
Finishing Up Plans.

When Maulketh's harem returned from Japan, they instantly could see how busy he was. He had 50 days for the grand meeting he planned to host, but as a master of Time and Space, he planned to increase that. He placed a giant barrier around the entire continent that increased the 50 days to 300 days.

Not to mention that it kept humans relatively calm and controlled. Because organizing a panicking continent would be beyond difficult. Now with the time they had, the many Olympian gods who were working with him sent their armies throughout the continent.

But at the front was the gigantic force that Ares had taken over as the god of war. Ares and Athena together ran through the continent with the new army along with the aid of Maulketh's army of Dragons.

Under the blessings of Ares and Athena, the army became a supernatural force of nature. Not only did they tear up crime groups, but they also tore down places of worship as they would not be allowed any longer.

The only religion allowed would be the one that Athena was still in the process of writing. Currently, he was sitting on the roof of his castle inside of his volcano. His eyes were closed shut as he had his senses spread throughout the continent.

He watched as several Legions of soldiers marched through the continent. Alongside they flew Wyverns, Drakes, and on the ground were terrestrial Ground Dragons. As trump cards several young hot blooded dragons followed.

Already 123 days into his reorganization and things had begun to fall into place. Most Crime Groups were destroyed, and Prisons and Jails were raided as well. The guilty had their souls fed to the many undead dragons which needed more energy to fully resurrect themselves.

While the Innocent were freed, or conscripted into armies of the gods. Most cities were running just fine as his Laws still kept order. Most Dragons had fully claimed territories that they were in charge of protecting.

As he kept an eye on things, Tiamat walked up to him.

"Maulketh, Odin, Azazel, and Shiva are here."

He opened his eyes as his senses returned to his body.

"Good. Thank you, Tiamat."

She just walked up to him to help him up.

"My pleasure."

She stood next to him as he teleported them into his throne room. Runeas had moved the throne of Zeus down into the castle and added a giant throne room. Despite the fact he had not planned on keeping the throne, she seemed to have made that decision for him.

But when he and Tiamat appeared in the room he noticed the throne had gotten even bigger and more monstrous. Everyone was already in the massive throne room, but his focus went on the throne.

"Did someone feed it the throne of Hermes?"

Grimnar raised his paw in the air as he had done it. Maulketh smiled as he sat down on the giant burning throne. He looked down to see Odin, Azazel, Shiva, and Ares all looking up at him. His harem and Grimnar were all standing behind him silent.

Maulketh got up from his throne and broke the silence.

"Well now that the cringe is out the way, I am glad to see you three again."

Ares cleared his throat as he had not been included in that. Maulketh rolled his eyes as he looked at his best friend.

"Dude, we see each other every day. You better not be thinking anything weird."

Ares just raised his hands as he had played that joke already. No need to do it again as that would just be weird.

"Chill. I was just making a joke. And not the same one as before."

Odin began to rub his beard as he started to chuckle.

"Ares, I bet you played that prank where you turn into the hot chick on him."

Ares nodded.

"Yeah, you should have seen the look on his face."

Odin shrugged.

"Well, you are a sexy broad when you turn into one. Too bad the real you is this piece of shit."

Ares did not bother to answer that. Meanwhile, Shiva smiled as he looked up at Maulketh.

"I see that my choice to help you out was the correct one. There might be some chaos for a few years, but in the end, I can foresee that in the end the planet will be better off for it and so will humanity. If left alone they would have killed themselves in another century."

Maulketh would never kneel, but he did slightly bow.

"And I owe you for giving me my name. But now that we are here, I gathered you, my allies, and friends to join me on this continent. As I said, I never planned to keep this place isolated or to myself.

As soon as the grand meeting takes place, I will spend several years not just repairing everything, but even progressing civilization."

Azazel liked the sound of that.

"So I can build a branch of Grigori here?"

Maulketh nodded.

"Of course. You should work with Hephestus as his Symbols of Power are very similar to Sacred Gears. You two could even create wonders. And once Sirzechs is here, speak to Ajuka Beelzebub. From what Rias told me the man is a genius."

Rias was sure about that.

"I mean it. He made the Evil Piece system so working together with Azazel and Hephestus would be the smartest choice."

Odin had some thoughts.

"You sold me. Add in those rude midgets, and who knows what crazy shit you nerd could come up with."

Azazel already was itching to get to work. Genius worked better off each other rather than against each other. As for Shiva, he was prepared to leave.

"You have my full support. Do as you will, but I do have to warn you. I would work faster as a monster that can even rival Great Red will soon be upon us."

Before anyone could say anything Shiva had vanished. Once he was gone, everyone got quiet. Anything that could rival a Dragon God, was not to be trifled with. However, Maulketh merely smirked.

"I like the sound of that."

Runeas sighed as she flicked him on the forehead.

"Only you would think that."

He started to chuckle as he had been itching for a real fight.

"I am a Dragon after all. Now, do we have anything else to talk about?"

Ares shook his head.

"No, not really. The army has been sweeping the continent clean of crime groups and sights of Worship. Very soon we will begin to replace them with the new ones. But, Athena actually had an idea.

She said the Dragon Gods should be worshiped at the top, followed by you."

Maulketh stayed silent for a moment, but that silence was broken when Ophis appeared on his lap. He had not seen her since he had gone into hibernation so she was a sight for sore eyes.

"I think that is a wonderful idea. Oh, and Maulketh, the big guy has something for you."

In front of Maulketh, a small portal opened up into the Dimensional Gap. When Maulketh looked inside he saw the giant form of Great Red looking at him. A flash of Red Energy energy emerged from the center of Great Red's nose horn which struck the back of his hand.

Maulketh raised his hand to look at the glowing red 0 that was now the back of his hand. Just as he was about to ask what happened, he felt his other blessings react. On his chest, back, soul, and now hand, all 4 blessings reacted with his Divine Spark fueled Principle to raise his strength once more.

His aura began to rise again, but with the help of Ddraig, Albion, and Levatine, he fully assimilated this power back. The portal to the Dimensional Gap once again closed which left him speechless.

"Ophis, what did you do?"

She smiled as she looked up at him.

"Nothing. I am just happy that you care enough to get me and my brother worshipers. Even if you wish to defeat us, we decided to reward you. And if you ever want me for yourself, you better get even stronger. That Divine Spark of yours is a step in the right direction though. Keep up the good work."

With that said and done she vanished from his lap once more. He sighed as he knew he would need to get busy very soon to begin training again.

"Ares, tell Athena to do it. The religion will be the Dragon Gods at the top, me as their chosen on earth, and the gods below me. They can worship one, or all it does not matter. But we will have to make them feel it is a true religion.

Something they can get their faith behind."

Ares nodded.

"No worries there. We got Athena doing all the hard work. Odin, she wanted to ask if you wanted in to get worshiped?"

Odin shook his head.

"Nah, I will just make up a new religion as well and spread it through my own territory and here if you allow me."

Maulketh nodded.

"Of course, you are my friend are you not?"

Odin nodded.

"Course I am. If you excuse me, I am going to get busy."

The old Norse god teleported away as this was a big world-changing event. As for Azazel he too had to get ready.

"If you will excuse me."

With a green flash of light, he too was gone leaving just Ares. As for the god of war he had some more ideas to talk about.

"Alright, things are falling into place. But very soon we will need to reorganize the maps, the education will need to change, and the agriculture will need to be switched to Bounded Fields. Ah, so many things to do."

Maulketh nodded.

"Your right. And don't forget, we got a full Universe to work on."

Ares now felt that was a good idea.

"Right, a galaxy is a giant place, and then there are all the others in the universe. You want a space fairing Empire?"

Maulketh nodded.

"Why not? If one can do something, should they not do it? A single planet amongst infinite ones will not satisfy me."

Ares grinned as he began to walk away.

"I am glad I met you."

With that said Ares teleported away in a flash of golden flames leaving Maulketh with his harem. Maulketh walked toward his throne and sat down on it.

"Things seem to be falling in place, but do you all have any ideas? Anything to add."

Rias had an idea.

"So this is kinda based on Sona's dream. She wants to make a school to teach all classes of Devils to play the rating game so make some schools to teach every race magic, and combat."

He thought about it.

"Not a bad idea. But it would be a variable that needs to be controlled. Talk to Athena, she is the brains of this after all."

Calypso had an idea.

"If you are going to create permanent Bounded Fields for agriculture, maybe a realm to grow rare plants or herbs. I, Demeter, and Persephone can work together to create magical herbs."

He instantly agreed to that.

"Granted. Anything else?"

Just as he was distracted he felt a very soft hand began to rub his chest. He looked to his left and saw Runeas.

"We can do that, or you can finally do your job as a man."

She lowered her hand and softly got to work rubbing his cock through his pants. Grimnar instantly began to run away as he was not going to get caught in that shit. Maulketh began to growl as he looked at Runeas like a piece of meat.

"You are going to regret that girl?"

Runeas smirked as she looked at her fellow harem members.

"I am not alone. Anyone who is in raise your hand."

With a show of hands, he saw Rias, Calypso, Ingvild, Valina, Tiamat, Astrid, Celestine, and even Akeno for goodness sake. He stood up and with a wave of his hand teleported them all into his room.

(Should I write a sex scene? I am good at them, but they are not fun to write.)