
Advice and Ways To Become Stronger.

Maulketh sat back down on the big couch with Leman and Grimnar resting their heads on his lap. In Grimnat's, it was three heads, but that was just more to pet. He ran his hands down both of their backs as he waited for the reactions of the girls in his harem that were either Devils or turned into Devils.

Now that he thought of it, most of the girls in his harem were either Dragons, Devils, Monsters, or gods. He waited for a reaction that came from Runeas. She crossed her arms over her large chest curious.

"Alright, explain. Devils are Diluted Demons? How does that work?"

Rias was also curious.

"And how did you find out?"

"Simple. I went to see Hades and he handed over Lilith's body to me. Through the memories contained in the remnants of her soul and body, I learned that Lilith was never a Devil, to begin with. She was a Demon created through the curses of the God of the Bible after the whole Adam situation.

After that, Lucifer took her in and through their union used her body and soul to create your Generation Runeas. The First Generation Devils were closer to Demons which is why you were all so strong compared to your future kin. And curious enough, the 4 Original Satans, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Asmodeus were not True Devils either.

They were not Demons or Devils, while Lilith was a true Demon. That is why Devils use Demonic Power and not Hell Mana. That is why most Devils have limits to their power. One, they are using weaker energy and they were created artificially from Lilith. It's also why Devils have slow reproduction."

He waited a bit, for their reactions which made Valina curious. If Lilth was a Demon and Lucifer was something different, didn't that mean her bloodline was also extremely pure?

"Does that mean that my Demon purity is higher?"

Maulketh nodded.

"Of course. Much higher. Your great-grandparents were Lucifer and Lilith so that stands to reason you are the closest to a Demon in this world besides your grandfather. From what I can see from your DNA, my dragon blood is merging with your genes to bring them out."

Ingvild hummed in curiosity.

"So, what about me?"

Maulketh looked at her through his unique sight to gaze at her Soul and DNA. Her DNA was mixed in with a few generations of Devils and humans as one of her parents was a human which gave her a Sacred Gear.

That Sacred Gear was the reason her genes had been reawakened, same with Valina with Albion and now Maulketh's blood.

"Your genes are purer than even Rias here, who is a pure-blood descended from Runeas. Rias, you are several generations removed from Runeas while you Ingvild are quite closely related to the original Leviathan. And that Longinous of yours is constantly purifying your genes which reawakened the Leviathan transformation you showed me."

Ingvild found that interesting as she looked next to her at Kimmi. The blonde woman sighed as she was not descended from any Devil. She was turned into one by Rias' Knight Piece.

"I see. So, that means that Kimmi would have the most diluted bloodline of us right?"

Maulketh looked at Kimmi and nodded.

"Yes. She became a Devil through an Evil Piece which turns other races into a Devil by mutating them with Demonic Power from the Master. In this case, Rias. But, there is no need to be disappointed.

Blood purity can be increased, and all the training you have done with your Sacred Gear has worked wonders for those of you who have them. But, to be frank, Kimmi, you also have the lowest talent out of everyone here.

Calypso is a Titan, Runeas is a First Gen Devil, Rias is a Pure Blood from her bloodline, Ingvild is a Satan descendent of Leviathan, Valina is a descendent of Lilith and Lucifer, Tiamat is a Heavenly Dragon level Dragon, Astrid, and Celestine are my familiars, Akeno is Devil Fallen Angel hybrid, Trihexa, and Ophis are Dragon gods, Kuroka and Shirone are Nekushou Devils, Athena is a Greek War goddess, and you only have your sacred gear to count on.

Does that discourage you?"

Everyone turned to Kimmi who was being tested by Maulketh. No one stood up for her, as this was her trial. But Kimmi just smiled and shook her head.

"No, it means I got this strong on pure effort and my Sacred Gear just pushed my efforts more."

He smiled as he got up.

"Well said. Now, to get things started."

Maulketh brought out the fruits that he would be giving out to his harem. He, of course, left three for Shiva, Great Red, and Ares. He only had 6 more to spare and he already decided who would get them.

"These are Fruits of Ascension. The tree that was grown only had 12, I, Ophis, and Trihexa have eaten one each and that leaves 9. But three are going to Great Red, Ares, and Shiva leaving just 6 to spare. And I have already chosen."

A Fruit floated to Tiamat, Valina, Igvild, Athena, Calypso, and the last one arrived in front of Runeas. That meant that Akeno, Kuroka, Shirone, Kimmi, and Rias were not going to receive one.

He could tell they were disappointed as they felt they were not good enough.

"I can tell what you are feeling, but I will explain it. Ophis and Trihexa are Dragon Gods like me, and these Fruits are better for us. I got one, as I am me. Valina and Ingvild are getting one each because of their talents, and bloodlines.

Calypso and Athena are Titaness and Goddesses while Tiamat can use Chaos Karma which can become a Principle and a Concept as well. As for Runeas, she has the bloodline and talent, and she was my first lover.

As for the other three to spare are because they are reserved for my friends Ares and Shiva who helped me greatly reach where I am. Great Red was the one who helped in their creation."

Rias sighed and smiled bitterly.

