
Yule and a Friend

Harry and Iris are now eight years old.

They have been under the tutelage of their magical guardian, Ignatius Peverell, for over two years now. The man is rather strict, and has limited patience (for children at least), fair but does not leave Harry and Iris hanging by themselves. He has become their teacher and another parent to them even to Dudley even though the no-maj boy is much closer to his cousin, Augustus Peverell (now confidently called Uncle Oggy by the children) mainly because Ignatius does have some prejudice against people without magic but is not openly bigoted nor think they are inferior. Like many American wizards, he just feared the no-maj knowing their way of life, and even a no-maj child who knows magic is seen as a risky endeavor even for him.

Uncle Oggy though is cautious like his cousin but not worried that Dudley and his mother would blab to their kind especially since Petunia Dursley is already aware of the dangers of doing so and does have some fear against wizards. But she was willing to let the twins (Harry and Iris as they normally call themselves) study magic but only on the agreement that the two will not sacrifice their no-maj classes. Although the studies they learn in their no-maj school might not apply to their future as wizards and witches, even Uncle Iggy (something the three kids call him behind Ignatius's back because the first time they said this to him he was adamant to call him by his said name as proper) admit that letting the children learn this early helps create more amicable study habits, social learning, and values at an early age something that is not often shown to magical children as they are often isolated by people beyond the ones they are exposed to, limiting their perspectives to the peers of their parents.

Harry and Iris wanted to try magic but needed a wand to do that. However, because of their young age, they are not allowed a wand yet. It is not because of their underdeveloped magical cores but also because children are less subtle and have the potential to expose magic in the eyes of no-maj so they are not allowed one until they reach formal schooling. So, the two are limited to only theory classes, etiquette classes (because according to their Uncle Iggy, "you couldn't be taken seriously in society if you don't know how to properly behave!"), and get to be exposed to the magical community through travel or attending important events even quidditch matches. They even visited memorials and museums to help them with history although there doesn't seem to be a lot of them in the magical world as witches and wizards tend to keep their magical ideas and histories of their families to themselves. They also travel around the world during the summer (with Aunt Petunia's permission). Harry even gets to meet other people who are parselmouths living in India and the Middle East where such talent is more revered and less stigmatized than their Western counterparts. This helped Harry reduce some of his fears after knowing about the history of parselmouths in Europe, especially the recent dark lord, and why it was stigmatized today.

Dudley sometimes wished he could wield magic. He was envious of how his two cousins got to learn all about it. Although he sometimes gets a chance to join them on their summer travels. Aunt Petunia allows it since it is summer break and they can get to enjoy themselves together as long as Dudley does not leave Uncle Oggy's side when they are in public to avoid any issues or accidents along the way. Petunia was able to nip Dudley's slight inferiority of being a no-maj or muggle as this doesn't mean just because he does not have magic doesn't mean he is not of value. Even Uncle Oggy helped by informing by looking at the magical and the no-maj world as countries each with its own culture, language, and government. Dudley did enjoy the quidditch matches (he gets to watch them or listen to the radio, yes wizards and witches have them although outdated in no-maj standards), with his favorite team the Winter Horntails (A/N: made up by the way) and he enjoyed reading about the history of the magical world but no so much the magic theories as he has little use of it.

But Harry hated one thing. That was the knowledge about his family, more particularly his parents. Aunt Petunia can only provide small information about them since she is not exposed to what is going on in the magical world. All she had were stories when their mother is younger and none after that. But it turns out, their parents are famous. At first, he and Iris could not believe that their parents were famous or that their other sibling is famous. They are famous thanks to their brother, the other member of their set of triplets who is said to have vanquished the dark lord when he was just a baby.

Harry gets to learn the structure and culture of the British wizarding society and he was surprised to learn how he and his family are one of the ancient houses in Wizengamot. Not only that, as the eldest, he is the heir of the seat and the family in general. As the eldest, he should have more prestige and access to resources compared to his younger siblings but he didn't even get that because he was presumed as a squib. In their laws, if a child is a squib and the heir and if there is a spare, the child is either disowned or the parents wait for the squib child to reach his maturity age where he can sign away his rights to be heir, although in most cases they should be well-compensated. History showed that is less likely and not legally required.

