
Eating a God.

Shirone snapped out of her joy at Maulketh's words. She pulled back from the hug with her sister, but immediately she walked to him and hugged him as well. He for sure did not expect that from her of all people.

When he last saw her she still looked like a small white-haired teenage girl, but she was starting to mature wonderfully. In time she even might take after her sister who for sure was an attractive woman.

He patted her on her shoulder as she looked up at him with a big adorable smile.

"Thank you for everything Maulketh."

He smiled and ruffled her hair a bit.

"Your most welcome."

When she stopped hugging him Kuroka seemed the most shocked. She for sure thought that her sister would hate her for everything. However, before she got to say anything, Maulketh walked toward Sirzechs and Rias.

He sat down at the table with the current Devil King who seemed exhausted.

"Sirzechs. Good to see you well."

Sirzechs nodded with a sigh.

"Likewise. You have changed a lot since the last time we met. You look like a totally different person now and I also have noticed you have been busy.:

Back when Maulketh met Sirzechs, his body still had some features of Issei. However, all those features were gone and now he truly looked like his old self just larger along with full facial hair.

"Well, evolutions will do that to you. Now that I have you here, I wanted to inform you of the meeting I have planned. It will take place in 50 days at my lair in Yellowstone at Mount Olympus. Devils, Grigori, the Norse gods, Shiva's faction, and the surviving Greek gods will be there. If you wish to invite Heaven, do so. I won't do it."

Sirzechs nodded.

"I and the Devil Kings will be there, but I have a question for you. What gave you the idea to take over an entire continent and fill it up with all dragons?"

He seemed serious so Maulketh just smiled.

"We dragons have individual power but are limited in number. As such, I changed that by gathering them all under my leadership. As it stands you are looking at the first true ruler of Dragons.

Our continent and Empire will welcome all as long as they follow the laws that I place. Of course, your clan is more than welcome to help Sirzechs. Your family is my family as it were."

Rias reached over and placed her hand on Sirzechs' shoulder.

"You should do as he says, brother. Maulketh won't massacre the humans or become a mad Dragon. If anything he will bring great change to the stagnant world."

That made Sirzechs smile.

"I see you truly are in love with him Rias. Fine, I will do as you recommend. Besides, I would not have tried to kill my Brother in Law. But I wonder how it is that our businesses are still up and running for some reason."

Maulketh did not mind explaining that.

"I placed a Law on the whole continent. I will explain it in time, but I will hold off on that. Anyways, Rias. How long will this event be?"

"8 hours. A regular school day length of time."

He nodded.

"I will be around. I'll come pick you up at the end as I think I will be around the area. Kuroka. Come along."

"But, my sist-"

Before she could say anything else, Maulketh pointed his hand at her and turned her back into a cat. She appeared in his open palm as he walked out.

"You can talk later. Rias, see you in a little while."

Rias sighed as he walked out.

"Fine. Just make sure to come to visit every now and then for the event."

"I will."

Grimnar ran after him while Astrid and Celestine calmly followed him. When they were gone Rias turned over to Akeno.

"We can talk about everything once we are done. We are about to open so get ready."

"Alright, Rias."


Once Maulketh left the Maid Cafe he placed Kuroka on his shoulder. She seemed a bit pouty as she jumped on his head looking down from there.

"You big brute. You could have let me talk to my sister more."

"You can talk at a later time and more calmy. For now, you are not leaving my sight. Celestine, Astrid you can go explore if you want."

Both of them shook their heads. Astrid jumped walked up to him and held his arm. As she was close to his height it did not look too funny.

"I had my fun. There is only so much humanity I can tolerate. And I am sure the rest of our fellow harem members feel the same."

Just then Tiamat appeared next to him with a bored smell to her. She came out of nowhere as she had been invisible.

"She is right you know. The initial intrigue just died so now, I want to go home."

He looked toward her.

"Already? I mean I get this event isn't all that fun, but it can't be that bad."

Tiamat looked up at him with pure boredom on her face.

"I mean there are some new things here, but they are all things for humans. The haunted house won't even make us jump. The food is decent, but compared to magic chefs it's crap. The Maid Cafe is of no interest to me, and the other events seem boring."

He sighed and removed his sunglasses.

"So I am not the only one?"

Astrid nodded.

"You are not. I mean, even Rias smelled like she was getting bored. I think she may have underestimated how much Draconic instincts change someone. Every time she sees a regular human she can't help but look down on them. So she is bored."

Celestine also put her own words in.

"I agree as well master. The initial wonder is gone and now I much rather return to our volcano home."

He sat down at the same bench as before with a big sigh. Astrid, Celestine, and Tiamat sat down with him as they knew just how bored he was. Grimnar jumped on his lap like a regular dog with Kuroka still on his head. While they were here, he suddenly remembered the snack he had on hand.

"I still have that don't I?"

Astrid looked up at him curiously.

"Have what?"


From one of his three spatial rings, a golden divine meatball appeared in between his fingers. It was Hermes which he crushed into this with all his Divine Energy, Divine Spark, and soul still inside. When Tiamat saw that she began to drool.

"I see you have the corpse and soul of a god. Mind if I-"

Before she said anything else he tossed the ball of golden flesh into his mouth and started to chew. Golden Ichor, Divine energy, and soul energy flooded his mouth in a flood of flavor which he did not allow to spill. He swallowed and absorbed all of the energy into his gullet.


He closed his eyes and got to work once everything was in his stomach. The Divine Spark of Hermes instantly was absorbed into the one he had taken from Zeus to form his own. His spark of Divinity that turned his mere Principle into a Divinity instantly got stronger which made him stronger, but that was not the end.

The Ichor of Hermes was assimilated by his body while the soul was devoured by his own Soul. On his chest, the blessing of Ares burned bright red, on his back the Infinity sign of Ophis glowed violet, and in his soul, the Void blessing glowed silver and purple.

The soul of Hermes which was still conscious tried to fight against being devoured, but he only lasted seconds. His soul was destroyed and devoured by Maulketh's own soul. Maulketh's eyes began to glow with even more fire than before.

Divine Energy began to flow through his nerves and muscles which crackled with Divine Lightning from Zeus and the speed of Hermes. The power of both gods surged in his body before being quickly being assimilated back to fuel his growth.

He kept his eyes closed as he, Ddraig, Albion, and Laevatein worked with him to burn away any memories Hermes may have once had.

Like before he only kept the important ones involving the use of skills, knowledge, and magic. The time it took them to finish was only a minute. When he opened his eyes he exhaled pure steam as the knowledge of a god instantly made him feel much smarter.

"A great tonic."

Tiamat scoffed.

"You could have given me some."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"When you kill your own god you can eat them."

She just snorted as she leaned on him. But just as they were relaxing, Runeas walked up to them. The bench was not big enough for them all she just picked up Grimnar to sit on Maulketh's lap.

"Mark, take me home. I want to watch TV instead."

He leaned down and placed his chin on the top of her head.

"Fine. Just give it a minute."

Runeas still had Grimnar in her hands so she began to pet him.

"For what."

"For the rest to gather."

They just waited a bit and Ingvild, Valina, and Calypso joined them soon after. Maulketh picked up Runeas who was still holding Grimnar to set her on the ground.

"Let's go."

He teleported them all back to Rias' house in a silent flash of silver. He made sure that the humans did not see this and once they appeared back in Rias' house Runeas hopped on the couch with the remote in hand.

She turned on the TV and began to watch the Justice League Animated Series. As for Maulketh, he lay down on the other couch with Kuroka on his chest. Everyone sat down on one of the many chairs or couches that Rias had in her private house.

Once they were all settled in Runeas broke the silence.

"That was fun for the first few minutes before the wonder wore off."

Maulketh had to agree. He yawned as he got comfortable.

"It is to be expected when we are all beyond human beings. Things meant to entertain humans seem to get boring fast."

Ingvild sighed.

"I mean, I thought it was fun."

Valina turned to her with a deadpan look.

"And yet you came back with me."

Ingvild looked away.

"Well, I only wanted to stay with my friend and family. Not because I found everything boring."

Kuroka jumped on Maulketh's chest from his head.

"You are lying. You were bored."

Everyone turned to stare at Kuroka who spoke up as a cat. Hearing her talk reminded him that he had turned her into a real cat. He broke the spell causing her to return to her human form still sitting on his chest.

As she was small, light, and gave him a very nice view he did not push her off. But now that she drew attention to herself everyone had things to say. Runeas glanced at Kuroka before looking back to the TV.

"She is pretty. Nice find."

Valina nodded.

"I agree. Nice to meet you, but do you ever plan to get your ass off my lover."

Kuroka looked at Maulketh's face, but he did not seem to mind.

"Nope. Unless he says he hates it."

"And I will never say that. Anyways, this is Shirone's sister. One of the two last Nekoshou alive."

Kuroka nodded.

"Correct. I wanted to reunite with my sister, but I have another goal. I wish to repopulate my species with a strong mate."

Tiamat pointed at Maulketh.

"The one you are sitting on is a good choice. No one is stronger than him except for maybe 4 beings."

Kuroka looked down at Maulketh with a smile.

"So? Want to mate with me?"

"I much rather add you to my harem and mate with you as many times as you want. IF, it were not fatal for you."

That got her attention.


He nodded.

"I am extremely powerful. To be able to get pregnant with my offspring you need to be strong enough to contain their power. If you can get to that point, then I don't mind."

Kuroka sighed.

"I see. Well, I much rather not end up dead from my first time. Anyways, when can I talk to my sister?"


She flipped around and laid down face to face with him.

"When is soon?"

"Soon is soon. Now, just relax and watch TV. I am going to sleep."

When he closed his eyes he instantly feel asleep leaving Kuroka alone with Maulketh's harem. All of them were starring at her which made her nervous.

'Oh oh.'

Runeas broke the silence once more.

"Get her."

Tiamat rushed over and grabbed Kuroka.

"Come along and tell us everything cat."