
Meeting Duncan

Vincent didn't think that when he returned Cailan would await him with the others as he loved to roam around incognito. Now he couldn't even enter the Market without being recognized by the people.

"Nice to see you in one piece and even more company than you left," says Cailan as Vincent discounts Behemoth and walks over towards them.

"I had dealt with some trouble in the Brecilian Forest it seemed Werewolves made a nest there. I had to clean it with my new company she was of good help," says Vincent as he takes Cailan's hand and shakes it.

"We should return to the Palast and continue talking there. You must have a new story to tell, am I right," says Cailan as he heard stories of the First Emperor and how he dominated Dragons from Vincent.

Vincent nods to Cailan before petting Behemoth and helping Solona down from the back of Behemoth.

Then he walks to his three wives and kisses them one by one starting with Mina and ending with Karliah.

After that, they returned to the Palast and Vincent went with Cailan while Solona was accompanied by the wives when Mina asks, "Does he want to take her as his wife?"

This made not only Solona spit out the tea they were drinking but also Anora when Serana says, "No, you know that he doesn't want to marry any women right now."

"Right he still isn't over the other ones," says Mina as she was sad that her sisters died but she needed to move forward. But for Vincent, it seemed a little more painful because he knows that he should be dead a long time ago before they even died of old age.

"What did you mean with 'Take her as his wife'?" asks Solona as she was recuperating from the shook.

"What did you not understand? The part about you becoming 'his wife' or the 'Does he want'," says Mina sarcastic when Karliah interrupts.

"So what did you do in the Forest?" asks Karliah as she was curious since they wouldn't have gone there if it's not important.

"Like said before we were hunting Werewolves or better said tried to cure them. We completed the cure and then we went to find a Mer that was prayed to as a god. We killed him after Vincent got all information," says Anra as she was the most honest of the wives spilling everything without decoding it.

"You meet an Elven God," says Anora as Serana corrects her.

"Mer. He was a simple Mer with Magic nothing more and nothing less. If he were a god we would be in deeper shit than you think," says Serana lecturing Anora not to call everything a God just because history says so.

"While you were on an adventure I was in the Chantry with Anora finding out about this Maker and Andraste," says Mina picking everyone's attention.

"And?" asks Serana curious about this Maker and Andraste.

"Andraste resembles a lot Meridia while the Maker resembles Akatosh a lot. But to find out more we would need to talk with Meridia or Akatosh," says Mina as she began to smile almost laughing.

"What's so funny?" asks Serana as she hated Meridia not as much as Molag Bal but still every time Serana was in a room when Meridia was summoned Meridia tried to kill her somehow.

"Isn't it said that Arkay is Akatosh's son now think about it if Meridia was his mother what a little family they would be. That would also explain why Arkay is against Necromancy," says Mina still giggling over it.

Akatosh was seen as the Father of all Divines and Arkay as his almost legitime son was now suspected to be born by Meridia by Mina made some of the women laugh when Anra says, "You know that Arkay represents life and death so I wouldnt laugh that much he could punish you for that."

"There talks the priest out of you again," says Mina as the two young blood looked even more confused now.

"Wait a minute a priest can marry in your continent?" asks Solona as Mina looked at Serana and Anra for an explanation of why the girl didn't know about it.

"Priest can marry. There are many Priests that even became a priest because their parents were before them. If this is new for you let me give you a tip. Never enter a Temple of Dibella if you don't want to lose your innocence. They will rip you apart like hungry wolves after a lamb," says Karliah warning Solona and Anora about it.

"I will remember that," says Solona as she was the girl that was trying to get to Tamriel. They continued talking about other things.

Vincent in the meantime was with Cailan when he says, "I might have a request and a question if you might allow."

"What do you want friend?" asks Cailan as he was going over paperwork that he found boring.

"I want to speak with a Grey Warden about the Darkspawn. The more my people know about the Darkspawn the better we can assist you once a Blight arrives," says Vincent trying to convince Cailan as it wasn't needed the moment Vincent mentioned Grey Warden he was already on the hook.

"So you want to meet the Heroes of Thedas. I will ask their commander to come. They have a base here in Denerim," says Cailan as he was excited to meet the Grey Warden again

He almost never sees them since they want their secrecy he only meets them when they wanted to recruit a person from Maric's Shield since he was easier to handle than Loghain.

Cailan sends a guard to call for the Commander of the Grey. The Guest from far away wanted to talk with a Grey Warden.

After talking for a while the commander came with young blood in the Warden. It was a female Dwarf that had a tattoo under her eye with long red hair.

"Ah, Duncan nice to meet you again. It seems you brought one of your new recruits," says Cailan as he walked over to them with Vincent.

"Your Majesty, this is Natia Brosca. She one of our newest recruits," says Duncan as he was at the same time assessing Vincent who was beside Cailan.

He could see right away that Vincent fought in many battles. The Aura around him is too calm for a normal person.

Cailan noticing Duncan looking at Vincent says, "This is Vincent Highwind. He is the Ambassador of the Highwind Empire that comes from the east if you cross the Ocean."

"Nice to meet you," says Vincent as he stretches his hand out to shake Duncan's hand as equals since he was evaluating him as well the whole time.

Duncan takes his hand and after they shook their hands Cailan says, "Vincent here wanted to meet the Grey Warden to find out more of the Darkspawn."

