
Destroying the Veil

The week passes and in the end, Vincent didn't need to employ the scheme since Fergus accepted reluctantly because his son had no future in Thedas as a Mage while in Tamriel he could be anything.

Vincent was on the Black Emperor as they were ready to sail to Amaranthine again hoping to meet Aedan with Iona there to get Amethyne.

"It's quiet now," says Tyr as Vincent nods.

"Yes, Oren is sad that he had to leave his family behind but he will get over it fast since he still has us. Amethyne will be the same when we get her," says Vincent as he looked at his granddaughter that didn't show her emotions.

"How is Isabela taking it?" asks Vincent as Tyr only lifts his shoulder indicating that he has no clue.

"She is a strong woman. She might return to Ferelden once she has her own crew and ship to do trades with Ferelden for the Empire," says Tyr as he had high hopes for Isabela becoming an Admiral in the Navy if she continues on the right track.

"Anyway are you ready to face your new mother and your sister," says Vincent as he wasn't really happy to meet a random woman who will become his wife.

"I'm with one leg in my grave. So it won't really border me," says Tyr as the ship docked in Amaranthine again.

"I really hope we can do this fast so we don't waste any time," says Vincent as he looked towards the city.

He entered the city to find Aedan with Iona and Amethyne in the company of Nathaniel and Oghren when Vincent asks, "How is Seranni doing?"

"She is fine even if we are hiding that she was cured by you of the taint. She is staying in Vigil's Keep wanting to help the people of the Arling," says Aedan as he was holding Amethyne when Vincent walked over.

"It's time to say goodbye," says Vincent as he looked at Aedan and Iona.

Both were quite sad about it as Aedan gave some last words to Amethyne with Iona as they bid farewell to their daughter who began to cry as Vincent took her in his arms before walking back to the ship.

"Once you are big enough you will be able to come back and see them again. But until then you would be in danger in this land as you are a mage," says Vincent trying to calm her down as she hugged him by the neck.

They entered the ship when Vincent puts her in a bed as Amethyne was exhausted from all the crying as Oren was the first day when he left Highever alone.

"They will hate me for it even if I'm trying to do the best for them," says Vincent as Mina came from behind.

"Children always hate their parents when they reach a certain age but they will still love you. We just have to give our best to raise them," says Mina as she hugged Vincent from behind.

"By the way, we need to find you a Dwarf and Aldmer wife maybe a Dwemer too if we ever find one," says Mina seriously making Vincent go stiff just from thinking that he needed to marry three more people, not including Asal.

"Maybe I shouldn't have married you," says Vincent as Mina smiles.

"Then you wouldn't have this big family," says Mina as she knew Vincent wasn't serious about what he said and kissed his cheek and continues, "We should let her rest for today. I will watch over her. You should train Oren since he is on deck getting some pointers from Tyr."

"Take care of her," says Vincent as he leaves the cabin after he kissed Amethyne's forehead while saying, "Sleep well, little princess."

He went on deck where he found Oren train against Tyr. The ship was already on it's way to Par Vollen as Vincent was really hoping that someone came to find trouble with them so he could release his frustration.

But he wasn't lucky enough since the week on sea seemed to be safe making Vincent only sigh every day as he hoped some reckless pirate would try something only to find out that nothing happened.

They were about to dock in Qunandar when the people on the walls saluted towards the ship showing their respect to the person on the ship as both Oren and Amethyne felt the enormous pressure from getting that much respect when Vincent puts his hand on their backs.

"You are a Highwind. That little respect shouldn't make your legs feel weak. Sooner or later I won't be there for you and you must be able to feel this pressure," says Vincent as he felt normal about the presence of respect the people were emitting.

Both nod as the ship entered Qunandar. The city was quite beautiful compared to Denerim as Vincent like it when the ship docked he saw Briin, Lucia, and three Qunari waiting for them while kneeling.

"Father," says Lucia as she stood up with the other four as Vincent sighs.

"You know very well that I'm not the Emperor any longer," says Vincent as Lucia smiles.

