her on par with many of our big bruisers.

However, with Unjustice at play, shit gets crazy fast. Unlike the limited nature of Untruth, Unjustice, depending on the wielder's interpretation, can just kill you on the spot from a look (not that it would take any convincing to die at the service of my mommy). Of course, if all that doesn't work, there is always the tried and true method of hitting something till it fucking dies.

That's where Rebellion comes in, the little gremlin that can possess her sword. Once the contract is made, for five whole minutes, Juiz becomes a maelstrom of destruction that can put God on the backfoot for a while. Sure, it costs you your life, but with a badass blade that can cut through the competition like butter, I think we can let this slide.

Still, Juiz has been holding down the Union for a reason, and her strong but simple kit is why. The only reason why she's even this low is because she literally can't kill the people above her.

#4th Ruin Unruin

Case in point is the glazer who gulps down God's galore like a glizzy. Tasked with being the regulator of all negators and kicking off Ragnorak, Ruin is essentially a souped-up version of 100th Loop Andy. With Unruin by his side, Ruin is just as unkillable and enduring as Undead, unlike our frakenstrike's negator. However, Ruin's symbiosis with Uma's blood and shadow gives him some potent powers.

Weapon generation, flight, blasts strong enough to push back Titana and Phil's attack, teleportation, and cloning are all fair game here.

And unlike other UMA's, Shadow and Blood's connection to Ruin means they won't die till he does. Making him a persistent attacker who can deal with multiple fighters at once while coming from any angle.

This means that much like the average crazy Christian, Ruin will be able to chip at you while spreading the bad word of the lord. Still, for all this mops monotheism, Ruin can be contained and beaten by people like

#3rd Billy Unfair (Ragnarok)

This literal daddy. The former leader of Under and resident Griffith of the Union, scaling Billy is a little tricky. Unfair's unconventional nature across Loops means that while his current self is destined to be stronger than the previous version, 100th loop is still here due to better feats. And even then, it has three distinct builds.

During his initial betrayal, Billy commanded Undead, Unstoppable, and Unjustice. In Spring, he traded Juiz's ability for Undefinition, Unbalance, Unmove, and Unchange. During Ragnarok, he once again traded undead for Unruin.

While he can't use these abilities with the same power or finesse as their original wielders, Billy can negate the negatives of some of the negations with other negator abilities (Ex, regenerating from unstoppable weakness). As such, we have a living Swiss army knife that can hinder you at best or annihilate you at worst.

This doesn't even mention how Billy's shooting isn't the only sharp thing. Being the former leader of a mercenary organization, plus the knowledge of his ability, Billy, I'd argue, is one of the most experienced and quick-witted fighters in the whole list. To have accuracy so good he could fake a Negation ability for years and dupe the Union while running Under is insane.

Combine that with his base self being able to at least contend or defend himself against Void, Yusai, and Creed (Loop 100), plus his victories against Juiz and Ruin. He caps out here, mainly when his most significant loss technically includes the guy coming up.

#2nd Victor Undead (Rebellion)

Here, it is the proclaimed god of battles. Given that he was the Union's co-leader for dozens of Loop and the main goalpost Andy needed to overcome, anything I say here is obvious. On the first appearance, Victor defeated UMA Spoil in seconds and was also 1v9'd by the Union stalemated them badly.

In retrospect, we know everyone from that got stronger (Juiz and Billy didn't even bust out their abilities), but rereading the fight and his performance in Ragnarok proves he mainly wanted to test them out. When he stopped holding back, Victor performed the best in Ragnarok outside Juiz, regenerating rather instantly from strikes, holding up the sacred shield Aegis, and even using Rebellion to amp up his already absurd strength.

Not that he particularly needs the artifact. Not only can Victor not die, but between his ridiculous range through his Deadline attacks and his clones, Victor was for a long time the strongest Negator in the series, until recently.

#1st Andy Undead

There's our deaddy dearest. I'm so sorry, Victor enthusiasts, but I think it's safer to put Andy above Victor with everything we've seen now. Every feat Andy has pulled off in the current Loop has shifted the power scale of what UU was even possible. Don't believe me? Then let me enlighten you.

First up, unlike Victor, Andy can make fully functional clones that can last up to a minute; said clones were strong enough to body the UMA Sick, the weakest Master Rule, yes, but the one that was strong enough to beat the entire Union with barely a sign of slowing down. Him also being able to shoot bullets from the Sun to the Earth in the form of reasonable time is also insane and could potentially put him above Top in speed casually and into the realm of relativistic fucking speeds.

Of course, though, his recent performance against the Master Rules is what carries him over. Not only has Andy's soul manipulation evolved to the point of making constructs, but my man, even while being weakened from millennia of weathering, can contend with all the Master Rules consistently. All with a dash from the first seat, saying he was the strongest Negator of the Loop.

Yet all these fun details wouldn't do Andy's most dangerous ability, Unjustice. Because of his combat training and physicals, Andy commands some of the craziest resolve and battle IQ in the series. Through his adventures to find the greatest death, Andy's flexible thinking has evolved him past any weakness he had throughout the series. When he finally gets let out, I know Andy will Millie rock those UMA's and give God the death wish they've both been hoping for.


Jesus Christ, I'm finally done. Thank you if you somehow managed to reach the list's end. I hope I made this a little fun aside for fans of Undead Unluck, and I hope my ramblings got some of you interested. I'll be curious to see how well or poorly this series ends. It'll be a nice sequel to look back upon.

Either way, with this being my first written work of 2024 and Undead Unluck entering a new era with its final antagonists plus an anime adaptation, all I have to do is say this. I hope you live life to the fullest cause I know I will try my hardest to do so. It's the wickedest thing you can do when you remember there aren't enough rules to stop you.

Have a nice day, and thanks for reading, as always.