The worst part is that Harry is both heir and magical and his brother gets to enjoy the privilege that should have been given to him. But Harry was not mad about that part. The one part he hated was the part that they were so easily cast off from the beginning just because they were deemed squibs and made Aunt Petunia suffer just so she could raise them (that woman is a saint in Harry's eyes). This made Harry realize even at an early age that his parents' love for him and his sister is conditional and could indicate that in the future if Harry and Iris or any of their siblings were to be out of line with the values they have, they can easily be disowned. Luckily as heir of the family, getting disowned is a very intricate and difficult process to do so and he was glad that Uncle Iggy and Oggy were there to prepare him if it does happen when they go back to Britain.

Iris was more heartbroken than Harry. She has always been more positive and always thinks kindly of people. She has assumed that there should be a valid reason why their parents have to give them up and have hope to reconcile if able one day. But that is not the case. Her parents have used the excuse "protection" by sending them to live with their aunt who is in no condition to even provide them the protection whatever that may be but Uncle Iggy has taught them that this could be because of what happened to their brother and that the death eaters, after the demise of the dark lord, were more likely to be after the Potters and the rest of the family. But wouldn't that mean staying with their parents who lived in wards and magic be more of a protection for them than their aunt's place? There is also the part where Iris was angry that their parents didn't bother to provide at least financial support. That itself is an obligation for parents as she believed and their Uncle Oggy was kind enough to find some legal support regarding this.

Oggy has decided to quit his job in MACUSA and has been doing a lot of jobs with his cousin. Nobody knows what that is. It seems secretive but the children noticed his behavior. He is mostly gone most of the year now and they missed him except during the summers when he is around. Harry wondered what could that be.

But today is a special occasion. Their guardian decided to host the Yule ball. Everyone of importance was expected to arrive (in U.S. society at least) and they were required to attend because they were his "wards". Harry and Iris have gone through a lot to get themselves proper dress robes. Harry has got his unruly black hair sleeked back and clean, and his robes in green (he loves green) made him look like a prince. Aunt Petunia was beside herself and started taking pictures of him before they left. Iris, on the other hand, hated this.

"Pink, why does it have to be pink?" Iris hissed. She has her red hair tied in a bun and placed with a beautiful pink hairpin and her dress robes in pale carnation pink. Iris hated pink but Aunt Petunia loves pink. Since Iris was the only girl in the family, Aunt Petunia likes to dress Iris up sometimes even if she just prefers some trainers, a t-shirt, and shorts, and probably run around in the forest than dancing on such a grandiose occasion. But Harry just smirked at Iris's comment. He knows even if she hates it, she can't say no to Aunt Petunia.

The ball is in this beautiful icy hall. The ballroom does look likes they are inside a glacier and ice sculptures that are never melting. Ignatius has refrained from including the family crest as his crest was used by Grindelwald during the war to his annoyance and dismay. He will need to make changes to that image in the eyes of the current generation of wizards and witches.

People are walking around, laughing, and talking while being served drinks and food and some are dancing on the dance floor with a white Christmas tree in the middle of it. Harry was kind of disappointed. He expected fires, large cauldrons, and a hunt as expected in the old books he read but Uncle Iggy has informed him those previous celebrations used to be like that but it is important to keep up with the times. The yuletide celebrations in the past were too messy to his liking apparently.

While their uncle is socializing with the other magical elites, Harry and Iris after being introduced to person after person for hours by Ignatius finally found some respite and stayed on the balcony while watching the others. Despite the popularity of the Potter name, no one actually asked about their relationships with the boy who lived. Some have only assumed they were distant cousins or coming from the branch house of the Potters, and some believed they were first generations since Potter is also a common surname in the no-maj world.

"I'm so bored." Iris yawned.

"Why don't you talk to them?" Harry pointed at some girls giggling and talking in the distance.

