
Telling Garp about Luffy

MarineFord Fleet Admirals Office

Sengoku: What did you say!?

Marine: The Disaster Pirates didn't go in the direction of Xander Kingdom. Our spies saw Money Grubber Carina holding a Log pose. Based off the past intelligence and the location they are going. It seems to be going to Kuraigana Island. The home of Seven Warlord of the sea Dracule Mihawk.

Sengoku became silent as he looked at Tsuru.

Tsuru: I don't know what he's thinking. Maybe he really plans to recruit Hawkeye or maybe he plans to kill him to deal a blow to us. If Hawkeye dies to his hands. The other Warlord's may not want to fight against him. And other Pirates may not want to join.

At this time another Marine came in and said out of breath.

Marine: A change has occurred. Vice Captain Kuro has taken Franklin, Bear King, Jango and three other fleet Captains to separate. The location seems to be Nanatsu Island's

Tsuru: He's definitely acting. He's not recruiting Hawkeye he's going to use his prestige to make his status as Fifth Emperor complete. While also recruiting Simon and his crew.

Sengoku: But should we prevent and help.

Tsuru: Although a person of Hawkeye dies it's a good thing for us but also bad. As it proves that Ryan has that strength. It also doesn't give us a good look. After all his crew just destroyed a marine base and now we're just watching him attack and kill Hawkeye. No other people will want to join.

Sengoku: I still don't trust it. Have Aokiji go and support. For now the evacuation of Xander can be put on hold. Garp can continue to stay there just in case.

Four Days Later, Kuraigana Island

At this moment a few Ice ships with paint on them arrived. At the front is a sculpture of Ryan holding a letter in ice. Words on it said. For Hawkeye.

Hawkeye grabbed the block of ice. Applied force and held the letter. Opening it he read it and then looked at Aokiji and said

Hawkeye: You've all been played. Here

Aokiji grabbed it and Hawkeye walked away.

Aokiji: How is it. How's the face of Aokiji it should be quite interesting right. Being played so far back must really make them all feel angry.

Aokiji read this in anger as he had the marines with him call headquarters.

MarineFord Fleet Admirals Office

Sengoku: A fake made of ice. Then that would mean



Sengoku/Tsuru: Garp


Sengoku: Garp I'll send help quickly

Bogard: It's better to hurry Fleet Admiral. These guys seemed to have gotten stronger. Ryan and Weevil are besieging Garp.


Sengoku: Damnit. I'll send Borsalino quickly.


Sengoku: Kuzan if you can hurry over there yourself I'll call Borsalino and Zephyr.

Kuzan: alright


Sengoku immediately called Borsalino to leave the Holy Land and go help Garp.

Sengoku: Zephyr where are you

Zephyr: About an hour or so away from Xander Kingdom. Has Kuzan fought with them?

Sengoku: No we got tricked. Ryan made ice sculptures and painted them to look like his crew and ship's. They never went to Kuraigana Island. They are on Xander. You must hurry both Ryan and Weevil are besieging Garp and Those Soldiers won't last long. Borsalino and Kuzan are on their way over as well.

Zephyr: Got it I'll rush over now.


Xander Kingdom

At this moment a great war is going on in Xander. The Disaster Pirates are battling against the royal army and marines.



Two figures flew out as another figure followed and laughed.

Garp: Bwahahahahaha I'll admit you two have some strength.



Ryan: Damn old monster

Weevil: It hurt's

Ryan: Hmm here comes another old monster. And one out for Vengeance. What a headache.


A figure landed heavily beside Garp.

Zephyr: Garp it seems you've had a tough time

Garp: Bwahahaha its just some brat's. Let's teach them a lesson.

Zephyr: My thoughts exactly.

As he spoke his eyes never left Weevil.

Ryan: Kuro! Speed things up. I don't want to get tangled with these two old guys and the guy Kizaru. It's troublesome!

Kuro: On it!

