
Taking Over Heaven

Once Maulketh explained his long-term plan, they all got ready to begin. They had never thought about the Multiverse before meeting Maulketh, but he had got them to think about it. His goal was to become a Singular Being and absorb all of his Alternative selves.

But now that they were thinking about it, their alternative selves were with other men or even women. They took different life choices and did not know how to take that anymore. They had reached levels of power they did not ever think they could achieve and with power came pride.

They had all been training themselves to the extreme, and thinking of weaker versions of themselves was annoying. They could be doing anything right now with their likeness. A truly revolting thought. They all had to be strong enough to reach the point to achieve Singularity like Maulketh wanted for himself and them.

But, Maulketh's path was defined by his Concept of Tyranny. As for the others, they all had to find their own paths to reach higher levels and keep up with Maulketh. Hearing that made Runeas sigh.

"Guess we won't be able to have kids for a long time. So much for 'just a hundred years'"

Maulketh opened his mouth and was about to speak, but he had no words. He could tell she was a bit down about that as they had said they would have kids in a century, but they had spent well over 1,000 years in Time Formation with no child on the way. And now that he was a Dragon God, his offspring would kill them all except for Ophis and Trihexa.

And Kuroka brought up another issue.

"And we Nekushou get pregnant when we lose our virginities. So, our first times would kill us even with us being this strong. What do we do about that?"

Maulketh groaned as he had no idea.

"Ok, raise your hands if you want kids?"

Runeas, Tiamat, Kuroka, and Athena. He looked at each of them.

"I see. As Shiva said, if the disparity between our power is too extreme, it will be dangerous to carry my offspring. And I am not even sure how hard it will be for a Dragon God like me to reproduce. But I should be able to think of something if that is what you want."

Runeas smiled.

"As long as you think about it because you just keep getting even stronger now. How strong are you anyways?"

Maulketh smirked.

"If I wanted to, I could probably destroy a Galaxy at my full power. But barely."

They were all surprised at how strong he got in just a short time period over in DC. But his Concept's purpose was to get him stronger. They all had to find ways to bridge the gap to reach his power level or he would just keep leaving them in the dust.

Athena spoke.

"Let's change the point. As you said, we all need to get stronger to prepare for the battles and wars we will be starting in the future against other Worlds, Realities, Realms, and even the greater Omniverse.

We got to find every advantage we can from our world starting with Symbols of power. You all should get some made tailor-made for you as they grow with you and you with them.

Now that we have Azazel on our side, we can fuse Sacred Gears with Symbols of Power along with the Dwarf's magic crafting. And I suggest we collect powerful Sacred Gears and Longinous and use those are cores of Symbols of power for all of us."

Maulketh felt the idea was good.

"Good idea. I can get the World to search for them for us. And don't forget about Bloodlines. You all should mature your bloodlines further to become even stronger."

As they were talking, Kimmi suggested something.

"Maulketh. Sacred Gears are powerful, but they are all controlled by Heaven technically. I believe God's own Research into them is still in Heaven. So I suggest we take over Heaven in its entirety. We should take the trees of Life and Knowledge for ourselves as Heaven will always be an unstable element. By that extension, the Church.

We should do away with Christianity and replace it with the religion we created in your territory."

Maulketh knew how Kimmi's early life had gone on. Part of the Holy Sword Project and how all her friends had been killed. As such, she had once had a personal vendetta against the Church and Excalibur.

But not anymore as she had reached a point where the Church did not matter to her. She had even gotten to a point where the Heaven System's rules no longer effected her. She could say the name of God without pain as the small headache it tried to cause did not affect her much.

Maulketh thought of it a moment before he agreed.

"I will be taking over the Heaven and Sacred Gear Systems. God is dead, and Michael is not using it to its max potentiol. I will edit it to better suit me and my purpose instead of making a new one now that the world is in one piece. It will also maximize how much Worship I can get from the population of this world."

Runeas thought of something.

"Oh, before I forget, Hades will want to speak to you as he found the body of Lilith. She is pretty much a corpse at this point, but still alive. He said he would only give her to you as he is uninterested in her and he won't let anyone research her."

He was curious about what he could uncover from Lilith. She could create Devils and she was the direct Ancestor to Valina so that was something on the bucket list. As he was thinking, Tiamat had something to tell inform him about.

"Oh right, the spirits of the dead dragons have actually started to come back to life one by one. With higher mana and the souls we have ded them they are recovering quickly. Not only that, the many Evil Dragons who were killed are also trying to resurrect themselves. Will you allow them or stop them?"

"Allow them. Evil Dragons are to be respected, not shunned. Now, anything else?"

No one had anything else to add, so he stood up.

"Time to get to it. I will go take Heaven with Leman and Grimnar. At the moment Astrid and Celestine are evolving and it seems it will take them a while. Ophis, Trihexa, as the Planet's very Will is helping us now, can you make sure order is kept on the new continent I built pl

Ophis and Trihexa looked at each other before they looked away back to him. Ophis with a huff nodded.

"Yup, leave it to us? Just keep your promise ok?"

He would never lie about that.

"Of course, I will."

Trihexa agreed as well.

"I can do that."

He smirked at her.


She huffed as the both of them teleported to the surface to do just that. He turned to Athena.

"Athena, get our allies to help us in this. Use the dragons as well. The faster we have full control the better. Then we can focus on external threats like other worlds, realities, Realms, and the greater Omniverse."

Runeas, Rias, Ingvild, Valina, you 4 are Devils. Get Sirzechs, Zekram, and Azazel to begin bringing full control to the Underworld. Akeno, tell Baraqiel to tell Azazel to do the same thing.

The 5 of them all nodded as they prepared to do just as he said.

Maulketh turned to Calypso.

"Your father is serving Hades right?"

She nodded.


"Good. I will soon talk to Hades so, mind going down to get him to help out in the Underworld take over?"

"No problem."

He turned to Kuroka and Shirone.

"It is soon, but I have something for you to do. Mind speaking on my behalf with the Yokais?"

Kuroka nodded.

"Ok. We can do that right Shirone?"

Shirone who had her heat under control now nodded still a bit flushed.

"Yes. Leave it to us?"

He smiled and ruffled their ears.

"Thanks, I will soon figure out a way so just be patient. Kimmi, I also got something for you to do. Go to the church and bring it under control. You can do that right?"

Kimmi thought about it before nodded.

"Leave it to me."

"Good. Leman, Grimnar time to go."

Grimnar and Leman ran up to Maulketh before they sat at his feet. He smiled as he pet his two pets. With that, he turned around and teleported back to the surface. Once he was here, Maulketh stretched out as he felt Ophis and Trihexa spreading their full Domains across the entire world which was now a giant Super Continent.

And every Dragon, Drake, Wyvern, and even monster was moving at his orders. There would be some resistance, but they would all fall before long. Maulketh in a eruption of Conceptual Energy returned to his true form. Leman and Grimnar did the same thing turning into their true forms. Leman was now 200 meters tall while Grimnar reached 380 meters tall.

When Maulketh returned to his true form he stretched out a bit like a cat. After the time he spent having sex with Trihexa, and the pure Conceptual Energy they produced, it seemed he had gotten bigger again.

He wondered if he would ever stop growing as he was now 800 meters tall. The two Dragon Hearts in his chest produced an Endless amount of Divine Energy and Mana. From there, his Concept would fuse it with Void Energy and Conceptual Energy from his Concept before fusing that into his body.

It sounded complicated, but it happened instantly. He took a breath which caused the world to react. The will of the planet he made seemed to brush against his armor like a gentle hand.

'My master, order is coming along rapidly.'

'Good. Keep up the good work.'

'I shall. But, what about my name?'

'I will think of one soon.'


Maulketh looked himself over once more as he was always awed by his true self. His body was covered in a set of living armor that radiated a dark purple aura which was the Void Energy flowing through him.

But that armor was a coating that went over his scales which were underneath the armor and were just as strong.

"Come along."

Maulketh spread out his gigantic wings which were even bigger than he was. They had to be to carry his titanic weight. He took off into the air with unreal ease followed by Grimnar and Leman who flew at his sides.

As he flew, his Domain contained the G forces and destruction he would have caused otherwise. He flew into the air with his two familiars toward Heaven which could not be moved.

The three of them flew in silence as they had no need to roar or make a show. Their power enough was enough of a show. They reached the gate of Heaven in just a few moments and this time Maulketh was here for keeps. He flew toward the gate, and his Domain fell on it causing it to swing wide open. He did not even have to use his words as his Concept moved for him.

Through the open gate, Maulketh entered Heaven along with Grimnar and Leman. Once he was here, his Divine Domain spread through the seven levels of Heaven to announce himself.

He was in a League of power this world had never seen. No one in this world could hold a candle to him and he was here to show who was the Ruler of his planet. Every angel, from the weak ones with only a single pair to the Seraphs, knew their time as an independent faction had come to an end.

