
Passing over the Crown End Vol.1

The years pass as Vincent was on the throne as he passed his laws without much force as many agreed to his reforms while some of the greedy council members that weren't there when Cyrodiil was taken over by him.

He slowly replaced them thanks to his Network making it fast without much trouble as he could concentrate more on all his children and politics that he hated as he married Nuslei as well as a Breton named Morgane Kingas and a Redguard named Akorra Lirnrn.

It was now twenty years since Naosane was born when Vincent says, "It's time that we conquer Akavir. Naosane and Torygg both of you will accompany me. Lucia you will be the Vanguard with the Gryphon Knights. Hroar as the Leader of the Crownguards you will be leading half of them to protect us. Sofie and Runa will be leading a squad of spies each."

"Yes, father," say the children that are old enough to go to war since his third-born Neeza Highwind an Ohmes-raht like her mother Saaranji was only fourteen this year.

Vincent had at least a child from every wife except for Serana who couldn't have children. Elisif gave him a daughter on her second try while Mina gave him another son.

They laid siege the moment they landed on Akavir as they took Akavir from the Wild Tribes giving them a chance to either incorporate into the Empire or Genocide. Vincent didn't want to risk the lives of his people by leaving some enemies alive.

The Tang Mo and the Ka Po' Tun surrendered and accepted the Empire while as they were allies and understood what Vincent was about to do but for the Ka Po' Tun it was more that Vincent could transform into a Dragon.

Vincent revived his dead brethren as they assaulted the Tsaesci Empire laying it into ashes as he didn't let one escape. Elder and children were killed over the months as Naosane asks what Torygg wanted to ask, "Is that really necessary, father?"

"It is. We can't allow that the reproduce themselves and strike back against us. It is said they ate the Men that lived here before then the Dragons to survive but didn't stop there but went for the Ka Po' Tun. They eat what is weaker than them like simple beasts. We don't need them in the Empire and it should be a warning to the other two that joined us to show that this would be their end if they didn't join," says Vincent as he explained to his son why he did what he did.

"As King and Emperor, you both will be you need to learn when to show Benevolence and when not to. This should be your first lesson. Don't let your enemy escape once you have your hand around his neck just break it," says Vincent as he killed a Tsaesci with his own hands seeing his daughter riding her Gryphon leading the Gryphon Riders as well as the Dragons as the Empire was burning.

The Tsaesci retreated towards the Kamal Empire where they were made slaves by them only to find out there is no escape. Vincent after conquering the Tsaesci Empire continued towards the North and took now the Kamal Empire head-on.

After 5 years of fighting in Akavir, it was time to return as he left Vyrve with Susanna back to reform everything and recruit people to form new Legions under the Empire forming a new city named Neo Imperial City. It was in the middle of Akavir and it would become the second capital.

They arrived at Windhelm where they were received like heroes as they marched home to the Imperial City. Naosane and Torygg looked like changed men as they met their mothers.

Both Mina and Elisif were hugging their sons as every wife of his were glaring at Vincent for making them be like that.

Vincent returned to his office as Titus informed him about everything and how fast the Airships prototype was. After hearing that everything was going fine they began to mass-produce them for the Empire so people could easier get to and from Akavir without having to struggle with the Moarmer that would act like pirates.

Then he gave orders for cannons and guns to be made as well. They would give the Crownguard the guns while the Legions, as well as the ships, would use the cannons.

Once there was no way for the Moarmen to steal for provisions they needed to enter the Empire wanting it or not since their ships were either sunk by the cannons of the newer ships or Dragons would burn them down.

The years still pass with Vincent fighting a Daedra Invasion back holding a grandchild or two until it was finally the day he would give up his throne to his son Naosane who already had a son and daughter with his wife.

All his descendants were there when it happened since they were Kings or Queens of the Provinces to see how their father or Grandfather was giving up his power to his oldest son making this day the beginning of the Fifth Era.

After everything was done and only a handful of wives were left with Vincent. Mina, Serana, Anra, Kirvena, Karliah were the only women left of his former harem as they returned to Whiterun to take his former house to the mountain thanks to the magic he learned from Julianos.

Julianos was quite angry that Vincent never used his Magicka before that's why he first sends the Psijic Order to teach Vincent once he found out that Vincent was talented he himself took care of training him making many of the order envy him for having a Divine teach him.

He placed New Haven on the Throat of the World as it was the most peaceful place on the continent to live since no one would disturb him except for his children.

And so it came by his oldest daughter that became a Vampire like her mother. She knocked on the door as her Gryphon was resting beside the stables were the new Generation of Chocobos were living.

Behemoth and Lily produced quite many eggs as the Legion was using now Chocobos instead of Horses because they were better and more caring to their owners. Behemoth lives quite a good life as well as Lily since Vincent is taking good care of them.

Mina opens the door as she sees Lucia she hugs her and says, "Welcome home. Come in warm yourself up girl."