"I understand. I can see why you choose why you made your choices. It just means I did not work hard enough."

He shook his head.

"No. It's not about hard work or not. I choose those who could get the most immediate growth. As for You, have my blood, Akeno, Kuroka, and Shirone you have bloodlines that can carry you further. As for Kimmi, I got another path planned to help her."

Kuroka did not really mind.

"I am glad you think we have potentiol. Right Shirone?"

She nudged her sister with her elbow, which made her push her away.

"Right. But how are you going to help us?"

He smiled.

"As I said before. You are all going to be getting your own Symbols of power which is something you all really need. Once that is complete, you all shall be getting a powerful Soul Bounded Familiar that will grow with you and help you out much like an Avatar Sacred Gear.

Once that is complete, I will also be giving you much stronger bloodlines. I planned on giving you mine, but I changed my mind. Giving you all of mine would make you stronger, but it is not the best option."

Athena thought about it.

"What about me? I already have my Three Symbols of Power and I feel that a 4th one would not really be a good choice?"

"For you, you just need to evolve your current Symbold of Power. You will still be getting your own Familiar, but your bloodline is fine as it is. Same with you Calypso, all that you need to do is draw out your connections to your Ancestors Gaea and Ouranous and then evolve that. Those Fruits will help you out.

Speaking of which, get to eating."

He crossed his arms and waited as Tiamat, Valina, Igvild, Athena, Calypso, and Runeas looked at each other and shrugged. They then began to eat their Fruits of Ascension and just like when Maulketh ate them, once they got a bite they did not stop.

Those that did not get one felt pure jealousy, but they had earned theirs. Maulketh carefully watched the 6 of them as he was curious about what would happen. And once the 6 Fruits were gone, the 6 of them fell to their knees as the overwhelming Vitality, Soul Energy, and Conceptual Energy rushed into their bodies.

He observed the Process carefully, and just as he expected, Tiamat's Chaos Karma Abilities which were on the level of a Principle were being evolved into a Concept. Considering she was already a Heavenly Dragon when he met her, this should be enough to push her to the Dragon God level.

He watched her closely as the energy she was being saturated in was causing her to begin the ascension process. Noticing what was going on, he teleported her to the training Field he had created in this castle.

He then looked at Valina and could see her Demon, Devil, and Dragon bloodlines being perfectly fused together. It seemed she was going for a Balance that would match her well as she was always very adaptive.

He noticed how the Dragon Heart she had began to change into a mixture of a Demon Core and Dragon Heart changing her energy into a similar mixture to Maulketh, but it seemed she was more Demon than Dragon opposite to him.

But he was also forced to teleport her to the Field as she was about to transform into her new true form. He probably should have told them to do it in there, but he was too excited.

In Ingvilds case, her Heart was quickly becoming a Demon Dragon Core, her Leviathan bloodline was purified to the extreme, and her Longinous Nereid Kyrie was being saturated with Conceptual Energy turning it into her Symbol of Power.

He could feel that she took was about to transform into her new Leviathan form, but he teleported her away as she would be way bigger.

"I should have done it in there."

He teleported them all into the Field to observe the process of the others. Tiamat, Valina, and Ingvild were surrounded by gigantic tornados of pure energy as unlike him, Ophis, and Trihexa, they were not Dragon Gods and had to go through more extreme evolutions.

As for Athena, he could see how her three Symbols of power were being Ascended with Conceptual Energy, her bloodline just like he said was being purified and strengthened.

Silver Lightning began to crackle around her and the powerful Wind storms radiated from her. It seemed she awakened the powers of Zeus, along with her Ancestor Ouranous.

In Calypso's case, he could see her Titan bloodline also being purified to new extremes. And the powers of Atlas and Tethys were awakened inside her along with the powers of Gaea.

As for Runeas, he expected her to also become a Demon Dragon like Ingvild and Valina, but he noticed how her Demon bloodline was actually devouring his bloodline.

That normally would not have been possible, but the Fruit of Ascension was actually making that possible. His Concepet tried to stop this, but he allowed it as he was curious. He saw how her Dragon Heart warped into a perfect Demon Core, but instead of the perfect fusion of Infernity and Divinity, her Infernity was purer.

Seemed in her case, the best way for her was the path of a Demon Goddess with only some Draconic traits, unlike Ingvild and Valina. While the 6 of them evolved in their own storms of energy.

When they were done, he knew they all would be entirely different than when they came in. For now, he turned to Rias, Akeno, Kuroka, Shirone, and Kimmi.

"While they do that, you five need to get ready. I will be putting all of you on a training regiment that will make a god break. You will all be getting a bloodline to match your skill set, as many Symbols of power as you can hold, and a familiar who will match you like an Avatar Sacred Gear. You ready for that?"

He looked at each of them and he saw only pure determination.

"Good. For now, we can just wait for them."

He would tell the Dwarves, and Hephestus to gather metals from his Dimension. Everything was taken to the extreme there, so the plants and metals of that place would be beyond what the mortal worlds could contain.

He also had to check up on his subordinates to see how they were going. If that was it, he would be ready to begin his take over of the DC earth, but he had more things to take care off on this world.

But once all his distractions were taken care off, he could be set loose.