
The Diary of the Girlfag

Hopeless romantic, October Maeve "Toby" Morales. A 20-year-old nursing student that is sexually attracted to Gay and Bisexual men. Being an introvert with a lot of thoughts inside her head, she has a personal diary that contains her fantasies and secrets. Will she ever find love and discover her true self or will end up being rejected for the 11th time and die alone?

MarziaGold · LGBT+
3 Chs

Diary #3

August 30, 2022


The stench of the dried anchovies hit my nose once again and I wonder why there are no neighbors who complain about the odor. Speaking of complaining, Emily is not at home yet. She probably enjoyed being on the beach too much and got drifted or drowned presumably.

Just kidding, she is a Dugong (sea cow) so she won't drown. I also heard in the Bahamas that they have a Pig beach, I wondered if she went there too and frightened all the innocent pigs who are just swimming in peace just to be aggravated by an unknown sea creature.

Anyways. The morning routine is just like any ordinary day, we don't have a uniform yet so I just pulled out the most hip outfit that most university students wore. A T-shirt that says, Los Angeles California, baggy pants, and fake Nike shoes from Alibaba.

But today, my mom seems in a very good mood. Until I realized that today is their wedding anniversary. It's just one thing, Simon is probably planning a surprise just like what he kept doing on their past wedding anniversaries. I bet we will go to an extravagant steak house for dinner to celebrate their day and I can't wait to eat some nice food and fill up my tummy.

Surprisingly, she also prepared and gave me a cute bento box meal. I didn't know if she was still pissed off at me for what happened yesterday or what. But I like when mom is in a good mood since she prepares extra and does her best efforts to create a meal. And I love this, I guess things will go pretty easy on me today.

But when I just walked out the door heading to the garage, I could hear Simon yelling on the phone, just inside the garage. Take note, we live in a beautiful suburb and Simon's house is quite huge with a three-door garage for each car we have. I assumed he was talking to Emily since I can just hear him next to the garage where my car parks but I honestly don't care at all. Besides, I don't like it when she's here, she keeps bringing different guys inside the house or just straight up picking up a fight with me or my mom. She is blatantly disrespectful, no wonder why no one tried to marry her. And I don't want to end up being like her either.

I just head up to my car and ignore the ongoing commotion between the two. I don't like to interfere with something especially if it doesn't concern me. So I just started running the engine and blasted some lively pop songs in my car. And don't expect too much, I ain't driving a sports car. I'm only driving a Toyota Corolla, this car was a present from Simon and Mom last year for my 20th birthday. Plus California has this ridiculous law when it comes to sports cars but I understand the concept and why they want to implement it. But still...LAME!

My friends stopped calling me for a week now. Probably because they're way too busy in the new universities they enrolled in. The thought of them is making me homesick. I am lonely, but it doesn't mean that I am alone.

It means that I don't have the company I want. It's hard for me to find new friends, especially in a different country, but the BL series are the ones that keep my adrenaline and my will to live to keep running in my blood.

When I finally arrived at the university, guess who I saw? Yeah. That blonde girl who sat in front of me yesterday. Still, has that huge smile plastered on her face with an orange blush so thickly smeared on her cheeks that she is looking like a cockatiel. If Sunshine and Cupcakes are human, it'll probably be her. And it's honestly horrifying.

She said a simple hello to me once again and I just let out a forced smile. I am not letting someone ruin this day for me. For the love of Shrek's ass.

Nursing is not a dream career of mine, after all, I don't give a fuck about other people. So listening to hours of boring lectures and biology makes me want to sleep. But somehow this cockatiel-looking girl never stops smiling at me. Yeah, this is getting out of hand. She is creepy.

But our professor introduced a new student to our class. From Ukraine, probably a refugee from the war.

He finally entered the class, he's a petite young guy, with a clean haircut. And from his gestures and a nervous smile. I knew it.

I...I mean I knew he was our new classmate, it's nice to see someone from a different country like me be a new classmate in biology class. I mean what could go wrong? Besides, I'm not moved on from Eric yet. I believe that he's meant for me.

I immediately moved one seat away from the window. (so I can also avoid that cockatiel girl that gave me the creeps) and yelled at him that he can sit next to me.

The whole class just stared at me with confused looks and raised eyebrows. Like duh, I'm just trying to be nice. Plus I don't allow anyone to sit next to me. Well except him. There is no available seat anyway except next to me.

H̶e̶ ̶l̶o̶o̶k̶s̶ ̶s̶u̶b̶m̶i̶s̶s̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶b̶r̶e̶e̶d̶a̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶r̶a̶w̶r̶

I'm just being nice. That's all. I mean there's nothing wrong with being nice for a day, am I right?

And yes I am writing all of this while I'm here in the cafeteria sitting all alone while eating this bento box that my mom made. And I realized that this isn't raw salmon. Except it's a damn canned sardine that she rolls into sushi. I hope someone informed my mom that you use salmon..not pieces of sardines in a can.

Note to self: Don't expect too much since your mom is a Filipina.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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