"Thanks Mum, but I'm here because some horn people landed on High Rock. They surrendered after seeing our weapons and our numbers. It seems they were starving as they arrived here so we gave them food to eat but they won't talk," says Lucia when Mina nods understanding her situation.

"You are here for your father right," says Mina as she sees Lucia nod.

"Good luck then he is mostly meditating with Paarthurnax and Odahviing out there. He said he was waiting for something maybe it is you he was waiting for or maybe he still is," says Serana as she and Karliah appear and hug her.

"So he is outside in this snowstorm?" asks Lucia as all women laugh and Kirvena and Anra come out of nowhere.

"The snowstorm is manmade. Your father is whispering the Thu'um so no one can hear him. Come let me take you to him," says Kirvena as she opens the door and walks in front guiding Lucia towards Vincent that was surrounded by snow.

She then hits him straight in the head and he stopped mumbling that made the storm stop as Vincent asks, "What was that for?"

"For ignoring your wives. Just because you lost some to old age or to birth problems doesn't mean the others are dead. Now your oldest returned to meet her father," says Kirvena as Vincent stood up and hugged his daughter.

"I still don't approve of it but it's good to see you Lucia," says Vincent as he was against Lucia becoming a Vampire but she is as stubborn as her father.

"I know why you came the Qunari right?" asks Vincent as Lucia and Kirvena looked confused at Vincent when he corrects himself, "The Horn People."

"How did you-" says Lucia as she stopped and sighs, "You knew they would come right."

"Yes, just not when exactly only that it would be after Naosane's coronation. Now that they are here we have fifty years before another Daedric Invasion happens," says Vincent as both Kirvena and Lucia looked serious at him.

"Fifty years for which Daedric Invasion?" asks Kirvena giving a scary glare at Vincent.

"We can still stop it but for that we will need to talk to the horn people named Qunari. Lucia can you guide me there," says Vincent as Lucia nods and both leave on her Gryphon.

They arrive at Daggerfall where they meet the imprisoned Qunari and Vincent says in Qunlat, "You are far from home. What brings you to my land."

"We were on a recognition mission to find out what was behind the sea. But we didn't know you would have the Gaatlok and even be more advanced than us," says a Qunari as they didn't see Vincent clearly thinking he was Tal-Vashoth as then Vincent enters the cell against his daughter's wishes and they see that Vincent wasn't a Tal-Vashoth but something else.

"How do you know our language?" asks the same Qunari when they see him smile.

"Your Daedric Prince can't hide from a friend of mine. All you people do is encage mages when you are praying and following the teachings of a Daedra in your language Demon or Abomination. Isn't that funny," says Vincent as he smiled seeding doubt in some Qunari as he continues, "But that doesn't interest me. What interests me is that corrupted army from your continent that will try to invade mine."

"Corrupted army you mean Darkspawn Army. That can't be the last Blight was almost 400 years ago," says one of the Qunari now in panic hearing that from Vincent.

"Darkspawn is that how you call them. Interesting something more I will have Hermaeus Mora investigate for me," says Vincent in Tamrielic before continuing in Qunlat, "How about you teach me how the situation on your continent is maybe I let you go back."

The Qunari began to talk as Vincent began to make a map in front of them with all the kingdoms when Vincent says, "How about you stay I could use warriors like you in my Empire. Maybe your brethren will join sooner or later to this Highwind Dynasty as the Empire is already in two continents a third won't be bad making whole Nirn fall into the Empire's hand."

They were unsure how to answer that when Vincent says, "I, the Dragonking, can wait for your answer but once I leave this continent this offer expires."

Then he leaves the cell leaving the Qunari sitting in the cell thinking about the offer as Lucia asks, "And?"

"I have everything. They were on a recognition mission to find out what was behind the ocean finding us. It seems I will be traveling again like I used to with your mothers," says Vincent as Lucia sees her father motivated again and smiles.

"And where are you going?" asks Lucia as Vincent takes the map out and points at it.

"Here, I will inspect this Thedas before helping your brother conquer it. Making Nirn completely ours," says Vincent as Lucia shakes her head.

"I should ask Vlad and your granddaughter with you all," says Lucia as with granddaughter she means Aela's and Vincent's granddaughter Hrotti Highwind named after Hrotti Blackblade.

"No, just your mothers and I should be enough. I might take Odahviing with me just in case. It will ignite us once again," says Vincent as Lucia had already Vlad and Hrotti on her line making Vincent's point fall flat through Lucia.

"I can't have my father going havoc in a new continent without someone to report to me so I can report it to Naosane," says Lucia as Vincent gave up.

"Fine, you win," says Vincent as he accepted since Vlad was one of his oldest friends and Hrotti was one of his most loved grandchildren.

As Vincent returned home to prepare to leave while Lucia prepared a ship that would sail towards Thedas on the sea.

Hope you like it. Won't be back until next Monday.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts