
Snowy Island

Logue Town Naval Base

Smoker: He should be here by now. Maybe those guys aren't paying attention.

Garp: Bwahahaha calm down they'll show




Smoker: Smoker

Marine: Sir we just spotted the Disaster Pirates. As the information said from colonel mouse the Trump Siblings joined as subordinate crew under him. They are currently making their way to the Upsidedown Mountain.

Garp: What a guy. He doesn't even want to see the place Roger died.

Smoker: Well he did already come here for Bartolomeo and Van Augur.






The sound of falling came through the phone worm.



Then the sound of walking came into the ears.


Ryan: Ah is this Vice Admiral Garp.

Smoker: Bastard Ryan what did you do to them.

Ryan: They're fine. Just unconscious. As for how the monster next to you should be clear

Garp: Bwahahaha what monster I'm just an old man. But how did you know I was here

Ryan: The East Blue is your home. The Goa Kingdom is where you have ties. You come back here every now and then while cleansing the east blue by the way. The marines sending a strong person to deal with me would be a loss of face. It would also make the east blue a hot topic which you don't want. You don't know my real strength and can only guess. So instead of losing face or losing troops. It's nothing if the Navy Hero is home sick and wants to go home for a while. By the way just accidentally met the rising Disaster Pirates and destroyed them. Sound about right

Garp: Bwahahaha you boy is absolutely right. So it means you're scared to meet the old man.

Ryan: No not scared. If it was one of those Admirals I'm confident enough to beat them and maybe even kill them. Any fruit user would be the same. Only a pure physical Haki monster like you is troublesome for the current me.

Garp: You seem pretty confident to face our Marine Admirals. You should know those guys are strong.

Ryan: Yes but I'm the worst enemy for them. I'm immune to all elements and can make and manipulate them at will. And aside from Aokiji the other two would die facing me in a naval battle. It's easy to make tornadoes and tsunamis at sea.

Garp: Brat why are you telling me all this?

Ryan: So that you and the marines can properly understand. My rise to the top. It's not something you can deter or stop. You get in my way and I'll make it my mission to bring ruin to the entire system. I'd love to see how the world reacts to the Marines and CP having Bounties on their heads. Don't think I don't have the funds for it. I know the true location of the city of Gold.

Garps face frowned and so did Smoker's. By this guy's tone he certainly wasn't lying. What's more if he did this then the entire world would be in turmoil.

Garp: Bwahahaha. Then bring it on brat. The marines won't be threatened by some Pirate. Justice will prevail.

Ryan: Hahahahaha then don't disappoint me navy. That throne is mine and mine alone.


Garp: We've got a hard bone on our hands. This kid is gonna completely break the balance that's been made. Call Sengoku for me let him be troubled the old man is only a Vice Admiral Bwahahaha

Smoker looked at Garp as if he just picked up on something.

Upsidedown Mountain

Kuro: Did you kill them

Ryan: No but I talked to that monster through the snail phone. Is it ready?

Kuro: Yeah

A barrel was placed in the center as Ryan said.

Ryan: To advance on this Sea Dreams are a must. I don't care how small or how absurd it might be. But state your dreams loud and proud before we go to the Grandline. That way you always remember what it is you're fighting for.

Ryan: To become King of the World

Carmen: To find every chefs dream place. All blue

Carina: To have the world's greatest treasure's.

Gin: To become the captains strongest weapon

Kuro: To surpass that man in strength and ability.

Bartolomeo: To piss off the world

Van Augur: To become the greatest sniper.

Desire and others also spoke their dreams. When it was finished they all slammed their foot into the barrel and broke it

Ryan: Alright Carina it's all up to you and your team. From here on out it's the Navigators territory.

Carina: Leave it to me.

With that Carina and her team led several ships through the Upsidedown Mountain. When they made it to the twin cape's. They stayed for a while before going in the direction of the log pose.

Day Later

Snow fell in the sea with several glacier's blocking the way. The island in the distance is filled with snow. Ryan was glad he didn't choose the same route as the strawhat.

It would be too boring to follow that route where you know everything. The sea is for adventure. Can't have a sense of adventure for things you've seen already.

Ryan: Desire your job is to find an eternal pose to Water Seven, Jaya, Kuraigana Island, Karakuri Island, Nanatsu Island and Saboady Archipelago.

Desire: On it.

Ryan: Once those things are in our hands and we reach Water Seven. We'll split up for a while.

Kuro: Split up.

Ryan: Yes. Jaya is the former location of the city of Gold. To get there we need to get to Jaya first. Once the main ship is being built we'll all go and visit the city of gold.

Kuro: Water Seven, Jaya and Saboady are islands with all of us together. So the last three have thing's that's important to us.

Ryan: That's right. Karakuri Island is the former home of Dr. Vegapunk the world's leading scientist. He should have several research facilities there. Bartolomeo will take a team there with the scientist to get the materials.

Augur: Improving their ability off of Vegapunks research.

Ryan: Exactly. Kuraigana Island is special. It's the home of the Shishubikai Dracule Mihawk. The world's strongest Swordsmen. However he's not our goal the apes or human drills are. These apes learn by copying. The island is destroyed due to war so they only know how to fight. And being with Mihawk for so long they've become excellent Swordsmen. Gin will go and grab a few to train the crew with them.

Gin: Got it

Ryan: Kuro will go to Nanatsu Island with another team. The goal is to bring the entire Simon Pirates under us. Once these things are done we'll go to the city of gold and wait on the ships to be made while training. When the ships are made we'll return and go to the new world.

Kuro: What about that one.

Kuro looked at the name next to Simon. It read Weevil.

Ryan: This is Edward Weevil. The son of Whitebeard. Although Whitebeard doesn't claim him since he was made in a laboratory by Vegapunk. And he's incredibly stupid. Everyone needs to look for his information once found let me know I'll do it personally.

Bartolomeo: He must be strong

Ryan: A few years ago he cut the arm of the former Admiral Black Arm Zephyr and also killed several aspiring marine trainees. He did all this alone.

Kuro: I guess he must've used the lives of those recruits to cut the arm of a former Admiral.

Ryan: That's right. But as Pirates ethics in battle is a joke. His feat is proof of his strength regardless of how it came about. The last thing is the Golden Lion. If information is found we'll attack and kill him for his fruit. If we can get him then we can find a chance to storm Impel Down and get more people.

Van Augur: Impel Down. I look forward to seeing such a place.

Kuro: Whose the target inside.

Ryan: Hahahaha who isn't. Bundy Wald the world Destroyer, Devil's heir Douglas Bullet. A legendary Pirate all on his own Barlock Redfield The Lonely Red. Battleship San Waun Wolf and many more. That place is treasure trove of pirates.

Bartolomeo: Hehahahaha it sounds exciting just thinking about it. Not only breaking in but also breaking out of the strongest place in the world. Dabe

Ryan: These guys will all be fleet member's. Expanding the fleet, improving strength and slowly dismantling the WG is the goal once in the new world

Kuro: And if we gain Shikis fruit it'll be even easier to gain a foothold in that place.

Ryan: Exactly. As for other members I have some in mind and it'll be easier to get them. For now let's get ready to land. Augur will take his unit to see if there's a Kingdom on the island. If so we rob it. If not then Carina get the money.

Van Augur: Leave it to me

Carina: I really hope its a kingdom