"But you still lead the Legions for him," says Lucia as Vincent smiles hearing that.

"You know that your younger brother is a peaceful man. He really hates war that's why I still lead the Legions and Network while he deals with the Politics," says Vincent as he looked at Briin and says, "If I had known I would have brought your sister as well. How are your wife and children doing Briin?"

"They are fine. My youngest joined me in the Siege of Seheron," says Briin as Vincent nods.

"Well, it seems that the Legion will soon fight another war this time against all of Thedas," says Vincent surprising the three Qunari as Vincent looked at them.

"You must be Oken the new General of the Legion made here right," says Vincent as Oken nods.

"Yes, my lord. I'm honored to be under you," says Oken as he was more speechful than before when he was bound to the Qun.

"Good, since the Qunari have been implemented into the Empire we should begin with the second phase a year earlier," says Vincent surprising Mina and Lucia.

"You are lifting the Veil," says Lucia as Vincent nods as he takes Solas' artifact out and shows it to them.

"Once I'm on my way back the Veil will fall. I want you all to prepare the Qunari for the change that is coming since they will need to learn how to control their new powers," says Vincent as Lucia and Briin nod.

"Now who is Asal and who is Birse?" asks Vincent looking at the female Qunari as Birse came forward first.

"I'm Birse, leader of the Network here in Par Vollen and Seheron. It's an honor to meet you," says Birse as Vincent nods when he looked at Asal.

"Then you must be the new wife candidate," says Vincent taking a look at Asal that had red hair and strong blue eyes giving him a good point to take her with him when he says, "I like those eyes. They radiate strength but can you accept that you are a mother right now and will be the mother of many more children that are yet to be born."

"I can," says Asal as Mina came out behind Vincent.

She walked over towards Asal and looked into her eyes and says, "She is worthy."

"*sighs* My wife has spoken. You will return with me back to Tamriel. We will also take two other people that Lucia has prepared since they will be joining the Elder Council to represent the Qunari," says Vincent as this would put them on the same level as all the other races in the Empire.

The two Qunari that were chosen seemed competent and Vincent let them board the ship as he says, "We will be leaving right away. Prepare them well since many things will change beginning next week."

"Is he always that cold?" asks Asal to Mina seeing how cold Vincent was to his own daughter when Tyr approaches them.

"No, he is quite warm but right now it is official business and not unofficial. You will see his real self once we are on sea," says Tyr as he surprised Asal.

"He is Tyr, one of our children," says Mina as the two little ones followed him and Mina continues, "And those are Amethyne and Oren. They are also our children."

Suddenly ten Qunari children boarded the ship confusing Asal when Mina says, "They will be our children as well. It seems that they are either orphans or they don't know who their parents are."

"That would count every Qunari that was born before the Empire invaded. I myself don't know my parents," says Asal as Mina looked at her sadly.

"Don't worry we are your family from now on," says Mina as she hugged Asal while Asal was confused about it.

Vincent returned to the ship and says, "Kaaras sail for Solstheim. We are returning home."

"My Lord directly to Solstheim?" asks Kaaras as Vincent nods.

"Yes, it would be best to bring me there with the children before you return to Daggerfall with the ship and crew," says Vincent as Kaaras only could accept Vincent's request.

One week now on sea and Vincent had all the necessary items he needed to break the Veil as he took a bit of his blood and put it on the artifact before mumbling something in Aldmerish.

The sky over Thedas turned dark as it seemed like it was about to be ripped apart when the Veil suddenly was destroyed and the Evanuris were released from their prison.

The Golden City appeared once again as it was black and destroy in Arlathan Forest since it couldn't exist in reality nor in the Quagmire were it got pulled in.

The Evanuris awoke as they were weak when one of them shouts, "We are finally free."

"Aye, it's time to get revenge on Fen'Harel and his followers," says another one of them as they tried to find anyone only to be confused about how long they must have been imprisoned for since no one welcomed them back.

Vincent on the other hand was only smiling while saying, "I hope you fight as hard as I expect so when I return I can Thedas part of the Empire."

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts