
Annoying Devil(Edited)

Once Mark arrived in New York, he once again felt like he belonged.

"You can take the American out of America, but not America out of the American."

[That sounded so confusing.]

"Maybe a bit."

Mark drove his new stolen pickup around New York looking for a good home to steal. He could easily brainwash a family now that he had greater control of his magic. For some reason, the process he used on his soul gave him greater control over his own mana.

Now, he could actually use Magic similar to a dragon. Just by willing it, magic would do what he wanted, but the more complex the order, the more mana it would take. After around an hour he found a good two-story house that would be a good temporary home. He drove his truck up into the driveway next to the family's minivan. He took his keys out of the ignition and walked toward the house.

When he arrived in front of the door he politely knocked. He did not have to wait long before a middle-aged man opened the door. He was Asian and looked to be quite fat.

"What do you want?"

Mark looked down and lowered his sunglasses. His eyes instantly glowed a bright purple.

"Let me in."

The man stepped back and opened the door wide for Mark.

"Of course sir."

Once Mark walked into the house the wife of the man was surprised. Before she could speak, Mark brainwashed her as well by making her look into his eyes. He spread his senses in the house and saw that they had no children.

'This will make things easier.'

Mark's mana surged into both of them as he gave them a command.

"Take a long vacation somewhere nice. Take what you need and get out."

Both of them nodded with blank looks.

"Of course sir."

Mark sat down on the couch and saw that the house was not bad at all. He watched as both of his brainwashed victims gathered their things. He wondered where they would go, but not like it mattered.

They could go to the North Pole and he would not care. They were gone within the hour, leaving him in their home. He stood up and began to explore the house. It had two restrooms, 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, and a garage, and that was more than enough for him. Mark walked outside gathered his suitcase and backpack and got to making himself at home.

He chose the master bedroom to clean out and make into his own room. How long he was going to stay was going to depend on what the Devil he summoned was like. Once he got done, he made himself something to eat and laid down in bed.

"I honestly missed the feeling of a bed. Sleeping in the back of a car does not compare."

[I see. Now, I will tell you how to summon a Devil. Many of my hosts summoned Devils so I still remember how they did it. The first is to make a Magic Circle with a magic catalyst. Your blood will be the best for this and fill it up with magic with a chant to summon them.

We can only hope you get one reasonable or you will have to fight. But, I think we will be fine as they will not cause trouble in New York.]

"I noticed something off with the Empire State Building. Is that what you mean?"

[Correct. The Empire State Building is situated under Mount Olympus.]

Mark sat straight up worried.

"Wait. Mount Olympus as in the Greek gods. You are saying I am right under them?"



Mark sat up and prepared to leave, but Ddraig talked to him.

[Calm down, I choose this place for a reason. The Greek Gods rarely come down from their mountain and most don't even stay there. As long as you do not cause big trouble for them or their children you should be fine. That is why I wanted you to come here.

Use the gods as a safety wall. Would a Devil really risk fighting the Red Dragon Emperor, in the territory of the Greek Gods? With you living on their turf, they might try to protect you as you can be a good ally and a deadly enemy.]

Mark laid back down, but he did not look too happy.

"You could have said something about the gods you know. I thought they lived somewhere else in America."

[Sorry, but let's get to the summoning. Wait until Midnight when magic is strongest. I will teach you the proper Devil summoning ritual and even some suppression runes to use. One of my former users was a very experienced rune user after all.]

Mark closed his eyes as he lay on the soft bed.

"Well then, wake me up an hour before midnight"


Mark sank deep into his sleep which he had neglected during his training.


[Partner, it's time.]

Mark opened his eyes rejuvenated. He yawned as he got up off the bed. He decided to make the summon here in his bedroom as he did not care where he did it. He kneeled down on the wooden floor and looked to his left hand where the Boosted Gear appeared.

"How do I start?"

[First, cut your left palm and use the blood to form the magic circle I will show you.]

Mark expected it to just be a line of blood in a circle with a pentagram, but nope. This shit was more complicated than he once expected.

"Fuck this is going to need a lot of blood."

[You can handle a little blood loss.]


After cutting his left palm open, Mark carefully formed the runes and lines that Ddraig showed in his mind. Though he made sure to work in the suppression runes that Ddraig advised him.

After 40 straight minutes of tracing his blood on the ground, he sighed as he looked down at it.


[Good job, with this, we should be able to summon a Gremory.]

"So, what is so special about the Gremory?"

[The current Devil King is a Gremory and they are one of the more loving families of Devils. With any luck, you just might summon Sirzechs himself. He would be willing to teach you in exchange for a favor. He won't try to enslave you, unlike other Devils.]

Mark nodded as he sat down and meditated to try to get his blood back. He drank a lot of water to make sure he was not too anemic, to begin with. After 20 minutes when the clock struck midnight, Ddraig told him to begin.

Mark placed his hand above the magic and began to feed it his magic. To make sure the Devil he summoned was quite strong he did not just stop there.

[Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!]


All that gathered power and Mark's mana entered the magic circle which began to glow bright crimson.

"I, Mark Nathanial Anderson, The Red Dragon Emperor summon you from the Underworld. Now, answer my call."

He slammed his hand on the magic circle and felt his mana drain rapidly. Deep in the underworld a Gremory answered his call and teleported to his location. Mark closed his eyes as overwhelming Demonic Power filled the room. Even the suppression runes he weaved into the spell were burning away with the power.

He thought he got the right Devil which Ddraig described as powerful and overwhelming.


He heard a young female laugh as his eyes were closed.

"Sirzechs? Never heard of him."

Mark opened his eyes and saw a young crimson-haired, teenage-looking girl. She had large breasts, strong-willed violet eyes, and her hair split into two crimson twin tails with a silver-colored crown on her head.

Mark stood up and cleared his voice.

" I am Mark and I am the one who summoned you. I was trying to summon Sirzechs so forgive me for disturbing you."

The young woman smiled as she looked at him.

"I don't actually know who that is. I have been asleep for a long time, but your summon woke me up so I am sorry if I interrupted your summon."

Stepped off the circle and began to walk circles around him.

"So, this is the kind of clothes the humans wear now? I like them, but they could use more color."

"Some people do. I personally like this."

The Devil nodded as she introduced herself.

"I am Runeas Gremory. Your summon was so strong that it actually woke me up and I could not help but come to see who it was. Now, who is Sirzechs?"

Ddraig spoke up when he saw the Devil.

[Runeas? You actually survived the Great War?]

She looked toward Mark's left hand where the Boosted Gear resided. Seeing an old enemy/acquaintance was not so bad.

"Ddraig? I see, you told your host to summon a Gremory to teach him. Is that right?"

[Right on the money. Mark, this is Runeas, the Progenitor of the Gremory clan. Though she was supposed to be dead.]

Runeas crossed her arms under her large chest.

"And I would like to keep it that way. I don't want my survival to be announced, but this is a unique host of yours Ddraig. He actually managed to summon me of all people. Right when I was asleep. And were you the one who taught him those Devil suppression runes?"


She nodded when she heard that. She looked up at Mark who sat down on the floor as this took a lot of power. She smiled as she looked down at him.

"Alright, you woke me up ahead of time and I am interested. What did you want again?"

Mark looked up at her and grinned.

"I wanted someone to teach me how to use my powers better. For that, I intended to summon Sirzechs, the current Devil King and your descendent. However, would you still teach me?"

Runeas' face scrunched up as she still had the mentality of a teenage girl. That was the reason she slept so long as she did not want to mature. She sighed as she sat down in front of Mark.

"I would be willing to teach you some stuff, but you have to do something for me."

Mark was ready for a big demand.

"What is it you would want?"

She smiled and leaned toward his face.

"You have to sing, dance and entertain me.

Mark tilted his head.

"Sing, dance, and entertain you."

She nodded with a big smile.

"I love to have fun. I want you to entertain me and then I will teach you."

[Can we decline? We will just try again later and see if we can't summon Zeoticus, Venelana, or someone else]

"NOPE! Me or nothing."

Mark sighed as he looked at the Boosted Gear.

"Should we try the Sitri clan this time?"

[Yes, that sounds like a better idea. If all else fails I can keep teaching you.]

Runeas clenched her fists as they did not want to entertain her.

"COME ON! I can be reliable."

Mark sat down on the bed with a sigh.

"Look, I can sing and dance, but I never did it to have fun. I am an assassin."

Runeas perked up.

"That sounds fun, come on. Just a fun dance and song and I will help you out."

[Just do it.]


Mark got up and walked over to Runeas. He removed his sunglass and tossed them on the bed. He zipped down his leather jacket a little before he extended a hand to Runeas. He got into the character of a charming ball dancer.

It was a good identity he had used to kill several people over the years. Suddenly his cold face lit up with a smile to dazzle a room. But his black eyes still looked cold and calculative. He was not emotionless, but he had been trained to bury those deep.

"Would you honor me with this dance?"

Ddraig almost went slack-jawed as he did not expect that. From the look of it, neither did Runeas as she just stared up at Mark until she took his hand. He pulled her up and wrapped an arm around her waist as he extended their arms out.

"Well, since you want a dance, you might as well join me."

Runeas cleared her voice and looked away. She was old, but she was still a teenage girl at heart. It was why she always slept to keep herself youthful."

"It's fine, I want to hear it as you show me this dance."

"Fine, but I warn you, I am not that good."

He took a deep breath as he prepped his singing voice. Mark began to lead her in a slow dance at first as he looked down with a smile. Then, when she least expected it he began to sing Dance with Me by Frank Sinatra, a classical song.

Strangely enough, as he slows dance with Runeas, the charm that all Dragons radiated was increased. His cold eyes actually warmed up slightly which Runeas was directly looking into.

Mark sped up the dance at the same time as he continued the song. Runeas was stuck at his tempo and her eyes were now locked into his. She already loved this song even if it was not really directed at her. She felt her face heat up as the charm was messing with her mind.

Half way she pulled away and looked away.


Mark chuckled as Sinatra was a great singer for a reason.

"Was it that good?"

She looked back at him with a glare.

"You evil man. How could you toy with my emotions like that."


"I am going to hurt you."

She walked up to him and began to beat her fists into his chest. She was not trying to hurt him, but he had to say she had some strength in her arms. She turned around and crossed her arms. She held her head high as she spoke.

"Since you were nice enough to sing and dance for me, I guess I can teach you what I know."

Mark walked up to her and picked her up in a princess carry. It might do him some good to get in her good graces after all.


He smirked as he looked at her.

"I think you and me are going to get along just fine, my princess."

Her face flushed brighter than her hair as she pushed his face away.

"Put me down you fiend."


He put her down as she sighed in relief. She glared at him as she clenched her fists.

'This perverted dragon kid. I will show him.'

Mark was not going to like what she put him through.