
The Feast before the Storm

They went over the plan again as Vincent said that Mako and he would be unavailable in his plan since they would be occupied with something else giving Geralt to understand that they will turn into Dragons to fight against the Wild Hunt.

"If that is so then we won't leave Kaer Morhen and leave the outside to you," says Geralt as Vincent nods.

"I will leave Lucia in charge of the others. You should talk to her. She is the oldest of my children and the wisest since her sister Sofie died," says Vincent in a sad tone as the group was talking with the other group while Vincent was talking with Geralt.

"I have seen that Yennefer is giving you some views. Maybe it is good that she moved forward instead of holding a grudge against me and Triss," says Geralt as he sees Yennefer looking in Vincent's direction the whole time.

Mina and Mako were with Yennefer at the moment as Mina was examing Yennefer when she asks, "Can you see all of Vincent's children as your own?"

"All of them?" asks Yennefer as Mako nods.

"Yes, we all have to pull from the same rope if we want this family to bloom. All of our children call us mothers. Hell they even have a favorite mother out of all of them," says Mako as Yennefer looked at her confused.

"Even your real children favor her?" asks Yennefer as Mako nods.

"No one comes close to Anra Oakstone. She is the favorite mother of all children that may be because she doesn't spoil them but also punishes them if they do something wrong guiding them on the right path," says Mina answering the question.

"And you aren't envious of her?" asks Yennefer curious as both nod.

"Why should we. They are all our children. We raise them together and Vincent shows us all the same affection while giving the children most of it," says Mina as she sees Yennefer thinking about how that was possible.

"There is no logical answer behind it. We just see each other as equal even if I am named the first wife. You will find out why it works once you join our family. When the children begin to call you 'Mother' even when they are already far too old," says Mako as she knew what Yennefer was thinking about.

She was in the same position once and was surprised how every one of the older children called her mother as well. As time passed she already bonded to them and saw them as her own.

"I was in the same position as you but after some time you will be bond to them naturally," says Mako as Yennefer was surprised to hear that.

They began to talk while on another corner Ciri was sitting with Naosane, his wife, and Orug at a table when Ciri says surprised, "Wait, you are now married."

"Yes, I married an elf from the world of the Wild Hunt. She and her younger brother live in my house and I was taking care of her brother as if he was my nephew. One thing leads to another and then we married," says Orug as Ciri was happy for the Orc.

"So when will the first one be born?" asks Ciri excited as Orug spewed his drink out from hearing that.

"Give him some time to enjoy his newlywed life before they go and get children," says Naosane's wife as she drank her wine.

"What about you, Ciri?" asks Naosane as Ciri was surprised.

"What do you mean?" asks Ciri nervous as Naosane smiles at her.

"You know what I mean. Who are you chasing after right now?" asks Naosane as Ciri turned red for a bit before burying her embarrassment in her cup.

"No one," says Ciri but neither of the three believed her.

"You can tell us. We want to help you after all," says Naosane as Ciri finished her drink before standing up.

"I can deal with it myself," says Ciri as she walks away.

"You pushed her too hard," says Orug as they knew by looking at who Ciri was looking the whole time she had a crush on.

"So do you think your father will go after her?" asks Naosane's wife as both shake their heads.

"I don't think so, father wouldn't go after someone this young," says Naosane knowing his father.

"He would if she showed it to him," says his wife to him.

"How do you know?" asks Naosane his wife who smiles at him.

"You haven't noticed but your father is also stealing glances at her. He is only not advancing because he is afraid that she will die before he does," says Naosane's wife to the two.

"He could just looking out for her as her teacher," says Orug not believing it when Naosane's wife sighs.

"Then he wouldn't look at her like Naosane did when we first met. He was looking at me like your father is looking at Ciri right now," says Naosane's wife as both were now convinced.

"What do we do then?" asks Naosane looking at his wife.

"We do nothing," says his wife as she continued to drink.

"Why?" asks Orug as Naosane's wife looked seriously at them.

"If we interfere we could make it worse and they will never be together. Just let the flow deal with it," says Naosane's wife as she stood up to join her mothers-in-law.

"We should listen to her. She is always right," says Naosane as he finished his drink.

"She is like our mother Anra in a way," says Orug as he finished his drink as well.