"I can't."

Harry looked at her sister confused. Iris and Harry were a little bit different from each other. Harry is a little cold and less social while Iris tends to make friends rather easily. "Why?"

"They look so stuck up." Iris pouted.


"Look at them. They look so shiny and rich. I don't think I'll get along with them. They are not the typical people I am used to." Iris whined at her brother. Which was true. The children Iris gets along with in school are mostly coming from middle-class children and while Iris is able to make friends easily, she doesn't seem to favor friendship with the popular crowd. These girls do look like they come from very rich backgrounds in their beautiful robes and jewelry that they seem to show off.

"They probably talk about fashion and the latest hair tonic or something. I don't like that. Topics like that are boring." Iris mumbled. "And why are you not talking to anybody?"

"I already did."


Harry pointed at some boys. Unlike the girls, they weren't gathering in large groups but mostly just talking with each other and then left to do something else. "We boys don't exactly need that much time to talk. We greet, assess our interests, and if not, we leave. End of story."

Iris scoffed. "Boys." She muttered. "Well, I'm hungry. Do you want me to get you anything? I saw some treacle tart over there?" pointing at the food table.

"Yeah, sure."

Iris then walked away.

Harry waited a minute before "So are you going to come out now?"

A thud could be heard and Harry turned towards the boy who is currently behind one of the ice statues. He looked surprised. The boy looked no more than eight years old. Taller than Harry, darker skinned but incredibly handsome. High cheekbones and a broad nose.

"You have been staring at me for the past five minutes. Do you need something?"

"Uh, no. I was just – well. Fine." The boy first stammered but his face went serious. "I was just merely curious." The boy said with a slight accent that sounded like he was from Italy.


"I heard some of the adults say you are a Potter."

"And you assumed the boy who lived?"

"Well, yeah. You do kind of look like him minus the scar on the cheek. His face was all over the Diagon Alley back in London."

"Of course, he would. But if I was the boy who lived, this place would be crawling by now and I'll be surrounded by these people."

"Well, not entirely." The boy argued. "The American wizards are not exactly big fans of the boy who lived. They admire him, yes but they know how to keep a distance. After all, the whole wizarding war was more prominent in Europe so they are less likely to have personal involvement or at stake on the death of the dark lord. The only time they were very interested in, it was regarding Grindelwald and that was ages ago."

Harry turned to him. "I never thought of that. Also, the American wizards? Are you not American?"

The boy looked like he was insulted. "No!" he scoffed. "I'm Italian. My mother is British. We often enjoy the holidays here in the U.S. during the new year and spend Yule in Britain but mom was invited to this party. I didn't know she was friends with the Peverells."

"Is your mom that gorgeous woman over there?" Harry pointed at a very beautiful woman who seems to be surrounded by a lot of single men. Harry did notice her trying to flirt with Uncle Iggy but she was ignored. The one thing Harry noticed about his uncle was that he doesn't seem to be interested in any romantic relationships.

The boy rolled his eyes and groaned. "Just one month and she is looking for her new match."

"What?" Harry looked confused.

"Nothing." He mumbled. "Anyway, are you mud- muggle born then?"

Harry raised one of his eyebrows. Mud? Was he trying to tell him something else? "If you mean the first-generation no. You already know about my family." Harry smirked at him. "I'm the brother of the boy who lived."

"WHAT?!" The boy yelled. Some people turned their attention to where they are. The boy must have realized he was making a commotion so he hissed, "The boy who lived doesn't have a brother!"

"And another sister," Harry smirked at him as he looked at his sister with a plate of food heading in their direction. "Apparently, our parents think we are squibs and decide to separate triplets. Judging from the fact that we are here, we aren't squibs. Leaving us with no-maj, I mean muggles, was such a disservice to us don't you think?"

"Is this a joke or something? Because it's not funny."

"Who's this Harry?" Iris asked.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Potter. Harry Potter and this is my sister, Iris Potter. And you are?"

"Zabini, Blaise Zabini."