Michael who was sitting in his office in the 6th Layer of Heaven closed his eyes.

"He is here."

Uriel who sat with him looked defeated.

"What do we do?"

Michael shook his head.

"We can do nothing. The moment he came back, the Mana of the world answered and sang his return. He brought life to the planet and it serves him. The Continents are back as one, and his allies move to take control. The Dragon Gods work with him and he is one himself, the strongest beings this world knows.

Either we follow, or we will be destroyed."

Uriel clenched his fists causing his wings and halo to begin to darken.

"Is there truly nothing we can do?"

Raphel shook his head.

"There is nothing we can do. He has reached a level of power we can't reach. Even if God was here, it would just be a bit harder for him to take over."

Gabriel turned to everyone else feeling scared for the first time in a long time.

"Do we just wait for him to arrive?"

Michael closed his eyes.



As they talked Maulketh along with his familiars moved through the layers of Heaven. Every time he crossed a layer of Heaven, he would bring out a Territory Lord from his Dimension on each layer.

They would ensure that every layer he passed was under his complete control. So, he, Leman, and Grimnar leisurely went up the Layers of Heaven. The first Layer was where the weak angels stayed and the Gate into Heaven was located.

The Second Layer was pure Darkness where stars could be observed. It was also where Sinful Angels were kept along with those behind the Tower of Babel in the Bible. He would be coming back here to see who they imprisoned.

He sped through the darkness, and into the third layer where the souls of the dead believers went. There was also the Tree of Life which he would take on his return. Once the Lord was here, he turned to it.

"Enshure the tree is not harmed."

The giant snake bowed toward him.

"At once my lord."

It coiled around the huge Tree of Life to ensure his orders were kept. It's Domain also spread through the Layer of Heaven as he went into the 4th Layer, he was met with a perfect Garden full of Life Mana.

The Garden of Eden, and at the center was the Tree of Knowledge. He already had planned to give the Garden to Calypso so they could grow more magical planets.

"Already finding good things."

The Lord he placed was a giant Scorpion which he gave the same order as before.

"Guard the Garden and Tree."

"Yes Lord Maulketh."

He then went into the 5th Layer which was where Azazel and Grigori used to stay. Now it was a bunch of Research institutes he would return to Azazel soon. Just as before, he brought a Lord to ensure nothing fishy went on.

Finally, when he reached the 6th Layer, he was met with a giant Golden White gate. It was placed down after Michael took control and it would take a God class being to break it. But he shattered it with a single hit from his bladed tail.

With the gate broken, he walked in along with his pets. Here, the 4 Great Seraphs and their armies were waiting.

"Is this your final stand or your surrender? Pick well."

Grimnar and Leman walked forward showing just how strong they were with their Domains. It crushed the Wills of the strongest Angels that remained. Michael looked down as he spoke.

"I know why you are doing this. God hated your kind, and vice versa your kind hates us. But, won't you let old history go?"

"Not a chance. Since you have surrendered, you will be given mercy. Now, excuse me."

He walked past the Angels with Leman and Grimnar staying behind. The Final Layer of Heaven was the 7th one, where God once resided. It was also the location of the Heaven System and the Sacred Gear system.

When he reached the entrance, it was another giant gate, but this one made the last one seem small. This was also where Albion and Ddraig's bodies were once kept. Maulketh's Concept of Tyrrany descended on the Gate causing it to open.

He could feel the defenses that God had placed were trying to activate, but his Concept tore through them easily. The Gate opened up and he walked right into the former home of God.

Once he entered, his Full Powered Domain fell onto the cores of the two systems. The Heaven, and Sacred Gear systems quickly were taken away from Michael causing him to feel weak. He fell on one knee feeling like a large portion of his strength was gone.

Maulketh's Domain of Tyrrany quickly got to work on changing both Systems for his own use. Every angel could feel the changes as they were linked to the system. And Maulketh began to corrupt it for his own ends.

As he was doing this, Maulketh felt something try to enter his mind which he resisted with rage.


He did not know from where, but a formless presence began to resist him trying to enter his mind. He unleashed his full power Divine Domain against it and he found it was the two Systems themselves.

They were formed from God's power, and his trying to take control of them activated the dormant will of God. But the resistance was pointless in the end, as the two Systems quickly fell under his control.

The Will of God that remained was crushed, and he gathered the shards to use later. With that out of the way, he consolidated his control and that was just the first step.