Mina left the group of women to find her husband who was drinking alone at the moment. She sits down beside him and fills her cup.

"So I talked with Yennefer," says Mina as Vincent looked at her.

"And?" asks Vincent as Mina smiles at him.

"She is from Aedirn making her the best candidate to be your wife as she won't die so soon as the other human woman would. That's why you picked her right," says Mina knowing Vincent too good.

"That's right," says Vincent as he smiled at his wife.

"She is like Mako before she joined the harem but she will adjust to it sooner or later," says Mina as she approved of Yennefer.

"She should have looked for someone that will make her happy instead of me. I will be going into exile once Ciri fulfilled her destiny," says Vincent informing Mina who was shocked to hear that.

"Why?" asks Mina as Vincent told her about it.

"Keep it to yourself for now. I will tell the others once the time comes," says Vincent when Mina looked serious.

"Does Anra know?" asks Mina as Vincent nods.

"She does, but it isn't her fault but mine," says Vincent making Mina furious as Anra didn't tell her about it.

"My exile could be a year or a hundred what does it matter. I am an immortal, I will return," says Vincent with confidence.

"I still will have a word with Anra for holding crucial information back from me and the other women," says Mina making Vincent smile as he knew that Mina would just pull a bit from Anra's ears and nothing more.

"We will be awaiting you once your exile is over," says Mina as Vincent kissed her.

"I know," says Vincent as he finished his drink.

He retreated for today while the others continued to know each other while Mina and Mako followed him.

In the meantime at the border between Redania and Kaedwen, Briin was leading his man at the border of Redania without alerting the enemy by using Kaedwen's terrain in his favor.

He drove Redania out of Kaedwen making the people happy as he hanged punished the Witch Hunters with dead in Kaedwen as well as burning down their churches there that Redania built for them.

Many thought he had angered the God of the Holy Flame but Briin knew it better. He met a god before and they would do something if they wanted you to stop what you are doing.

"How far until the next city?" asks Briin as he looked at his grandson who was his second-hand in this campaign so he could collect experience.

"Two days after crossing the border. We could make it one if we continue marching through the night," says his grandson as Briin nods.

"Good, what do you think we should do?" asks Briin testing him.

"March through the night," says his grandson with confidence.

Briin nods but he says, "We won't march through the night. We will arrive there in two days and surprise attack them."

His grandson thought he was wrong when Briin says, "You aren't wrong with your tactic. But we marched for over a week. If we marched the whole night we would arrive at the city gate without the energy to fight. If we can't fight they will see us and prepare for a siege that we can't perform since we don't have a supply line. We need to take the city as fast as possible."

"Understood, Commander," says his grandson as Briin saw his younger self in him remembering his first campaign with Vincent against Elsweyr.

In the meantime in Vergen, Vincent's wives were looking over Saskia's shoulder teaching her how to be a fair regent without having a biased opinion as well as creating trouble for her on purpose so she could resolve them like stealing the supplies and burning the house down to test what she would do in such a situation.

Saskia was resting at the moment in her chair as she sighs and says, "Why are you making my life living hell."

"It's because you still haven't dealt with Radovid V," says Serana as she looked with a playful smile at Saskia.

"Vincent has sent you a message already a month ago that it is your decision what to do with him but for now you have just put him in prison. He, like us, is waiting for what you will do with his life. He told you to not let him get away since we are at war with him at the moment," says Karliah as she was serious.

"Should we hang him then for helping the Church of Holy Flame kill many innocent people," says Ellana as Saskia could see visible hate in her eyes.

"What is wrong with Ellana?" whispers Saskia to Karliah wanting to know why she was so full of hate.

"Her people lost everything to a religious group in Thedas. It's no wonder that she hates the Church of the Holy Flame fit what they are doing," says Karliah to Saskia as she now understood what was going on.

"How about an execution then. The same way the Church of the Holy Flame would punish the innocent people," says Saskia as Ellana liked that idea.

"I will prepare everything but what about his wife?" asks Ellana as Saskia knew that Adda the White was innocent.

"Adda is innocent but we should keep her here for her own safety," says Saskia as Karliah nods.

"We should announce Radovid's execution. This will break the morale of the Redanian troops making our troops have an easy hand against them," says Kirvena as Saskia nods giving her permission making everyone leave her room with a smile on her face.

Hope you like it.

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