
The Dragon Emperor: Rise of the Cold-Bloods

John Morgan is an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and a graduate of Westpoint Military Academy with a degree in civil engineering. On the last days of war at Iraq John is ambushed by an enemy, whose claims his life. However, he quickly finds out that death is not always final as he is reincarnated into the body of a of Lizardmen known as Noiax from his memories he finds out that Noiax is one of the last lizardmen in the world and with an idea to become the strongest he departures to this unknown world.

Bartodziej · 奇幻
2 Chs

Dragon Lord Status

Noiax, sat perched atop a weathered rock, his form imposing yet oddly serene against the backdrop of the wild, untamed landscape his black scales lightly glowing in the sunlight, his purple eyes filled with confusion by the situation he finded himsel. The rhythmic chirping of insects and the rustle of leaves filled the air, a symphony of nature's melody that seemed to soothe his troubled mind.

Lost in contemplation, Noiax pondered the enigma of his existence—the memories of Noiax, the echoes of ancient legends, and the weight of his newfound destiny—all swirling within the depths of his consciousness like a tempestuous storm.

As he gazed out across the horizon, a faint glimmer caught his eye—a bluish light that danced upon the edges of his vision, drawing his attention like a beacon in the darkness. With a curious tilt of his head, Noiax focused his gaze upon the source of the mysterious glow, his senses tingling with anticipation.

"What was that?" he said to himself

And then, as if summoned by his very thoughts, a shimmering tablet materialized before him, hovering in the air with an ethereal grace. Its surface pulsed with arcane energy, casting an otherworldly glow that illuminated Noiax's features in an eerie blue light.

Intrigued, Noiax reached out a clawed hand, his touch sending ripples of energy cascading across the surface of the tablet. And there, in luminous script that seemed to dance and shift with a life of its own, appeared a comprehensive dossier detailing his very essence.



[Name: Noiax]

[Age: 21]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Lizardmen]


[LEVEL: 1]










You can see every stat and skill of the person you are using that skill on. 


The ability to physically transform oneself to any living creature.

To use this ability you must posses a drop of blood of a creature you want to morph 

1MP every 1 hour of using this ability. 


Fire:     C

Water   F

Wind    D 

Earth    F

Light     F

Dark     D


Intrigued Noiax studied the tablet before him, a sense of clarity washed over him—a realization that he was more than just a warrior bound by fate, but a being of limitless potential, destined to shape the course of history itself. After reviewing his stats he rised and started walking towards nearby tree with an idea to cut it down as he said to himself

"Claws and fangs are great but i need something more practicall"

As he said that he used his claws to cut down a nearby tree after this Noiax began searching for suitable stone for his new weapon. He searched the nearby areas for a moment until he finally noticed a large stone with a sharp end lying near the river bank.

"Found it" he started smiling with satisfaction 

Realizing he had found exactly what he needed. He deftly picked up a stone and began sharpening it against other rocks, creating a sharp tool that he could use. Noiax began working meticulously on his weapon. With deep concentration and the precision of a surgeon, he began to shape wood and stone, combining them into a harmonious whole.

As time passed, the ax began to take shape, becoming an increasingly refined and effective tool. When he finally completed his work, Noiax took his newly crafted ax in his hand. He proudly admired his effort and determination that allowed him to create something from nothing.With an ax in hand and a heart full of hope, Krog-Gar set out on his journey to learn more about this strange new world.