"Why would you want that?" asks Duncan as Vincent smiles seeing that Duncan wanted to evade the problem.

"Because they could be a threat to the Empire. We have a prophecy more than 200 years ago that a corrupted army would land on Tamriel in 250 years. Now only 50 years are left until this prophecy comes true," says Vincent as that made everyone in the room feel fear.

"If what you say is true tha-," says Cailan as he got serious all of a sudden.

"That's right, the Darkspawn won over Thedas making your land not only cursed but also corrupted by what you call a blight," says Vincent as Duncan was already feeling a blight was coming making it even more believable that it could happen because the Grey Warden failed to slay the Archdemon.

"We think that the Darkspawn were created by a Daedric Prince named Peryite. He is known to use something like this to gain more power," says Vincent as Duncan was taken everything in.

"We also confirmed that what you call Fade is only a realm of Oblivion named Quagmire that is ruled by Vaermina another Daedric Prince," says Vincent as he then looked at the Dwarf in the room and says, "And the last thing was confirmed right now to us."

"What do you mean?" asks Cailan as he followed Vincent look seeing only Natia.

"We once had Dwemer on our continent. We found out that their disappearance was because they feared that Alduin would end the World so they tried to escape. Many years have gone since the last Dwemer was seen and now I can see one that is alive," says Vincent as he looked at Natia.

"What Nug shit are you talking about?" asks Natia as she was confused while everyone was looking at her.

"Let me ask you all then. Have Dwarves any Magic?" asks Vincent first.

"No, Dwarves don't have magic," says Duncan knowing that.

"You know why?" asks Vincent as they all shake their head when Vincent continues, "It's because Vaermina decides who becomes a Mage and who doesn't. Dwemer were known for ridiculing the Daedric Prince whenever they could. It's no wonder that she excluded all Dwarves since they are Dwemer."

"Also there is the case with the Darkspawn living in the Deep Roads were the Dwemer live I think that Peryite made them to punish you but to find out if you really are a Dwemer I would need to bring a scholar that is an expert in Dwemer over here to tell us if you are or aren't," says Vincent as he was quite sure already since Akatosh confirmed it to him once.

"How long would it take for a scholar to arrive?" asks Cailan as he was curious since Vincent told them that the Flying Argonian was an old warship that was used now as an Ambassador Ship.

"It would take two weeks if they come with a warship," says Vincent as Cailan and the others were confused.

"They?" asks Cailan as Vincent nods.

"Yes, I won't bring only one scholar to study Dwemer but also to study the Darkspawn. If they are just like the Blight we had then we could cure those that were infected recently but the rest must be killed and burnt," says Vincent as Duncan looked at him seriously.

"There is no cure against the taint," says Duncan as Vincent shakes his head in denial.

"There is always a cure you just need to find it. We had fought against many plagues and pandemics before on Tamriel and we always found a way to cure or at least terminate the disease," says Vincent as he explained how Peryite would send once in a while a plague over Tamriel that they needed to solve before something worse happened.

Vincent was talking about every disease ever recorded that was cured. Some were far worse than the Blight. Cailan and Natia began to have hope when they heard that when Duncan asks, "Can we talk alone? What I'm going to tell you are Grey Warden's secrets and I want you to understand why it is impossible to cure the blight."

"That is alright for me but what do we do with the King and your recruit," says Vincent as Duncan looked at them.

"Your Majesty, if you would allow me to be alone with the Ambassador?" asks Duncan when Cailan nods and both Vincent and Duncan were left alone while Natia was accompanying Cailan.

"Now that we are alone how about you drop the politeness. I hate to be called Ambassador just call me Vincent," says Vincent as Duncan smiles.

"Then you should call me Duncan. But we are here right now to talk about why there is no cure for the Blight," says Duncan as he looked at Vincent seriously while continuing, "You might be able to kill the normal Darkspawn but the Archdemon can't be killed a normal way. Only a Grey Warden can kill an Archdemon."

"Because of your taint. I can feel it quite a burden to carry but there you are wrong in Tamriel everyone could kill an Archdemon as long as he has this," says Vincent as he takes out a Black Soul Gem.

"This Gem can trap a soul inside. I know a bit of how an Archdemon is created and I can tell you that all your theories are wrong. The Old Gods that you think are Dragons are only parts of a Mer soul that lived in said Dragon. You heard of the Elven Gods right. That's what you are fighting against," says Vincent explaining it while Duncan looked quite disbelieved about it.

"I meet one of the said Gods and killed it in the Brecilian Forest. Well not exactly there since we have been transported towards another place another thing I will let the researchers study," says Vincent as he is quite confident in his theory about everything showing it to Duncan who couldn't really debate since he only knew a little of the big picture.

"We the Empire want to terminate the Blight forever we and your order aren't that different since we would do anything to stop it," says Vincent as his eyes turned cold making even Duncan retreat a bit when Vincent says, "I'm sorry my excitement got the better out of me."

They began to talk about everything when Vincent asks, "Do you still have blood I could sent it right away to study it and find a cure as fast as possible."

"And will you sent it?" asks Duncan as Vincent showed it to him.

"Magic, every person....," says Vincent as he explained to Duncan how live in the Empire is.

Hope you like it. See you next Saturday.

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