

Vserad was confused by Vincent's action as Vincent sat Vserad on a chair while he asked some questions like 'Why he abandoned Velen?' or 'If he knew about the dealings of the Crones over Velen'.

Vserad answered everything truthfully when Vincent says, "Alright, I think I heard enough from you."

Vincent turns to Karliah and asks, "What now?"

"We should take them to a safer place before we think of what to do with them," says Karliah as she walked upstairs to get the girl.

"The question is where would they be safe," says Serana as she looked at Vserad.

"Serana is right. It will be hard to find a place for them to stay," says Kirvena when suddenly Ellana had an idea.

"We know of the perfect place. They only need to do one job," says Ellana as everyone was curious now.

"The Crookback Bog, we know that some won't be following your orders, Vincent. He could take care of the children that are sent there by opening a real orphanage," says Ellana explaining her idea to the group.

"Do you think it will work?" asks Vincent looking at Vserad while saying, "He abandoned his territory to save his skin. Who would say he won't do the same again?"

"We could put him under a curse," says Kirvena to scare Vserad as Vincent was thinking about it.

"The idea is good but you will have to use a lot of Magicka to recreate the place we burned down," says Vincent as Ellana nods.

Karliah was carrying the young woman as she looked dead when Vincent asks, "Is she dead?"

"No just under a strong potion that makes you believe that she is," says Karliah as she looked at the mage on the floor.

"He must have drunk the same potion by looking at the vial in his hand," says Karliah when she continues, "It seems the mage was studying Skeevers."

"Maybe to find a cure for their diseases. You know that Skeevers can be quite deadly if they aren't kept in check," says Vincent as he continues, "Skeevers might not be as dangerous as a Troll to fight but once they bite you with all their diseases you could die."

"Anyway, on what have you all decided?" asks Karliah as Vincent told her.

"Does that count for the girl as well?" asks Karliah as Vincent nods.

"For now, she can start her new life after settling with her father and the mage there. If she has someone she loves she should tell us there and we will try our best to get her to her love," says Vincent knowing that she had a lover since the Innkeeper of Crow's Perch told him.

"So she won't be caged in the swamps. I'm fine with that," says Karliah as she puts the girl down.

Ellana put her hand against the chest of the girl and detoxicate her. This wakes the girl up and she looked into the round not surprised as she stands up.

"Is what you said the truth?" asks the girl surprising the group.

"You were listening?" asks Vincent as the girl nods.

"My mind was wide-awake while my body was sleeping," says the girl as Ellana put her hand on the mage's chest to wake him up as well.

"*sighs* Then you know what is going to happen next. Do you have someone you would call your the love of your life?" asks Vincent as the girl seemed nervous to answer that question with her father in front of her.

"Don't worry, your father has no say in your future," says Vincent reassuring the girl as she nods.

"A Fisherman from a village north of Fyke Isle. He and I wanted to run away before everything went terribly wrong," says the girl as Vincent pets her head.

"Don't blame your father for it. I'm also a father and know how it feels like to give away a daughter. It is hard to accept it," says Vincent defending Vserad as it was hard for him as well at first to give his daughters away in marriage but he accepted that this was the way if live sooner or later everyone will outgrow the nest.

"It only becomes easier after seeing your daughter happy beside the man she has chosen. Are you sure that fisherman is that person? Would he die for you?" asks Vincent as the girl nods again when Vincent smiles and says, "Then we will take you there."

Vincent takes two hoods out of his bag and gives one to the mage and Vserad before taking out a hair-dye that would make the hair of the girl blond permanently.

"I need your name, girl?" says Vincent as Karliah was helping the girl dye her hair.

"Anabelle, sir," says Anabelle as Vincent smiled.

"Vincent will do. You will pass as my daughter after your hair is blond," says Vincent as it would help her tremendously to have a background that couldn't be traced to Vserad.

"Your daughter?" asks Anabelle as Vincent nods.

"For your safety, it would be best to tell them that I am your father. That's why I asked for your name so if someone would ask me I can say that you are my daughter. See Karliah as your mother since she was adamant to come here to save you," says Vincent giving Anabelle a new biography that she could use.

"She was?" asks Anabelle as Karliah rubbed the dye into her hair.