Ryan: Ah I really don't want to face you two old guy's. Change to Red Dog or Sengoku and I'd directly face it without hesitation. But two guys I admire is a bit much for me. Seems I have mental battle on my hands.

Garp: Admired by a pirate.

Zephyr: What a joke. If you admired us you should've joined the marines and put that power into protecting the people.

Ryan: Protection. No thanks. I have ambitions and the marine lifestyle would hinder my goals. Plus I've no interest in being a dog for the Royalty in the world. But I am interested in something. Why don't you Marines collect money yourself. Wouldn't that be easier than being restricted to all the rules you have. Ignore this ignore that. That's a Kingdom's affair's we can't interfere. It sounds suffocating just saying it.

Zephyr: Stalling time is double edged sword brat.

Garp: Bwahahaha exactly.

Ryan: Oh then if I remember correctly Mr. Garp has three Grandchildren. No two. One died after all. It seems to be at the hands of a celestial dragon no less. Sabo right.

Zephyr looked shocked at this news and looked at Garp who had an ugly expression.

Ryan: What if I told you that Sabo isn't dead and that he's alive and well.

Garp: There's a limit to jokes brat

Ryan: Oh but he is. He was saved that night. Saved by your son. Sadly he seemed to have lost his memory and has joined the revolutionary army since then. Top hat blonde hair, weapon is a steel pipe ring a bell.

Garp: Don't think if you tell me this I'll let you go.

Ryan: Then what if I told you something else. Something that can make you fearful. Fearful to the point you may allow me to kill everyone here once it's said.

Garp: Don't joke the old man's justice is solid.

Ryan smiled as he reached behind his back. A DF appeared as he said

Ryan: Red Hair Shank's is part of the Figarland Family. A descendant of Garling. Now why would a celestial dragon descendant rob a WG ship. Not only that why would he go to small and remote place that no one can even look at. Why oh why I wonder.

Zephyr: Boy don't speak rubbish here.

Ryan: Garfield

One of the nine captains came over and Ryan told him to eat the fruit.

Ryan: Don't let anyone hear the next word's im about to say.

Garfield: Yes Captain

Garfield put up a silence barrier around Ryan, Weevil, Garp and Zephyr.

Ryan: You know there's no such thing as a rubber fruit.

Garps eye's widened as he felt a bad f eling coming

Ryan: The WG changed the name of that fruit to rubber fruit. They've been trying to find that fruit for 800 year's. Shank's as Rogers crew wanted to give it to that guy's kid. But he met your grandson convinced by the words of the child he let him eat it. To make sure that child becomes a pirate. Hehehe he sacrificed his arm to small east blue sea king. Even gave him the hat that Roger gave him. Isn't it funny. A fruit that the WG would slaughter for was given to a child. The name of that fruit is called Human Human Fruit Model Sun God Nika. You should understand what Sun God Nika stands for.

Now both Zephyr and Garp had cold sweat on their heads.

Ryan: There's also another name for this fruit. Especially once it's awakened. It's called Joyboy. The enemy and who the current WG defeated to now rule the world. A born celestial dragon raised as Pirates. Gives the fruit that the WG fears to a child. That child just so happens to be the grandson of the Navy Hero. What exactly could the former Roger Pirates know. Roger set a goal for people to set sail on the sea. His crew is oddly all linked at certain stops one must travel as a pirate. Crocus at twin cape's, Rayleigh on Saboady. Red Hair as an Emperor. It's almost like their waiting for something. What do you think will happen when the WG See's the information of your grandson when he goes to sea.

Zephyr looked at Garp and found his old friend in both shock and anger and fear.

Ryan: It's really hurting. You were blind at first but now you find that you can only let him go to sea. You can't bring him to the Marines or he may killed secretly or directly. Can't give him back to your son or it'll be against your justice. Oddly his only hope is piracy. HAHAHAHAHAHA isn't it am





Garfield was sent flying be the impact wind and his ability immediately dispelled.

Garp: No more talking. I'll be punching from now on