"I was," says Karliah as she finished and continued, "We encountered a Bandit camp not long ago and the atrocities they did were horrible. I didn't want the same to happen to a young girl like you."

"Thank you," says Anabelle as Karliah washed her hands.

"You reminded me of someone I know. She wanted to break free of responsibility so she escaped and joined a band of thieves. Later on, her lover was killed and she was exiled until the truth came out of the darkness. She now is happily married and had two beautiful children," says Karliah as she looked at Anabelle before hugging her and continues, "Well three now."

"We should leave and burn the whole island down," says Vincent as he looked at Vserad.

"Wait! I need to get my research," says the mage as Vserad looks at the mage.

"Alexander," says Vserad when Vincent interrupts.

"It's alright, research can help millions of people if studied right. My folk has a whole city dedicated to that purpose," says Vincent as he could understand Alexander.

Alexander went up to get his research before they all left the Tower. Vincent picked their boat up while Ellana burned the corpse of the people to not attract monsters as well as the Tower itself making it look like a big bonfire that could be seen from the other shores.

They boarded the boat as Vincent took the map out and asks, "The village the boy lives in?"

"He lives in Oreton," says Anabelle as Kirvena points at the location.

"It's straight North. I hope the person you let go of didn't sail there," says Kirvena as Vincent smiles.

"Let us worry about that when we are there," says Vincent as he took the paddles into his hands and began to paddle the boat towards the North slowly as the boat was a bit shaky.

It took them less than ten minutes to reach the shore seeing the haven of Oreton when Vincent says, "Put your hoods on we don't want to risk Anabelle's life. Also, don't say a word until we leave."

"Understood," says Vserad bitter that he has no say in this.

"The village seems calm that means that either he never reached the shore or he went somewhere else on land," says Kirvena seeing that everything was calm but at the same time shocked as they could see the Tower on Fyke Isle burning.

"We should just tent to our business and leave as fast as possible after buying supplies," says Vincent as they needed to blend in.

"Where does the boy live?" asks Karliah as Anabelle didn't really know.

"I don't know. I just know that he is named Graham and lives in Oreton," says Anabelle when Vincent had a great idea.

"If that is all we should make a great entrance," says Vincent as Karliah sighs while the other women smiled.

"Great Entrance?" asks Anabelle confused when Karliah explains what was going to happen next making Anabelle blush as she says, "But we never got that far."

"It is to convince the people of your identity as the daughter of the Highwind Mercenaries Captain," says Kirvena as they see Vincent stand up.

"Is this Oreton?" asks Vincent one of the locals who nods.

"That's right, what do you need, stranger?" asks the man as Vincent pointed his spear at the man.

"I'm looking for a man named Graham. He impregnated my daughter and he must take responsibility for his action or the whole village will know the ire of the Highwind Mercenaries," says Vincent cold being in his role as the women draw their weapons as well playing their part.

This made the people of Oreton nervous since they were fishermen village, not warriors. A Mercenary Group could slaughter them all easily.

"The boy should be in his cottage over there," says the man nervous pointing at the last house on the left of the village near the shore.

"I hope so for your own good," says Vincent as he left the boat first and helped Anabelle out of it.

Karliah followed when she turns around and says, "We all don't need to go. I and Vincent should be enough."

"We will keep an eye on our companions then," says Serana as Karliah followed Vincent and Anabelle.

"Was that really necessary?" asks Anabelle as Vincent nods.

"You are my daughter in the name right now. That means you have become someone important without knowing it," says Vincent as Anabelle was confused.

"What he meant is that you entered the Highwind family in name should you ever meet someone that recognizes that name he or she will bow to you since they know who Vincent is," says Karliah as Anabelle was even more confused now.

"And Vincent is?" asks Anabelle as Vincent smiles.

"The Former Emperor of an Empire you have never heard before since it isn't in this world," says Karliah as Vincent sees Anabelle's shocked face.

"Just see me as a Mercenary if the Emperor part is too much for you," says Vincent as he petted her head.

They arrived at Graham's house and Anabelle was quite nervous as she passed her fingers through her hair to make sure it looked good when Vincent smiles at her.

Hope you like it.

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